满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 Some ...



Some students, parents and teachers in Shanghai were surveyed last month. According to the result of the survey, the generation gap (代沟) between students and parents as well as teachers is becoming wider. Here is what they said.

Voice of the students:

“Our parents hold too high expectations(期待)which put us under lots of pressure(压力. They care too much about our lives and studies,” one student said.

“It’s impolite that some students’ parents read their children’s diaries without permission!”one student said angrily.

“Some of our teachers are so serious that we can’t make friends with them at all,” another student said sadly.

Voice of the parents:

One mother said, “After school, my daughter usually locks herself into her room and spends lots of time talking with others on the phone. And I can’t stand her clothes and hairstyle!”

“I thought my son was doing very well in his studies. I didn’t realize I was being cheated (欺骗)by him until I got a call from his teacher,” said a father.

Voice of the teachers:

An English teacher said, “Today, the role of the teacher is to put knowledge into students’ brain. The power teachers have kept students away from them.”

“Some parents pay too much attention to their children’s grades. They never create a lively and colorful environment at home,” another teacher said.

“In the past, teachers and students often played games together or talked with each other. Today, only studies and grades are talked about,” said a teacher.

Voice of scientists:

Scientists say that a school should be a place where students can learn not only knowledge, but also how to face failure bravely enough.

The generation gap (代沟)1.     students and parents as well as teachers

Voice of the students

Parents expect us too much and2.   too much about our lives and studies.

It’s not3.    of our parents to read our diaries without permission.

Some of our teachers are so4.    that we can’t make friends with them at all.

Voice of the 5.

Some children keep themselves6.     in their own rooms and only chat with others on the phone after school.

Some children 7.    us until we get a call from the teachers.

We can’t stand their clothes and hairstyle.

Voice of the teachers

The power teachers have kept students away from them.

Some parents pay too much attention to their children’s grades instead of8.      a lively and colorful environment at home.

We9.______to play games together with our students or talk with each other. Today, only studies and grades are talked about.

Voice of scientists

At school students should not only learn knowledge, but also learn to be 10.     when they face failure.


1.between 2.care 3.polite 4.serious 5.parents 6.alone /locked 7.cheat 8.creating 9.used 10.brave 【解析】 试题分析:这是一份有关学生与父母和老师之间代沟问题的调查报告。分别列举了来自于学生,家长,老师的不同声音。最后是科学家的观点:一所学校应该是一个学生不仅可以学到的知识,而且可以勇敢地面对失败的地方。 上个月,在上海的一些学生、家长和老师进行了调查。根据调查结果,代沟(代沟)学生和家长之间以及教师越来越。这是他们说的。 1.句意:学生与父母和老师之间的代沟。根据第一段中的句子“the generation gap (代沟) between students and parents as well as teachers is becoming wider.”可知答案为between。 2.句意:父母对我们期望太高,太在乎我们的生活和学习。根据短文中的句子“They care too much about our lives and studies,”可知,答案为care。 3.句意:未经允许我们的父母看我们的日记是不礼貌的。根据短文中的句子“It’s impolite that some students’ parents read their children’s diaries without permission!”可知,答案为polite 。impolite不礼貌的。 4.句意:我们的一些老师太严厉了,我们根本不能和他们交朋友。根据短文中的句子“Some of our teachers are so serious that we can’t make friends with them at all,”可知,答案为serious。 5.句意:来自父母的声音。根据列举的内容可知,是来自父母的声音。答案为parents。 6.句意:一些孩子独自一人在自己的房间里,放学后只在电话里和别人聊天。根据短文中的句子“After school, my daughter usually locks herself into her room and spends lots of time talking with others on the phone.”keep sb +adj使某人出于某种状态。根据短文中句子的意思可知答案为alone /locked 7.句意:有些孩子欺骗我们,直到我们接到老师打的电话。根据短文中的句子I didn’t realize I was being cheated by him until I got a call from his teacher,”此句Some children作主语,用主动语态,故答案为cheat 8.句意:一些家长过于关注孩子的成绩,而不是在家里创造一个生动多彩而温馨的环境。根据短文中的句子“They never create a lively and colorful environment at home, instead of doing sth.而不是做某事。根据句意,答案为creating。 9.句意:我们过去常常和我们的学生一起玩游戏或互相交谈。根据短文中的句子“In the past, teachers and students often played games together or talked with each other. used to do sth过去常常做某事。根据短文中句子的意思。答案为used。 10.句意:在学校里,学生不仅要学习知识,而且要学会勇敢去面对失败。根据短文中的句子“but also how to face failure bravely enough.”be动词后跟形容词作表语。故答案为brave。 考点:任务型阅读。


1.Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national ______________ (hero) of China.

2.The Belt and Road Forum for Cooperation(一带一路合作高峰论坛) is one of ___________ (meaningful) events in the world.

3.Look! Some climbers are trying hard to pull ___________ (they) up the rocks.

4.— Why is your English teacher so angry?

— Because nobody __________ (hand) in their homework.

5.— What’s the matter, Peter?

— Oh, my car broke down and it needs _______________(mend).

6.In 2017 Taizhou ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup(泰州铁人三项亚州杯赛), the Chinese athlete

Chen Lin finished____________(two) who lost by 1 second to the Irish player Benjamin.

7.— Do you know a charity show was held by the ___________ (student) Union last week?

— Sorry, I have no idea.

8.By scanning the QR code(二维码), WeChat has made a great difference to__________(shop) on the phone.

9.A large army of students rushed out of the classroom __________ (noise) after the bell rang.

10.Eternal Love(《三生三世十里桃花》), a popular Chinese web novel, _________ (translate) into English and been popular among foreigners.




1.It’s a good habit for us to __________ (分开,隔开) the waste into different groups so that it can be easily recycled.

2.He often does everything _______________(满不在乎地;粗心地). We all think he should pay attention to details.

3.Many people from different ____________(背景) provide support and help for the disabled.

4.Recently Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou__________ Airport. (国际的)

5.UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, _______(尤其,特别)children around the world.




When you cough or sneeze, you’d better turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. And then, you should say, “Excuse me.”

This seems so simple, but it is surprising how many kids have never been told to do this. Actually, I notice adults all the time who cough and sneeze in public without placing a hand over the mouth. One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hands, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. If not, they will be passing those germs (细菌) along to everything and everyone they touch.

If you come to a door and someone is following you, hold the door. If the door opens by pulling, pull it open, stand to the side, and allow the other person to pass through first, then you can walk through. If the door opens by pushing, hold the door after you pass through.

After a few weeks of seeing kids try to get through doors in the school and watching them enter restaurants as the door hit other people, I knew I had to discuss the problem with my students. Teaching them small acts of kindness, such as letting someone else go through a door first as they hold it open, may seem unimportant, but it can go along way toward helping students realize how to be polite and thank others. Once they’ve been told, they’re halfway there.

When we have to go up moving stairs, we will stand to the right. That will give others who are in a hurry a choice of walking up the left-hand side of the moving stairs. When we are going to enter a lift, the underground, or a doorway, we will wait for others to exit before we enter.

After college when I moved to London, I was surprised at how polite everyone was in the subways. I was even more touched when I traveled to Japan. In both places, people made efforts to make way for others. On moving stairs, everyone stood to the right and walked to the left. On lifts, everyone would stand over to the side and allow others to exit before they would begin to enter.

1.When you cough or sneeze, you should ________.

A. touch everything    B. cover your mouth

C. point out to the kids    D. pass the germs to others

2.If you come to a door and someone is following you, you’d better _______.

A. hold the door    B. pass through    C. close the door    D. stand to the side

3.Why should we stand to the right of moving stairs?

A. Because it’s dangerous to stand to the left.

B. Because it’s a traffic rule which we must follow.

C. Because we must wait for others to move first.

D. Because we should make way for people in a hurry.

4.From the passage we can know the writer is a ________.

A. doctor    B. traveler    C. parent    D. teacher

5.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the rules of acts in public    B. the ways of communication

C. the problems of meeting people    D. the knowledge of social life



In films, spies(间谍) are lucky people. They are smart and adventurous. But a real spy’s life is not that exciting. They must live a life of lies. Their work is dangerous and they may have to pay for it with their lives. American spy Nathan Hale (1755-1776) was one of these people.

Why does someone want to be a spy? Some do it for their country. Some for money. Some just love it. Nathan Hale became a spy for the first reason. He lived during the American Revolution (革命). He and his people fought the British army.

In 1774, Hale joined the American army. Before that, he was a school teacher. Two years later, he chose to be a spy. He had to get information from the British army. He went to the city where the British army was staying. He told them that he was a school teacher and wanted to find a new job. As a young spy, Hale didn’t have enough experience. He had told his secret to somebody else. But that person sold him out to the British army. He tried to get information for the American army. Hale finally got something important and decided to go back. He hid some papers in his boots. He went to the river bank and waited for a boat to pick him up. However, British soldiers caught Hale at the river bank and found the papers in his boots.

Hale died on Sept 22, 1776. His final words were: “I only regret(后悔) I have but one life to lose for my country.” He died at the age of 21.

1.Why did Nathan Hale become a spy?

A. For fun.    B. For money.    C. For himself.    D. For his country.

2.What does the underlined word “adventurous” in Paragraph 1mean?

A. 爱撒谎的    B. 爱冒险的    C. 爱冲动的    D. 爱幻想的

3.According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Nathan Hale was a spy for the British army.

B. Nathan Hale joined the army at the age of 19 years old.

C. Nathan Hale worked as a teacher for 2 years.

D. Nathan Hale had rich experience as a spy.

4.What was the correct order in which these events happened?

①Hale joined the American army.

②Hale got information for the American army.

③British soldiers caught Hale.

④Hale became a school teacher.

⑤Hale told his secret to somebody else.

A. ①④②③⑤    B. ①④②⑤③    C. ④①⑤②③    D. ④①②③⑤

5.What do Nathan Hale’s final words mean?

A. He regretted that he had to die for his country.

B. He felt scared to die at such a young age.

C. He wished to continue working for his country.

D. It’s unfair that his country didn’t bring him a reward.



China is a country with many colorful days and festivals. The Dragon Head Raising Day (Longtaitou) is one of them.

This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历). It stands for the start of spring and farming. This year, the day fell on March 10.

The dragon is important in Chinese culture. We Chinese people call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”. Therefore, people celebrate the Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs(传统) about dragons.

On the day in ancient times(古代), people put ashes (灰) in the kitchen. This was to “lead the dragon into the house”. People believed that with the help of the dragon, they could have a good harvest (收成) in autumn.

Also, people eat special foods on that day. The foods are usually named after dragons. For example, people eat “dragon whisker (细须)” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth”.

Today, many customs have faded away (消退). But one that has remained is the cutting of hair. It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to the mother’s brothers. So many people have their hair cut on the Dragon Head Raising Day.

1.The Dragon Head Raising Day is one of the ______ festivals.

A. English    B. French    C. Chinese    D. American

2.______ was the Dragon Head Raising Day this year.

A. March 10    B. February 2    C. March 4    D. March 8

3.On the day in ancient times, why did people put ashes in the kitchen?

A. Because the dragon liked the ashes.

B. Because the ashes stood for the harvest.

C. Because the ashes led the dragon into the house.

D. Because the ashes could bring good luck.

4.One custom that has remained is ______ according to the passage.

A. the cutting of hair    B. the dragon boating    C. to eat Zongzi    D. to eat mooncakes

5.Which of the following is not true?

A. The Dragon Head Raising Day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar.

B. The dragon is important in Chinese culture.

C. People eat “dragon whisker” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth” on the Dragon Head Raising Day.

D. The Dragon Head Raising Day stands for the start of spring and harvest.



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