满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Her weight went down to a satisfactor...


1.Her weight went down to a satisfactory _____________ (水平).

2.We have reviewed the whole ___________ (课本).

3.My brother is ___________ (级别高的) to me by two years.

4.My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years _______.

5.Well, we shall _______________ (期待) seeing him tomorrow.


1.level 2.textbook 3.senior 4.went by 5.look forward to 【解析】 1.句意:她的体重下降到了一个令人满意的水平。水平:level,由不定冠词a可知用单数形式。故填:level. 2.句意:我们已经复习了整个课本。课本:textbook,整个课本是指一个,用单数。故填:textbook. 3.句意:我的哥哥比大两岁。资深的,级别较高的:senior,senior本身含有“级别更高的”的意思,没有比较级形式。故填:senior. 4.句意:随着时光的流逝,我的奶奶变得越来越悲伤虚弱了。随着岁月的流逝,人会一天天变老。时光的过去,经过:go by。由前句中的was可知句子用的一般过去时态,动词用过去式:go-went。故填:went by. 5.句意:哦,我们期待着明天见到他。期待:look forward to doing sth. 助动词shall后跟动词用原形。故填:look forward to.

Graduation is a very special time. With hard work, a student can successfully get his or her college __ You’ve reached the right place if you want to ________ him or her. The following are some excellent congratulation messages at the graduation ceremony.

Congratulations! I wish you all the best as you’re going to face some more difficult ________ in your life. I’m sure that you can _______any difficulty. In the future, you’ll meet many new friends. If someone helps you, please don’t forget to be _______ to him or her!

You did well! You’re such a(n)____  friend and help me a lot. I want you to know that I’m proud of you.

I have no doubt that the knowledge you have gained in school will be very important for your new life. On this special day, I’d like to give you some tips. They’re not _________, but I hope you can follow them. First, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You should be________ for knowledge. Second, believe in yourself and be responsible for your________. Good luck!

If you’re wondering why the last four years went so fast, you will see how quickly the rest of life goes ______Enjoy this moment because you won’t get it back.

1.A. result    B. degree    C. seat    D. grade

2.A. encourage    B. advise    C. congratulate    D. accept

3.A. tasks    B. ideas    C. messages    D. methods

4.A. have    B. understand    C. overcome    D. create

5.A. thankful    B. cruel    C. similar    D. glad

6.A. poor    B. caring    C. interesting    D. serious

7.A. instructions    B. examples    C. conversations    D. experiences

8.A. ready    B. thirsty    C. careful    D. nervous

9.A. changes    B. ways    C. purposes    D. decisions

10.A. out    B. in    C. by    D. away



He ____ in this factory for 20 years already.

A. will work    B. were going    C. has worked    D. would go



- Tina, breakfast is ready. Dad cooked it for us.

- It can’t have been Father. He ______ early on Sundays.

A. always gets up    B. often got up

C. had got up    D. never gets up



Why not ________to Beijing for vacation?

A. consider going    B. considering going    C. consider to do    D. to consider go



–Mom, I don’t know which piece of cake belongs to me.

--Well, my dear. They are _______ the same, you may take _______ half.

A. both ; every    B. all ; any

C. both ; either    D. all ;either



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