满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Here are some students' schedules. Peter...

Here are some students' schedules.

Peter gets up at 6:00 am. After that, he brushes his teeth and takes a shower, and then he has breakfast . At 7:30 am., he takes the school bus to school. It takes him about 10 minutes. He gets home at 4:20 p.m. and does his homework at about 4:30 p.m.

Cindy gets up at 7:00 a. m. Then she brushes her teeth and takes a shower. After a quick breakfast, she goes to school by subway at 7 :30 a.m. It takes her about twenty minutes. She gets home at about 4:45 p.m.

Li Yang gets up at 6:45 am. After breakfast, he walks to school from 7:20 am. to 7:40 am. After school he often plays soccer with his friends. He usually does his homework at 7:30 p.m. He doesn't watch TV. He goes to bed at 9:30 p.m.

Han Mei gets up at 6:15 am. Then she takes a shower. At 7:00 a.m., she has breakfast.After that, she takes a boat to school. It takes her half an hour to get to school. At 4:30 p.m., she gets home. Then she does her homework, has dinner and watches TV. She goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.

1.Who gets up the earliest (最早) ?

A. Peter.    B. Cindy.    C. Li Yang.    D. Han Mei.

2.The Chinese meaning of “schedules” is __________.

A. 课程表    B. 计划表    C. 项目表    D. 时间表

3.How does Cindy go to school?

A. By bus.    B. By bike.    C. By subway.    D. By boat.

4.How long does it take Li Yang to walk to school?

A. 10 minutes.    B. 20 minutes.    C. 30 minutes.    D. 40 minutes.

5.From the passage, we can know that___________ .

A. Han Mei takes a shower at night

B. Peter gets to school at about 7:40 a.m

C. Li Yang usually watches TV in the evening

D. Cindy gets home from school at about 4:30 p.m


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】本文介绍了彼特、辛迪、李阳和韩梅等四位同学的时间表(日程安排)。 1.题意:谁起的最早?考查细节和语境理解力。根据第二段第一句Peter gets up at 6:00 am.第三段第一句Cindy gets up at 7:00 a. m.第四段第一句Li Yang gets up at 6:45 am.和第五段第一句Han mei gets up at 6:15 am.可知彼特6点起床,辛迪7点起床,李阳6点45起床,韩梅6点15起床。故彼特起的最早。选A。 2.题意:“schedules”的汉语意思是什么?考查词意猜测能力。根据下文介绍了四个学生每天的日常活动时间安排表,可知“schedules”的汉语意思是时间表;选D。 3.题意:辛迪怎样去上学?考查细节和语境理解力。根据第三段第三句After a quick breakfast, she goes to school by subway at 7 :30 a.m.可知辛迪坐地铁上学。选C。 4.题意:李阳步行去学校需要多长时间?考查细节和语境理解力。根据第四段第二句After breakfast, he walks to school from 7:20 am. to 7:40 am.可知李阳步行去学校需要20分钟。选B。 5.题意:从本文中,我们可以了解到_________。考查推理判断力。根据第三段第二句Then she brushes her teeth and takes a shower.可知辛迪洗澡在早上,A是错误的;根据第四段倒数第二句He doesn't watch TV.可知李阳不看电视,C是错误的;根据第三段最后一句She gets home at about 4:45 p.m.可知辛迪到家大约4点45,D是错误的;根据第二段4和5句At 7:30 am., he takes the school bus to school. It takes him about 10 minutes.可知7点30去上学,上学需要10分钟,所以7点40到学校,B是正确的。选B。

Dear Li Chen,

How are you? Thanks for your letter. History and math are my favorite subjects too. I think they are interesting. l know your school is over(结束) at 5:30 p.m. lt's too late! Our school is over at 3:40 p.m. every day. Then I can do many after-school activities with my classmates.

On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, I have a drawing lesson from 4:00 to 5:00. I'm good at it. My dream(梦想) is to he an artist. On Tuesday afternoon, I have a swimming lesson. I don't like sports, but my mother thinks it can help me keep(保持) healthy. On Wednesday afternoon, I'm free. I usually go to the school library with my best friend, Kate. Our school library is very big. We can read many kinds of books there. On Friday afternoon, I go back home early. Then my parents take me to my grandparents' home and have a big dinner with them.

I'm free on weekends because I don't have too much homework. I usually go shopping with my friends or watch TV at home. I feel happy.



1.We can learn that Li Chen's favorite subjects are                .

A. history and math    B. art and math

C. English and history    D. art and P.


2.Alice has a drawing lesson for                on Monday afternoon.

A. half an hour    B. an hour    C. two hours    D. hree hours

3.What does the underlined word "artist" mean in Chinese?

A. 音乐家    B. 艺术家    C. 教师    D. 作家

4.Alice                on Tuesday afternoon.

A. goes shopping    B. goes to see her grandparents

C. goes to the library    D. has a swimming lesson


A. Li Chen's classes finish at 3:40 p.m.

B. Alice likes playing sports very much.

C. Alice goes to see her grandparents every Friday.

D. Alice has much homework to do on weekends.



Hi! My name is Eric. I am an English boy. My _________ name is Li Mobai. I _________ in China with my parents now.

I _________ in No.1 Middle School in Shanghai. I'm in Class 1, Grade 7. I can _________ Chinese very well. I _____ good at math and music, too. I'm in the music club. I like _________ Chinese songs. Zhang Jie is my favorite star. I like sports very much. On weekends, I usually play _________ basketball and table tennis. Sometimes I go swimming _________ my parents.

I have many good friends at school. I often _________ them with their English. So they think I'm a( n) _________ boy. They all like me very much.

Do you like me? Do you want to make friends with me?

1.A. English    B. Chinese    C. first    D. last

2.A. like    B. teach    C. live    D. join

3.A. work    B. study    C. play    D. do

4.A. tell    B. talk    C. say    D. speak

5.A. am    B. are    C. be    D. is

6.A. dancing    B. listening    C. singing    D. drawing

7.A. /    B. a    C. an    D. the

8.A. for    B. of    C. with    D. at

9.A. know    B. meet    C. watch    D. help

10.A. busy    B. nice    C. interesting    D. healthy



假设你的英语名字叫Bill(男生) / Rose(女生),你是七年级某班的一个新生,在英语课堂上,你的老师要你用英语介绍自己,请事先写一篇演讲稿,内容可包括名字,班级,年龄,来自于哪里,喜欢的颜色,喜欢的运动,你新交的一个朋友的信息等,可适当发挥。

要求:1. 文中名字用英语名字代替,不能出现自己或朋友的真实姓名。

      2. 书写工整,注意句首大写,句末标点,心中有三格子的书写格式。

      3. 内容完整,可适当发挥。字数为60字左右。



六、按要求写句子  (本题有5小题,每题2分,共10分)

1.swim   let’s   after school   .  (组词成句,注意句末标点)


2.I   not   am   a student  .       (组词成句,注意句末标点)


3.Daming’s   in   any   classroom   there  are   computers  ?  (组词成句,注意句末标点)


4.my mother   English   teacher  .   (增加适当的单词,组成完整的句子。)


5.These   my   cousins  . (增加适当的单词,组成完整的句子。)





Hello, everyone! My name is Jenny Green. My first name is Jenny and my last name is Green. I am

1.(十)years old. I like  2.(夏天) and I can swim. I often go swimming on3.(星期天). There is a swimming pool (游泳池) behind my home. It is4.(小的). but I like it. Look at the 5.( 照片) in my hand. This is my father. He is a6.(医生), he works in a7.(医院). It is8.( 在….附近) my home. He is9.( 四十) years old. My father and I are going to see my10.叔叔) tomorrow. He is a good policeman.



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