满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Letting kids learn more about science at...

Letting kids learn more about science at an early age is easier than you think. It is happening all around us, and you can ______ everyday things to encourage your children’s interest.

Most parents believe it is difficult to help their children with science. But you don’t need a high scientific degree to teach your children science. All you need is that you’re willing to try, to see the world, and to _____ the time to encourage their natural curiosity (好奇).

You can help by having an active attitude (态度) towards science yourself. Then start ______ by asking your children questions about the things you see every day. And then listen to their answers without judging (评判) them, which will ______ their confidence (自信), and help you decide just what your children know or do not know.

Different kids have different interest, so they need different kinds of science projects. Collecting rocks may interest your young daughter, but your older son may need something more to deal with it. Knowing your children is the best way to ______ enjoyable learning activities. Here are some more pieces of advice:

Choose activities that are the right ______ of difficulty. If you are not sure, pick something easier.

Read the suggested ages on any projects, books, and then make sure that the activity is ______ for your child.

Let your child choose the project or activity himself. It’s easy enough to ask rather than force him. Suggest choosing 2 or 3 things your child can do. When a child picks something he is ______ in, he will enjoy it and learn more from it.

1.A. buy    B. use    C. make    D. invent

2.A. take    B. solve    C. follow    D. raise

3.A. seriously    B. cheaply    C. simply    D. completely

4.A. lose    B. create    C. believe    D. improve

5.A. take    B. find    C. cancel    D. print

6.A. point    B. way    C. answer    D. level

7.A. proper    B. deep    C. famous    D. cheap

8.A. known    B. interested    C. proud    D. good


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 【解析】本文告诉我们提高孩子的兴趣的一些方法和途径。 1.句意:你可以用日常的事来鼓励你的孩子们的兴趣。buy买;make 制造;invent 发明;use用。联系句中everyday things可知应选B。 2.句意:所有你需要的是你愿意去尝试,去看世界,并且花费时间去鼓励他们天生的好奇心。follow跟随;solve 解决;take花费;raise升起。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。 3.句意:然后开始简单地问你的孩子的问题,你每天看到的东西。seriously严肃地;simply简单地;cheaply 便宜地;completely完全地。根据by asking your children questions about the things you see every day.可知该选C。 4.句意:然后听他们的回答而不评判他们,将提高他们的自信心。lose 失去;create创造;improve改善,提高;believe相信。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 5.句意:了解你的孩子是发现愉快的学习活动的最好的方式。Take带走,花费;find 找到;cancel取消;print打印。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 6.句意:选择难度水平适合的活动。 answer回答;way方法;point 点;. level水平。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 7.句意:确认这项活动适合你的孩子。Be proper for---对------适合。故选A。 8.本题考查be interested in对------感兴趣。故选B。 点睛:首先,要通读全文,学习作者的整体思路和所要表达的主题思想。接下去进行第二遍的诸题攻破,边看边选。这篇做起来是最费时间的,因为每选一个空,都要考虑到有关的语义搭配、固定句式、词组、时态等各个方面。比如,如果选项是动词,那么,考查的可能是时态,动词过去式、过去分词的规则、不规则变化;如10题根据短语have---class确定使用动词have,根据every day确定使用一般现在时,所以动词用原形。如果选项是介词,考查的可能是固定搭配或词组;如果选项是连词,则考的可能是上下文的顺承转接等等。.这就要求答题者有较深的基础知识功底,同时,要能做到上下呼应,左右连接。在填完所有的空之后,就进入到了第三遍的纠错过程。这一步要求把所有的选项一一对应到相应的空中,把它作为一篇完整的阅读文章来通读、复查。


Jim is a famous English teacher now. But he said he was not a good ______ when he was young. He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, ______ he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher asked the students a question, “When Mary was ten years old, ______ brother Bob was twenty. Mary is fifteen now and how old is her brother Bob?” Jim said, “That’s easy. Bob is twice as ______ as Mary, so he is now thirty.”

Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, “When it thunders, ______ do we always see the light before we ______ the sound?”  

“But, Miss,” said Jim quickly, “don’t you ______ our eyes are in front of our ears?”

1.A. teacher    B. farmer    C. student

2.A. but    B. and    C. or

3.A. your    B. her    C. his

4.A. old    B. young    C. tall

5.A. what    B. when    C. why

6.A. see    B. hear    C. smell

7.A. hope    B. read    C. know



﹣Who is Dave looking _________?

﹣His mother. She’s been in hospital for a few days.

A. for    B. at    C. after



﹣How was your interview for the work?

﹣Oh, I couldn’t feel any _________. I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.

A. worse    B. better    C. happier



When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety ________ is to keep calm.

A. rule    B. condition    C. problem



Children _________ sit in the front seat of a car. It’s too dangerous.

A. must    B. mustn’t    C. need



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