满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A young British woman had shortly arrive...

A young British woman had shortly arrived in Hong Kong and had not yet learned anything about the Chinese culture.

One day she went to the home of a Chinese friend and was immediately given a cup of Chinese tea. She was not ______ and she also found this type of tea rather ______. However, since she had been given the tea, she felt she should drink it. Hoping to finish it ______ so that she would not feel about having to drink this tea which she did not ______, she started to drink as much of it as she could. But as soon as her cup became half-full, the host insisted on giving her more. Several times she told the host that she had had ______, but it seemed to have no_______. Her cup kept being ______, and she kept on drinking.

During the time of her ______, she drank about twelve cups of tea. Later she found out that she should have just left the tea, and that this would have meant that she had had enough. Influenced by her ______ culture, she felt it too ______ to leave the tea and could not understand why the host took no notice of her protests (抗议) that she had had enough!

1.A. tired    B. happy    C. thirsty    D. interested

2.A. bitter    B. sweet    C. nice    D. cold

3.A. in time    B. slowly    C. gradually    D. quickly

4.A. take    B. have    C. like    D. buy

5.A. some    B. enough    C. all    D. a little

6.A. value    B. end    C. effect    D. importance

7.A. filled    B. moved    C. changed    D. emptied

8.A. talk    B. visit    C. party    D. investigation

9.A. modern    B. ancient    C. Western    D. Eastern

10.A. impolite    B. polite    C. easy    D. uneasy


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 【解析】一位英国的女士来到香港,去拜访一位中国的朋友。她的朋友用茶水招待她,但是她觉得茶很苦,不喜欢喝。出于礼貌,她把茶喝完了,但是朋友又给她充满,于是她不断地喝,因为在她的文化里,把茶放在那里是不礼貌的。 1.句意:她不渴,而且她也发现这种茶比较苦。tired 累的;happy 开心的,快乐的;thirsty 口渴的;interested有趣的。根据文意However, since she had been given the tea, she felt she should drink it.可知,这位女士并不口渴,可是她觉得既然主人给了她茶,她就应该喝了,故应选C。 2.句意:她不渴,而且她也发现这种茶比较苦。bitter 苦的;sweet 甜的;nice 好的,好看的;cold冷的。根据文意so that she would not feel about having to drink this tea可知,这位女士不喜欢喝这种茶,因此这种茶应该是苦的。故选A。 3.句意:希望快点把它喝完,这样她就不用觉得不得不喝这种她不喜欢的茶了,所以她开始尽可能喝得很多。in time 及时;slowly 慢慢地;gradually 逐渐地;quickly快速地。根据文意可知,这位女士希望快点把茶喝完,然后就不用再喝了。故应选D。 4.句意:希望快点把它喝完,这样她就不用觉得不得不喝这种她不喜欢的茶了,所以她开始尽可能喝得很多。take 带走;have 有,拥有;like 喜欢;buy买。根据文意Hoping to finish it ___3___ so that she would not feel about having to drink this tea可知,这位女士不喜欢喝这种茶,故应选C。 5.句意:好几次她告诉主人说她喝了足够多了,但是好像没有用。some 一些;enough足够的;all 所有的;a little一点。根据下文and could not understand why the host took no notice of her protests (抗议) that she had had enough!可知,她告诉主人她已经喝了足够多了。故应选B。 6.句意:好几次她告诉主人说她喝了足够多了,但是好像没有用。value 价值;end 结束;effect 效果,作用;importance重要性。根据下句话Her cup kept being ___7___, and she kept on drinking可知,虽然这位女士告诉主人说她已经喝够了,但是这并没有什么用,她的杯子还是不断的被充满水。故应选C。 7.句意:她的杯子不断地被装满,,她就不停的喝。filled 装满;moved 移动;changed 改变;emptied倒空。根据句意她不断的喝茶,说明她的杯子不断地被充满茶。故应选A。 8.句意:在她拜访的期间,她喝了大约12杯茶。talk谈论;visit参观,拜访;party 聚会;investigation调查。根据上文One day she went to the home of a Chinese friend and was immediately given a cup of Chinese tea可知,她去了她的一个中国朋友的家里,所以是去拜访,故应选B。 9.句意:因为受到了她的西方文化的影响,她觉得把茶放在那里是不礼貌的。modern 现代的;ancient 古代的;Western 西方的;Eastern东方的。根据上文A young British woman had shortly arrived in Hong Kong可知,这位女士是英国人,所以她受到的是西方文化的影响,故应选C。 10.句意:因为受到了她的西方文化的影响,她觉得把茶放在那里是不礼貌的。impolite 不礼貌的;polite 有礼貌的;easy 容易的;uneasy不舒服的,心神不安的。根据文意这位女士不断地把茶喝完,是因为她觉得把茶放在那里是不礼貌的,故应选A。


As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, ____they can be small. You may just want to become one of the top ten students in your class.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? _____ you ever try to make your dream come true?

Follow Your Heart, _____ Australian writer Andrew Matthews, tells us that _____ our dreams come true is life’s biggest challenge.

You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you _____ a writer. These kinds of thoughts prevent you from reaching your dream, the book says.

In fact, everyone can make_____ dream come true. _____ first thing you must do is to remember the dream in your mind.

Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep ______ yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true _____ because a big dream is made up of many small ______.

There ______ difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest one ______ from yourself. You need to decide ______ the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead ______ better exam results. As you get closer to your dream, it may change ______. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

1.A. as.    B. but    C. for    D. or

2.A. Did    B. Do    C. Have    D. Had

3.A. on    B. about    C. by    D. with

4.A. make    B. makes    C. to make    D. making

5.A. becomes    B. to become    C. becoming    D. become

6.A. his    B. its    C. their    D. our

7.A. Some    B. A    C. The    D. /

8.A. to tell    B. tells    C. telling    D. told

9.A. fast    B. faster    C. fastest    D. the fastest

10.A. one    B. ones    C. the one    D. the ones

11.A. will be    B. will have    C. have    D. has

12.A. come    B. has come    C. came    D. comes

13.A. which is    B. which are    C. is which    D. are which

14.A. by    B. to    C. in    D. with

15.A. little    B. little    C. a few    D. few





优点:1. 足不出户,节约时间,不会拥挤劳累

2. 价格通常比较便宜

3. 可供选择的范围广,品种多

缺点:1. 只看到图片,看不到商品本身

2. 容易购买大量不需要的东西,造成浪费


1. 所表述内容必须包含提示中所有方面。

2. 词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。
三,提示词汇:网购 shopping online; 商品 goods

With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online.





Some time ago, a fire broke out(爆发) in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were s1.inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe p2..

The crowds thought a3.the people were safe. But it was not so. Two little orphan (孤儿) girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building, in a small room. N4.. thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog.

The dog tried to wake them up, but f5.. He ran to the window and barked(吠叫) loudly for help. B6.no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder (梯子) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to a7.fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him.

This fireman realized there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog u8.the ladder, there he saw the two girls and saved them.

Where was the d9.? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and found him lying near the window, choked (窒息) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he was already d10.. He had given his life for his friends. What a faithful friend!



.任务型阅读:(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

In 1901, an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood. He named them A, B, AB, and O. People have one of these four types. Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the second most common, and blood type AB is the least common.

In 1927, a Japanese doctor found that people with different blood types have different personalities(性格), too. He said that people with type A blood are usually calm and serious; people with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing; people with type O blood are generous(慷慨的)and honest; while those with type AB blood are often caring and creative.

More recently, a doctor in the United States wrote a book that connects blood types with what people eat. The book suggests people with type O blood should


eat more meat and less bread, A diet for people with type A blood includes more

vegetables, His book, Eat Right for your type, has been a hit with people who want to lose weight. However, Dr. Peter D’ Adam believes that eating food that matches a person’s blood type will make the person healthier in other ways, too. 根据短文内容,完成下面的思维图, 每空词数不限。








B. 句型转换,每空一词。

1.What other things do you want for your party? (同义句)

_____do you want for your party?

2.He didn’t go to school yesterday because he had a cold. (就划线部分提问)

_____he go to school yesterday?

3.Show me your map of America. (同义句)

_____your map of America_____me.

4.My father stayed at home for 3 days. (就划线部分提问)

_____did your father stay at home?

5.Shall we go for a walk? (同义句)

_____go for a walk?



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