满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–The government is working on designing ...

–The government is working on designing a new app         people could contact cleaners through it.

– How unbelievable!

A. as a result    B. so that    C. as soon as    D. in addition


B 【解析】试题分析:句意:——政府正在致力于设计 一种新app,以便人们通过它就能联系到清洁工人。——令人难以置信。A结果;B以便于;C一------就;D另外。故选B。  

       will take part in the Summer Olympic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?

–10500 athletes from 206 countries around the world are preparing to compete there.

A. Which countries    B. Which athletes

C. How many countries    D. How many athletes



– If you have read Harry Potter, you will        be familiar with his magic drink.

–The drink made Harry’s broken bones grow well.

A. especially    B. probably    C. specially    D. surprisingly



–Would you like to go to the large grassland this summer?

– Good idea. The large grassland      the blue sky is my favourite.

A. with    B. along    C. through    D. against



–Is that woman Mrs. Wang?

–It        be her. She has gone to Japan for a holiday.

A. can    B. can’t    C. must    D. mustn’t



–Smog has been troubling people a lot in many parts of China.

–And now China is        to reduce pollution.

A. taking notes    B. making mistakes

C. taking action    D. making money



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