满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


海南四季如春,风景迷人,在那里我们可以看海、游泳、晒太阳、吃海鲜等,是一个旅游的好地方。假设你在寒假期间去海南旅游了,请以A wonderful trip为题,谈谈你的这次旅游经历。要求内容完整,语言通顺。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:bask  晒太阳

A Wonderful Trip

Have you ever been to Hainan?It's a good place to have a trip.             


A wonderful trip Have you ever been to Hainan? It’s a good place to have a trip. I went there this winter vacation. I took the train there with my parents. While I was sitting on the train, I kept looking out of the window along the way. We stayed in a hotel near the sea. In the daytime, We went swimming and lay basking in the sun. At night we sat by the sea, looking at the stars in the clear sky. We also ate a lot of seafood there. It was a wonderful trip. I will never forget it. 【解析】本题要求以A wonderful trip为题写一篇短文,介绍自己寒假去海南旅游的情况。这是一篇讲述过去经历的短文,所以短文用一般过去时态,第一人称形式。这是一篇记叙文,要注意记叙文的各要素when, who, where, what, how等等,要全面。要注意句型的选择,语句的使用,要注意内容完整,语言通顺。 点睛:本范文以一个问句开篇,形式新颖。第二句对海南作了介绍,言简意赅,且使用了不定式作定语,结构运用恰当。接下来,作者介绍了去年寒假在海南的一系列活动,其中运用了时间状语从句,分词作状语等等复杂句式,并恰当地运用了keep doing sth, along the way等等短语。使得本文生动具体。最后两句话:这是一个极精彩的行程,我永远不会忘记。小结本文,突出主旨。  


1.She studies hardest between the ten students.    __________

A      B      C

2.How many is the population of China?           __________

A      B      C

3.Have you considered to find a new job?        _________

A      B      C

4.We have gone to Beijing three times.            __________

A   B         C

5.Why not you go to the zoo with us?            __________

A      B      C




1.It’s important for teenagers to learn to think by_________(they).

2.At the concert, we met five _________(German) .

3.He_________(throw) his hat on the sofa when he got home.

4.He stayed at home instead of________(go) to the movies.

5.Mr. Green lives on the __________(twelve)floor of the building.




It is a beautiful summer day at the beach, but Theresa doesn’t care. She is carrying a1. that feels like a one-ton weight in the middle of her stomach.

At any minute, she thinks, “They’ll find out and I’ll be in2..” But till now, nobody knows. And that is worse. She tries to be less nervous by listening to music. However, It doesn’t 3. .

“Why not go to the sea? It’ll be exciting,” her friend said. “ do it just for fun.”

So here she is. at the beach with her family, bur she is upset. She can’t decide4. to do.

Suddenly her mother puts an arm around 5., “ What’s wrong ,Theresa?” She asks. “You look 6.. Why not join me to swim?”

Theresa looks up into her mother’s eyes, “May be I could tell!”

“Mom,” she says, “Sharice and I7. a window in the old Lombard house last Sunday. We went there for fun just to play.

Sure, Theresa’s mom gets mad. Playing in empty house isn’t8.. It is against the low, too. Theresa is in big trouble. 9., Theresa smiles and begins to enjoy the sun and the sand. 10. her, it is better to get in trouble than carry that secret.



When the day of a big test at school comes, some students feel nervous. They may have a stomachache or a headache. “Hey, that sounds just like me!” You may say this when you’re reading this passage. If so, you need to take steps to lessen(减轻) your test anxiety(忧虑). Here are some ways to do that.

Ask for help

Talk to your parents, your teachers, or your friends. (1)Talking to someone about test anxiety can make you feel better. Describe what happens to you when you’re taking a test and these people may help you out.

Stop bad thoughts

Don’t send yourself any bad messages about the test such as” I’m not good at taking test” or “(2)如果我考差了我会很难过”. These thoughts can make anxiety worse and make it harder for you to do well in the test.

Breathe better

Do you know that breathing exercises can help make you less nervous? Here’s how to do it: breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, and then breathe out slowly through your mouth. Do this two to four times when you’re taking a test, and you might feel better.

Accept mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. If you have prepared for the test and done your best, that’s enough.

1.How should we do the breathing exercises? ________________________________________

2.How many ways can learn to lessen the text anxiety from the passage? ___________________

3.Is accepting mistakes a good choice?______________________________________________





Have you ever been to a fire station? Do you know what firefighters wear? Let’s have a look.

Fire helmet

This is made of heat-resistant plastic(耐热塑料). It protects the

firefighters from heat, water and falling objects.

Jacket and trousers

The special jacket and trousers have 2 layers() in them. The outside layer is fire-resistant. The inner layer is water-resistant so that it keeps the firerfighter dry. The reflective stripes(反光条) on the jacket and trousers allow firefighter to be seen in the dark. With the jacket and trousers the firefighter can go into the dangerous fire area.


These gloves protect the firefighter’s hands from heat of the fire and allow them to work in hot temperature.


The firefighter’s boots are made of natural rubber(橡胶).They protect the firefighter’s feet from water, fire and sharp(锋利的) objects.

Face mask

This helps the firefighter breake the fresh air from the bottle. With fresh air the firefighter can go to dangerous places to save people and to fight a fire.

1.What is the fire helmet made of?

A. Natural rubber    B. Reflective rubber    C. Heat-resistant plastic

2.The inner layer of the firefighter’s clothes can_______.

A. keep the firefighter try    B. keep the firefighter warm    C. make the clothes easily

3.The_______ allow(s) the firefighter to be seen in the dark.

A. fire helmet    B. gloves    C. reflective stripes

4.From this passage we know__________.

A. The firefighter’s helmet has two layers.

B. The firefighter’s face mask helps him breathe in fire.

C. The firefighter’s gloves are made of natural rubber.

5.What’s the best title of the passages?

A. What firefighter wear    B. How to protect ourselves in a fire

C. Dangerous work of firefighters



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