满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Many Chinese students ask for advice on ...

Many Chinese students ask for advice on how to improve(提高) their English. There are three common questions.

The first question is about real English. Li Gang said, “I want to learn real English. But I don’t know what to do.”

Watching English films is a good way to learn real English. You can watch them when you are tired after studying for a long time. While watching them, you can relax and learn real English at the same time.

The second question is about speaking. Chen Ming said, “I’m too shy to talk with foreigners.”

“How are you?” “Where are you from?” “What do you think of China?” These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath(呼吸) and smile! Smiling always helps.

The third question is about vocabulary. Li Jia said, “I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them soon.”

Try to remember eight or ten words a day. Write them on a piece of paper and put it in your bedroom. Spell the words whenever you see them, and change them every day. And when you’re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?

1.How many questions about learning English are mentioned(提及) in the message?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

2.If you want to talk with a foreigner, you’d better __________ before speaking according to the passage.

A. smile at him or her    B. give him or her a hug

C. introduce yourself    D. talk about the weather

3.Which isn’t a good way to learn English?

A. Watching English films.

B. Practising English with a foreigner in the street.

C. Sitting in your bedroom to remember words.

D. Say the English names for everything you see.

4.What’s Li Jia’s problem?

A. She’s too shy to talk to foreigners.

B. She doesn’t know how to improve her listening in English.

C. She spends too much time watching English films.

D. She can’t remember English words for long.

5.This passage mainly talks about _____________.

A. why so many people learn English

B. how to remember English words

C. why learning English is difficult

D. how to improve English


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 【解析】许多中国学生会询问如何提到英语水平方面的一些建议,如何学到真正的英语,如何克服害羞的心理,大胆与外国人交流,如何记住一些英语单词。对于这三个问题,短文也给出了相应的建议:多看一些英文电影,在大街上与外国人交流,看到什么东西说出他们的英语名称。 1.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“There are three common questions.”可知,有关学习英语的问题涉及到三个,答案为B。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath(呼吸) and smile! Smiling always helps.”可知,如果你说英语害羞的话就应该“在说之前深呼吸并且微笑”。答案为A。 3.细节判断题。A. Watching English films. 是对如何学到真正的英语所提出的建议;B. Practising English with a foreigner in the street. 是对如何克服害羞的心理,大胆与外国人交流所提出的建议;D. Say the English names for everything you see. 是对如何记住一些英语单词所提出的建议。只有C答案不是好的学习英语的方法。 4.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子Li Jia said,“I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them soon.”可知,李佳的问题是不能长时间地记住英语单词,故答案为D。 5.主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句Many students ask for advice about improving their English.可知全文在讲在“学好英语”方面的建议。答案为D。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

I am writing to thank you for looking after me so well when I came to stay with you in England. You made me feel like part of the family. I felt I was Ann’s sister, although I was just her friend from Singapore. I had a good time when I was in England. We visited many different places and took lots of photos. My mother has kept all the postcards I sent to her. I am going to put them on the bookshelf with some of the photos.

The journey I went home was very relaxing, and the long flight seemed to pass more quickly than usual, thanks to the book Harry Potter Ann gave me to read on the plane. My parents were pleased to see me, and said that they missed me a lot. We will have a busy time soon, as we are moving house next month. I have given Ann my new address, and I hope she will be able to come and stay with us next summer.

I must finish now, because my father is going to the shopping center and he said he would post this letter for me while he is there.

Best wishes,


1.From the letter, Kate is Ann’s __________.

A. sister    B. family member    C. friend    D. cousin

2.Who kept all the postcards for Kate?

A. Ann’s mother.    B. Ann.    C. Mr. Smith.    D. Kate’s mother.

3.Why did kate feel the long flight passed more quickly than usual?

A. She read a book Ann gave her.

B. She missed her parents all the time.

C. She thought Ann would come to stay with her.

D. She thought she would have a new house soon.

4.What will they do next month?

A. Move house.    B. Give Ann a new address.

C. Go to the shopping centre.    D. Ask Ann to stay with them.

5.What does kate write the letter for?

A. To say goodbye.    B. To say thanks

C. To ask for help.    D. To say sorry



A few days ago, I got a call from an old friend of mine. We ________ our school and the good old days. Then, he started talking about his father.

His father was badly ill in hospital. He ________ sleep at night and often talked to himself. My friend was ________ about this and shouted at his father to stop talking. But after stopping

________, his father fell unconscious(不省人事的). My friend was very sad. He thought it was his fault(过错). My friend was so sad that he _________ like a baby on the telephone. He said he would do ________ if his father could wake up.

Some kids often feel unhappy when they have to take care of their ________. But do you know that our parents take care of us ________ stay with us for our lifetime?

My dear friends, from now on, ________ say a bad word to your parents. Take care of them and stay with them. Even if it only ________ you a second, you parents will be happy to be with you! Do you agree with me?

1.A. talked about    B. thought of    C. cared about    D. showed around

2.A. can’t    B. mustn’t    C. couldn’t    D. shouldn’t

3.A. afraid    B. angry    C. tired    D. worried

4.A. speaking    B. saying    C. telling    D. talking

5.A. shouted    B. smiled    C. cried    D. said

6.A. anything    B. something    C. nothing    D. none

7.A. brothers    B. sisters    C. parents    D. friends

8.A. but    B. and    C. or    D. so

9.A. always    B. usually    C. often    D. never

10.A. takes    B. pays    C. spends    D. has



Do you think cats ____________?

A. is easy to look after    B. are easy to look after them

C. are easy to look after    D. is easy to look after it



— I visited Qin Lake National Wetland Park(溱湖国家湿地公园) last Sunday.

         Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

A. You did?    B. I hope so.

C. Have a good time.    D. It’s kind of you.



— You look _______ today.

—Yes, I went to bed late last night to watch a football match.

A. easy    B. happy    C. tired    D. smart



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