满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

― Look at the dark clouds. I’m afraid it...

― Look at the dark clouds. I’m afraid it _____ rain soon.

― I think so, and we ______ stay at home now.

A. must; must    B. may; have to    C. might; must    D. could; have to


B 【解析】句意:看那片乌云,恐怕不久可能下雨。——我也这么认为,现在我们必须待在家里。 must强调主观上的“必须”,表示推测时意为“必定”,语气相对强烈;may/might可能,表示不确定的肯定推测;have to指客观现实上的“必须,不得不”。故答案选B。  

       great fun it is to go hiking in this season!

— Yeah, you cannot imagine        interesting it is if you don’t experience it yourself.

A. What a; how    B. What; how    C. How a; what    D. How; what a



— Mike, I haven’t seen your elder sister for a long time.

— She ______ Hong Kong on business for a few days.

A. went to    B. has gone to    C. has been to    D. has been in



— We shouldn’t ____________ the trees any more. Instead, we should plant more trees.

— I cannot agree more.

A. cut down    B. cut up    C. cut off    D. cut out



— What do you think of the 14th Guangdong Provincial Games?

— I think it ___________ successfully in Zhanjiang last year.

A. holds    B. held    C. is held    D. was held



_____May 7 local time, Macron won France’s president election. ____ the age of 39, he will be the country’s youngest president

A. On, In    B. On, At    C. In; In    D. In; At



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