满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

– Will you come to join us in the party ...

– Will you come to join us in the party this weekend?   – ________. I am studying for the model test next week.

A. I’m afraid not.    B. I agree    C. I don’t think so


A 【解析】句意:——这个周末你要来加入我们的聚会吗?——恐怕不行。我正在为下周的模特考试而学习。I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行; I agree 我同意; I don’t think so我不认为这样。根据I am studying for the model test next week.可知此处表示不能去参见聚会,因此要进行委婉的拒绝。 故选A。  

– How long will you ________ HK?       – For a week.

A. leave for    B. stay in    C. come to



Now most students would rather___ computer games than___ sports. It’s bad for their health.

A. do, play    B. play, doing    C. play, do



The man has many houses in Beijing. I think he ______ be rich.

A. may    B. should    C. must



--Who can I ask ________ help if I don’t know ________ to deal with the problem?

--Your parents, I think.

A. to, how    B. for, how    C. for, what



The 2016 Olympic Games ________ in Rio and were a great success.

A. were held    B. are held    C. held



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