满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Twenty years ago ,I drove a taxi for a l...

Twenty years ago ,I drove a taxi for a living . One night I went to _______ a passenger at 2:30am . When I arrived to collect , I found the building was dark except  for a single _______ in a ground floor window . I walked to the door and knocked . “Just a minute ,” answered a ________ , elderly voice .

After a _______ pause (停留), the door opened at last . A small woman in her eighties stood before me . By her side was a small suitcase . I took the suitcase to the car , and then ________ to help the woman . She took my arm and we walked _______ toward the car .

She kept thanking me for my ________ .”It’s nothing ,” I told her . “ I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated .‘’

“Oh ,you’re such a good man ,” she said . When we got into the taxi , she gave me a/an _______ , and then asked , “Could you drive through downtown ? ”

“It’s not the shortest way ,” I answered quickly .

“Oh , I’m in no hurry ,” she said  . I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院).I don’t have any _______ left . The doctor says I don’t have a chance of living very long . I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (表).

For the next two hours ,we  drove through the city . She _______ me the building

Where she had once worked , the neighborhood where she had lived , and the furniture shop where she had gone dancing as a girl . Sometimes she’d ask me to _______ in front of a special building and would sit looking straight into the ________ , saying nothing .

At dawn(黎明) , she suddenly said , “I’m tired . Let’s go now.”

We drove ________ to the address she had given me .

“How much do I pay for you ?” she asked . “Nothing ,” I said . “You have to make a living ,” she answered .

“Oh , there are other passengers ,” I answered . Almost without thinking , I bent and gave her a _______.

She held on to me tightly .Our hug ended with her remark ,

“You  gave an old woman a little moment of _________.”

1.A. pick up    B. play with    C. look after    D. call up

2.A. from    B. light    C. .room    D. shape

3.A. strange    B. nice    C. happy    D. weak

4.A. terrible    B. long    C. sudden    D. short

5.A. rushed    B. offered    C. returned    D. decided

6.A. quickly    B. directly    C. politely    D. slowly

7.A. pity    B. support    C. kindness    D. advice

8.A. address    B. order    C. smile    D. gift

9.A. family    B. life    C. right    D. money

10.A. sent    B. told    C. showed    D. left

11.A. go by    B. get out    C. run away    D. slow down

12.A. world    B. darkness    C. brightness    D. sky

13.A. in silence    B. in danger    C. in surprise    D. in secret

14.A. hug    B. lift    C. handshake    D. answer

15.A. regret    B. thought    C. hope    D. joy


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.D 【解析】作者是一名出租车司机,一天晚上他去接一名乘客,这是一个80多岁的老人,要去的地方是临终医院。作者默默的帮助、陪伴老人去看了她在这个城市里熟悉的地方,给予了老人一些温暖。 1.句意:一天晚上凌晨两点半我去接一名乘客。pick up 拾起,捡起;接某人;play with 和某人一起玩;look after照顾;call up唤起,使想起。根据下文的意思可知,这个老人是作者的乘客,作者去接她。故应选A。 2.句意:当我到达的时候,我发现除了一楼的一个窗户有一丝灯光,整座楼都是黑的。from 来自,从…;light 灯光;room 房间;shape形状。根据句意可知,整座楼都是黑的,而这个老人要乘坐出租车,所以只有这个老人的房间里有灯光,故应选B。 3.句意:一个虚弱的、苍老的声音回答说:“请稍等一下。”strange奇怪的,陌生的;nice 美好的;happy 开心的;weak虚弱的。根据空后面的形容词elderly年老的以及下文A small woman in her eighties stood before me、. The doctor says I don’t have a chance of living very long可知,这是一个80多岁的老太太,她的生命没有多长时间了,所以她的声音是虚弱的,故选D。 4.句意:在长时间的停留之后,门最后终于开了。terrible可怕的,糟糕的;long 长的;sudden 突然的;short短的。根据文意可知,这个乘客是一名80-多岁的老太太,而且根据句中the door opened at last可知,门最终开了,说明是经过了长时间的停留,故应选B。 5.句意:我把手提箱放到车上,然后回来帮助这位女士。rushed 冲;offered 提供; returned 回来,归还;decided决定。根据文意和下句话She took my arm and we walked ___6___ toward the car可知,作者先把箱子放到车上,然后回来帮助老太太一起上车,故应选C。 6.句意:她挽着我的胳膊,我们慢慢地向车走过去。quickly快速地; directly 直接地;politely 有礼貌地;slowly慢慢地。根据上文A small woman in her eighties stood before me可知,这是一个80多岁的老太太,所以他们是慢慢地向车那里走过去,故应选D。 7.句意:她不断地感谢我的善良。pity 遗憾;support 支持,赡养;kindness 善良,仁慈;advice建议。根据文意I took the suitcase to the car , and then ____5____ to help the woman . She took my arm and we walked ___6___ toward the car .可知,作者先是帮助老人把箱子拿到了车上,然后又让她挽着胳膊走到车那里,所以老人对作者的这种好心表示感谢,故应选C。 8.句意:当我们进入车里的时候,她给了我一个地址,然后问:“你能开车穿过城镇吗?” address 地址;order 命令,菜单;smile 微笑;gift礼物。根据下文We drove ____13____ to the address she had given me可知,上车之后老人给了作者一个地址,这是她要去的地方。故应选A。 9.句意:她说:“我不着急,我是去临终医院,我没有家人了。” family家庭,家人;life 生活,生命;right 权利,正确的,右边;money记忆。根据上句话I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院)可知,老人要去临终医院,因此她没有了家人,故应选A。 10.句意:她向我说明她曾经工作过的大楼、她曾经住过的小区已经小的时候她曾经跳过舞的家具店。sent 发送;told 告诉;showed 展示,说明;left离开。根据文意可知,作者开车带着老人穿过了整座城市,经过这些她熟悉的地方的时候,她就会跟作者说明、介绍一下,故应选C。told只是告诉,不一定是真的看到了这些地方。 11.句意:有时候她会让我在一些特殊的建筑物前面把速度慢下来,而她就坐着直直地看着黑暗,什么也不说。go by经过,过去; get out 外出,泄露;run away 逃跑,跑掉;slow down减慢速度。根据文意可知,作者开车带老人穿过城市,在一些特殊的地方,老人会让作者把速度降下来,因为那里可能有老人的回忆。故应选D。 12.句意:有时候她会让我在一些特殊的建筑物前面把速度慢下来,而她就坐着直直地看着黑暗,什么也不说。world 世界;darkness 黑暗;brightness 明亮; sky天空。根据上文可知,作者是凌晨两点半去接这个老人,他们在城市里穿过,老人去看了她熟悉的一些地方,所以这里应该是看着黑暗,故应选B。 13.句意:我们都沉默地开到了她给了的那个地址。in silence 沉默地;in danger 处在危险中;in surprise 惊奇地; in secret秘密地。根据文意可知,老人要去的地方是临终医院,她的生命可能不长了,那种情景是很悲伤的,因此他们是沉默地去了那个地方。故应选A。 14.句意:几乎没有多想,我弯下腰来给了她一个拥抱。hug 拥抱;lift 举起;handshake 握手;answer回答。根据下文.Our hug ended with her remark可知,作者拥抱了这个老人。故应选A。 15.句意:她说:“你给了一个老人一点欢乐的时刻。” regret 遗憾,后悔;thought 想法;hope 希望;joy高兴,欢乐。根据文意可知,在老人生命没有多长时间要去临终医院了这样悲伤的场景下,作者默默地陪伴老人去看了她熟悉的地方,最后还没有收取她的费用,还温暖地拥抱了她,老人觉得心里是很高兴的。故应选D。 点睛:这是一个很感人的故事,作者默默地帮助、陪伴了一个生命快要走到尽头的老人。短文内容比较容易理解,有很强的感情在里面,需要学生认真体会,这对于做题来说也是很有用的。例如第3小题和第6小题,说话的人是一个80多岁的老太太,而且下文还告诉我们她要去临终医院了,生命已没有多长时间,因此她的声音是虚弱的,她走路是慢的,这样这两个题目就比较容易选择了。做完形填空题的时候,一定要注意上下文的照应关系,例如第7小题,老人感谢我的什么,根据上文的描述可知,作者帮助老人拿箱子,还扶着老人上车,所以感谢的是作者的善良、仁慈;再例如第12小题,在短文的开头部分就交代了事情发生的时间,是凌晨的两点半,是晚上,所以老人看着黑暗。

You can’t imagine _______ when she heard her mother passed away.

A. how she was sad    B. how sad was she

C. how sad she was    D. she was how sad



---Can you work out the two problems?

----Let me see, I think I can do ______ one. They are both easy.

A. either    B. neither    C. some    D. any



---What’s wrong with Lucy?

---She still hasn’t ______ the shock of her mother’s death.

A. got out    B. got through    C. got over    D. got on



How is your grandfather now?

He’s still fine .except that his hearing and eyesight begin to       .

A. develop   B. drop   C. fail    D. fall



---Bill is ill. Do you know what’s the matter with him?.

---Poor boy. His illness is the _______ of eating unhealthy food.

A. result    B. cause    C. reason    D. end



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