满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hi, Tommy, Guess what ? I got an “A” on ...

Hi, Tommy,

Guess what ? I got an “A” on my English test. I always get good grades in English now and I’m sure this is because I often write letters to you in English. Most students in my class don’t use English outside of the classroom or in their homework. It’s a foreign language for them. For me, it is a second language, because I read a lot in English and I write letters to you in English, too.

The weather is very cold here but I love snow. There is also a lake near my home. I often skate on the lake in winter because it freezes in winter and the ice is thick enough to skate on.

It was my birthday last week and I had a party with my friends. But I was sad that you weren’t there.

It’s great to have a pen friend like you. Do you think we will meet in the future? If you come to France to visit me , my parents will really like it and you can stay with us, and also we will have a great time because I will show you all interesting places in Pairs. The best time to come is in spring. The weather isn’t too hot or too cold then. Do you have any vacations in spring? Would Easter be a good time for you to come?

Please write soon, I am looking forward to your coming quickly.

Best wishes,

Jean Colin

1.The weather in France is ________ in spring .

A. cold    B. warm    C. rainy    D. hot

2.According to the passage , Jean usually ________ in winter.

A. goes swimming in the lake    B. goes skating on the lake

C. flies a kite on the lake    D. takes a walk on the lake

3.Jean’s good at English because ___________.

A. he often writes letters in English to Tommy

B. he often speaks English outside of class

C. he often goes to English parties

D. he often takes a lot of English tests

4.From the passage , we can refer (推断)that________.

A. Jean wants Tommy to be his pen friend

B. Jean wants to learn French well

C. Jean wants Tommy to visit him in spring

D. Jean wants to have a birthday party


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】本文是吉恩给汤米写的一封信,介绍了她英语的学习情况,冬天她经常在她家附近的湖上滑冰,上周她过生日时汤米没来她很伤心,以及邀请汤米明年春天来法国。 1.题意:在春天法国的天气是________。考查细节理解题。A. cold冷; B. warm温暖; C. rainy阴雨的; D. hot热的。根据第四段的倒数第三句The best time to come is in spring. The weather isn’t too hot or too cold then.(春天来是最好的时间。那时天气不热也不冷。) 2.题意:根据文章,在冬季 姬恩通常________。考查细节理解题。A. goes swimming in the lake在湖里游泳; B. goes skating on the lake在湖上滑冰;C. flies a kite on the lake在湖上放风筝; D. takes a walk on the lake在湖上散步。根据第二段第三句I often skate on the lake in winter(在冬季,我经常在湖上滑冰。)结合题意和选项可知选B。 3.题意:姬恩擅长英语,因为______________。考查细节理解题。A. he often writes letters in English to Tommy他经常用英语写信给汤米;B. he often speaks English outside of class他经常在课外讲英语;C. he often goes to English parties他经常去参加英语晚会;D. he often takes a lot of English tests他经常参加很多英语考试。根据第一段最后一句For me, it is a second language, because I read a lot in English and I write letters to you in English, too.(对我来说,它是第二语言,因为我读了很多英语,我也用英语给你写信。)可知姬恩擅长英语。故选A。 4.题意:从这篇文章中,我们可以推断________________。考查推理判断题。A. Jean wants Tommy to be his pen friend姬恩想让汤米成为他的笔友;B. Jean wants to learn French well姬恩想学好法语;C. Jean wants Tommy to visit him in spring姬恩想让汤米在春天去拜访他;D. Jean wants to have a birthday party姬恩想举办一个生日聚会。根据第四段最后一句Do you have any vacations in spring? Would Easter be a good time for you to come?(你在春天有假期吗?复活节是你来的好时候吗?)结合题意和语境结合选项可知选C。


Frogs are animals that can live not only in water but also on land. There are about 5,000 kinds of frogs on the earth. The earliest frogs lived about 190 million years ago and the frogs today still look the same. Here are some fun things that frogs.

Frogs are very good at jumping. The other large animals can’t eat them because they can jump very high. Using their big strong legs, most frogs can jump over 20 times their own length. It is like a person  jumping over about 30.48meters. The Australian Rocket Frog can even jump over 2m, which is 50 times its body length(5.5cm). That might be the reason* why frogs are called the best jumpers on the earth.

Some frogs can be very big. The biggest kind of frog is the Goliath Frog in West Africa. Its body can be about 30cm long, about the size of a large cat. The Gold Frog and the Poison Frog are the smallest frogs in the world. They are less than 1cm long. The Poison Frog is very small, but it is not weak at all. It is dangerous. Any animal that eats it will die* very soon.

1.There are __________ kinds of frogs on the earth.

A. 30    B. 50    C. 190    D. 5,000

2.According to the passage, the frogs _________.

A. can live only in water    B. can eat other animals

C. can jump very high    D. are big and dangerous

3.The Poison Frog is one of the ________ frogs on the earth.

A. smallest    B. biggest    C. strongest    D. weakest

4.What does the underlined word “times” mean in Chinese?

A. 时间    B. 倍数    C. 时代    D. 次数



James William comes from America. People call him “Big Cat” because he’s two meters tall. He is famous because he plays for the Chicago Bears, an American football team . American football is different from European* football . American football players need to be big and strong , so James needs to eat a lot .

Every day James has three big meals . For breakfast ,he has orange juice , fruit , bread , milk , eggs and cakes. For lunch , he has fish , meat ,vegetables and ice cream. He loves ice cream best.

In the evening he has his big meal, tomato soup, pork and beef, potatoes, chicken, rice and his favorite chocolate cakes.

But that isn’t everything , James also eats between meals, bread, hamburgers, sweets and two or three bars of chocolates.

1.James come from _______.

A. USA    B. UK    C. France    D. Canada

2.He eats___________ between meals.

A. Bread, eggs, milk, fruits and orange juice

B. Rice , potatoes, chicken and tomato soup

C. Bread, milk, eggs, cakes and vegetables

D. Bread , sweets, hamburgers and chocolates

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true ?

A. He only eats three meals.

B. He is good at playing  basketball.

C. He eats different kinds of food.

D. He likes bread and chocolate cakes best.

4.James eats a lot because _____________.

A. he’s two meters tall and he is very strong

B. he likes eating and playing football every day

C. he wants to be a famous player two years later

D. American football players should be big and strong.




Hello, I’m Peter. I like to play basketball .I can speak English and also I can play soccer very well.



Hi, I’m Mary and I come from USA , I can play ping-pong and chess . I like to talk and play games with people.


My name’s Kate. I’m in the school music club. I can play the guitar. I can sing and dance ,too. 

I’m Jim, a boy from England . I love animals, because I think they’re our friends . I’m good at looking after dogs ,



1.Peter wants to join _________.

A. the music club    B. the sports club

C. the animal club    D. the chess club

2.__________speaks English and plays ping-pong.

A. Peter    B. Kate    C. Jim    D. Mary

3.Jim like animals ________.

A. because he is good at looking after dogs

B. because he likes dogs very much

C. because he thinks they’re our friends

D. because he is from England



Most people like to make some new year’s plans at the beginning of the year . Jack is a student of a middle school in Longwan, Wenzhou . He usually makes his new year’s __________ on January 1st .He wants to have a(an) __________ start. This year he wants to keep _________,because he is too heavy and he likes __________lots of fast food . So he is going to ________and eat healthy food . He likes football and he is good at it , he is going to join the school ________team . He wants to be captain of the football team . He also wants to be able to speak English well, so he is going to ________ English aloud every morning . and he is going to listen to English music after school every day . He says he is going to be an English teacher ________ 10 years .

__________are your new year’s plans ?Are you going to look after yourself well ?Are you going to do something for ___________parents ?Are you going to make more friends ? Work hard for it every day and I’m sure your dream will come true one day.

1.A. plans    B. ways    C. ideas    D. stories

2.A. old    B. new    C. small    D. big

3.A. happy    B. lucky    C. healthy    D. light

4.A. giving    B. cooking    C. getting    D. eating

5.A. buy books    B. drink cola    C. do sports    D. make friends

6.A. basketball    B. football    C. volleyball    D. baseball

7.A. read    B. write    C. listen to    D. look at

8.A. for    B. on    C. to    D. in

9.A. When    B. What    C. Why    D. How

10.A. his    B. her    C. my    D. your



---I’m going to travel to Nanxi River with my family tomorrow.


A. Have a good time    B. That sounds boring    C. I’m sorry to hear that    D. You’re welcome



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