满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying...

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend a week with my husband Mike in Miami, Florida. ___had been working in Florida for five months. Kallie ___her dad terribly.

The plane was full. I had ___a group of Boy Scouts(童子军) at the gate and said to my daughter that ___anything happened, we would be OK with all those scouts on our ___!

Because we did not get our boarding passes until we ___the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together. That wasn’t such a big deal, except that Kallie had counted on me reading to her the whole way.

When the ___in my row boarded the plane, I asked if they would change places with Kallie or me. They____, saying they wanted to stay in their own seats.

At the same time, a mother and her two children several rows ahead of us also met the same____. The mother could hold her baby, but her 6-year-old son had to sit with strangers. ___nobody offered to help her.

Suddenly, the scout leader stood up and said: “Ma’am, I think we can help you.” He then ___five minutes rearranging his group so there was space available for the family. And then the mother was much more ___.

Amazingly, the man sitting next to the scout leader, turned to me and asked: “Would you and your daughter like our ___?” We changed seats and continued on our trip, very happy to be together.

Would that man have ___us his seat if the scouts hadn’t done so for the mom and her children? I don’t know. But I do know that ___is good, and good deeds cause more good deeds! Being kind is important and can be an example for everyone around you. One act of kindness can in turn cause many more kind acts.

1.A. She    B. He    C. We    D. They

2.A. liked    B. hated    C. missed    D. forgot

3.A. discovered    B. thought    C. admitted    D. noticed

4.A. if    B. when    C. before    D. after

5.A. ship    B. flight    C. train    D. bus

6.A. left for    B. left    C. arrived at    D. arrived in

7.A. passengers    B. travellers    C. hostess    D. scouts

8.A. promised    B. accepted    C. refused    D. agreed

9.A. time    B. problem    C. question    D. performance

10.A. Therefore    B. Because    C. And    D. However

11.A. took    B. cost    C. spent    D. made

12.A. tired    B. relaxed    C. surprised    D. friendly

13.A. presents    B. books    C. stories    D. seats

14.A. offered    B. gave    C. showed    D. provided

15.A. politeness    B. kindness    C. happiness    D. carefulness


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 【解析】作者和女儿一起做飞机去看望丈夫,但是由于登记卡的问题她们没能够坐在一起,而且别人也拒绝和它们换座位,和她们有着类似情况的还有一位母亲和她的三个孩子,就当她们无可奈何时,一队童子军主动帮助了她们。 1.根据前文to spend a week with my husband Mike in Miami, Florida可知,此处指作者的丈夫,故用代词he。故选B。 2.根据前文中说作者的丈夫已在佛罗里达工作5个月了可知,他们的女儿非常想念她的父亲。想念是miss。故选C。 3.句意:我在机场大门注意到一队童子军并且问我女儿是否要发生一些事。注意用notice。故选D。 4.句意:我在机场大门注意到一队童子军并且问我女儿是否要发生一些事。宾语从句中是否用if或whether。故选A。 5.根据后文可知,这队童子军和作者坐得是同一架班机。故选B。 6.句意:因为直到我们到达大门口时我们才领到登机牌。到达用arrive at/in,at后接小地方;in后接大地方。故选C。 7.句意:当我们这一排的乘客全部登机后,我问他们是否愿意和我们换一下位置。乘客是passenger。故选A。 8.根据saying they wanted to stay in their own seats可知,他们拒绝了。故选C。 9.根据后文可知,这位带两个孩子的妈妈也遇到了同样的麻烦。麻烦,问题是problem。故选B。 10.根据nobody offered to help her可知,没有人提供帮助,与前文是转折关系。故选D。 11.此题考查spend---(in)doing sth。故选C。 12.这位带孩子的母亲的麻烦解决了,她很放松了。放松是relax。故选B。 13.根据We changed seats and continued on our trip, very happy to be together可知,男子问她们是否愿意换座位。故选D。 14.句意:如果童子军们不帮助那位母亲和她的孩子,那位男士是否愿意提供座位给我们。提供用offer。故选A。 15.句意:但我知道善良是好的。善良是kindness。故选B。 点睛:首先,要通读全文,学习作者的整体思路和所要表达的主题思想。接下去进行第二遍的诸题攻破,边看边选。这篇做起来是最费时间的,因为每选一个空,都要考虑到有关的语义搭配、固定句式、词组、时态等各个方面。比如,如果选项是动词,那么,考查的可能是时态,动词过去式、过去分词的规则、不规则变化;如11题根据后面的five minutes rearranging确定使用动词spend,根据全文确定使用一般过去时,所以动词用过去式。如果选项是介词,考查的可能是固定搭配或词组;如果选项是连词,则考的可能是上下文的顺承转接等等。.这就要求答题者有较深的基础知识功底,同时,要能做到上下呼应,左右连接。在填完所有的空之后,就进入到了第三遍的纠错过程。这一步要求把所有的选项一一对应到相应的空中,把它作为一篇完整的阅读文章来通读、复查。

–David, you said you would work harder the next term.

–That’s for sure. I am a man of my word.

A. I have no idea.    B. I will keep promise.

C. I agree with you.    D. I understand what you mean.



–Do you know        ?

–They will help us do lots of work so that we will have more free time

A. how robots will change our lives    B. how will robots change our lives

C. where we can buy robots    D. where can we buy robots



–How nice you look in the red dress!


A. Don’t mention it    B. You are welcome

C. Thank you very much    D. I am not nice at all



–President Xi        a visit to three countries in Middle East from Jan.19 to 23.

–This was his first visit in 2016.

A. paid    B. will pay

C. has paid    D. is paying



–The government is working on designing a new app         people could contact cleaners through it.

– How unbelievable!

A. as a result    B. so that    C. as soon as    D. in addition



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