满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Jack, could you help me ________ the...

--- Jack, could you help me ________ these pictures on the blackboard? It may help us know more about the hazy weather. (雾霾)

--- With pleasure.

A. put in    B. put up    C. put on    D. put down


B 【解析】试题分析:句意:杰克,你能帮我将这些图片贴在黑板上吗?它能帮我们更好的了解雾霾。Put in“放进”,put up“张贴”,put on“穿上”,put down“扑灭”。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语。  

—At present, WeChat is very popular among young people.

—I agree with you. We like to share our _______on it.

A. spirit    B. ideas    C. fund    D. cases



Don’t tell anybody about it .Keep it        you and me.

A. to    B. for    C. with    D. between



Lost in Hong Kong directed by Xu Zheng is ______ interesting film. Most people like it.

A. a    B. an    C. the    D. 不填



深圳机动车数量进入300万时代,密度全国第一。针对交通拥堵的现状,深圳市交委于2015年发布了汽车限购令,并进行一些限行规定。此外政府积极的发展公共交通(public transportation)。深圳地铁现已开通5条线路,另有11 条线路在规划中。请你结合实际谈谈地铁给我们的生活、交通和环境带了怎样的变化,你对地铁又有怎样的期待?请你以此为话题,写一篇英语短文。








Who designed the first helicopter(直升飞机)? Who 1. (draw) one of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most 2. (doctor) did? There is an answer 3. all these questions --- Leonardo de Vinci.

Leonardo lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his 4. (invent) seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn’t build 5. helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. That’s why he was considered 6. (be) a genius that has ever been known.

But Leonardo wasn’t just an inventor. He was one of the 7. (great) artists of his day. When he was only twenty years old, he 8. (call) a master painter, and as he got older he became even more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways 9. he was ready to paint. Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with us today. You may know one of his most famous works--- the 10. (smile) woman known as the Mona Lisa.



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