满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881....

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881. His father was an artist and also an art teacher. He gave little Picasso the first lesson in drawing. The boy showed great interest in it and learned it very quickly. Picasso drew so well that he won a prize — “Science and Charity” for his first important painting at the age of 15. Later he studied in several cities in Spain. But no one could teach him because he had known so much.

When he was 19, he visited Paris. At that time, Paris was the center of the world for artists. Everything in the painting world was new to Picasso. When he was 23, he moved to Paris to live and spent the rest of his life in France.

In his 80s, Pablo Picasso still worked like a young man. He kept on looking for new ideas and new ways to work. He never stopped painting all his life.

Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest artists in the world, died in 1973.

1.Who was Picasso’s first teacher in drawing?


2.When did Picasso win “Science and Charity”?


3.Was Paris the center of the world for artists at that time?_____________________________________

4.Where did Picasso die in 1973?



1.His father. 2.When he was 15.\ In 1986 3.Yes, it was. 4.In France. \In Paris. 【解析】试题分析:本文是关于画家毕加索的故事。他从小喜欢绘画,15岁获得重要绘画奖。她80多岁时仍然像年轻人一样工作,他一生从来就没有停止过绘画。 1.根据第一段第二、三句His father was an artist and also an art teacher. He gave little Picasso the first lesson in drawing.可知,毕加索的父亲是他的第一位绘画老师。故填写:His father。 2.根据第一段第五句Picasso drew so well that he won a prize – “Science and Charity” for his first important painting at the age 15. Picasso画的是如此的好,结果他在15岁时获得了“Science and Charity”奖。或者可以根据出生日和年龄来推算时间,出生时间(1881年)+15年,就是1896年。故填写:When he was 15.\ In 1986。 3.根据第二段第二句At that time, Paris was the center of the world for artists.在那时,巴黎是世界艺术家的中心。故填写:Yes, it was。 4.根据第二段最后一句When he was 23, he moved to Paris to live and spent the rest of his life in France.可知,他在法国巴黎度过了他的余生,可以推出他是在法国的巴黎去世的。故填写:In France. \In Paris. 点睛:任务型阅读题,有些问题通过细读直接找到答案,但是有些问题,文中并没有现成直观的答案,这时我们就必须进行推理和计算来获取答案。



A.You may have a try on the Internet.

B.Is the shopping center very big?

C.You are welcome.

D.Can I help you?

E.Sorry, but we don’t have any right now.

F.I haven’t, either.

G.How much is an iPad?

A:Good morning! 1.

B:Yes, madam! I’d like to buy an iPad.

A:2. You’d better go to a special shop for iPads.

B:Where can I find one?

A:Maybe in the new shopping center.

B:Well, I was told that things were more expensive there.

A:3. Things are cheaper.

B:But I haven’t done any shopping on the Internet before.

A:4. You can get help from someone else, I think.

B:Oh, I can ask for help from my cousin. Thanks a lot!

A:5. Good luck and good-bye!




Beijing was the capital for six dynasties(朝代). Among many new high buildings, you still can find something different here. When you walk through the hutong you will really love this old capital.

A hutong is narrow lane between the outer walls of houses. The main buildings in a hutong are siheyuan-buildings with houses around a yard.

If you come and go through the narrow hutong, you will get a feel for the heart of old Beijing. It is a place of peace, and it’s not like the noisy city. Usually, you can see groups of older people sitting together and playing cards or Chinese chess.

The hutong is an important element (元素) of Beijing. Most of them were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The oldest hutong is Sanmiao Street, which is more than 900 years old.

The hutong shows the culture of ordinary Beijingers. The people of Beijing used to enjoy a big dinner with their neighbors in the hutong. Neighbors and friends are never too far away to hear a shout.

There are lanes that are similar to hutong in other parts of China. But they have different names. For example, in Shanghai, people call these lanes linong. While in Hunan, people call them xiangzi.

1.Beijing used to be the capital of       dynasties.

A. three    B. four    C. five    D. six

2.The underlined word “lane” means        in Chinese.

A. 马路    B. 街道    C. 巷道    D. 捷径

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Living in a hutong is comfortable but noisy.

B. Most of hutong in Beijing were built more than 900 years ago.

C. Beijingers are difficult to get each other’s help because they live too far away.

D. Different places have different names of hutong in China.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Old Capital Culture—Hutong    B. The History of Hutong

C. Beijingers’ Living Condition    D. What Is Hutong



Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping ! The Internet is part of the way we live today. It’s very useful and it's easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time.

More and more people have computers or cellphones(手机) and use the Internet. Using the Internet means using the World Wide Web (That’s “www”you always hear about.) The Web (网) has a lot of websites in it. They are the places you go to get information and do things.

Where do these websites come from ? They are made by web designers(设计者). What happens when you click on a word or a picture ? You are sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designer. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming language.

Is Web design all about computer programming ? No. It’s about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of Web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.

1.This passage is mainly about ___________ .

A. computer programming language    B. the web designers’ work

C. the website manager’s work    D. the way to get onto the Internet

2.More and more people are using the Internet because it’s _________ .

A. easy and useful    B. beautiful and funny

C. colorful and hopeful    D. changing and growing

3.Which of the following is wrong?

A. “www” means “World Wide Web”.

B. There’re a few websites on the web.

C. The Internet has changed people’s lives.

D. We can do things like shopping on the Internet.

4.The web designers do a lot of work except _______.

A. making the websites new and beautiful    B. writing things on the Internet

C. doing the computer programming    D. following the manager’s ideas



Steve Jobs was one of the fathers of the personal computing time and the founder of Apple. He was also one of the giants of the information age. Here are some of his greatest contributions(贡献).

Apple II

  Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded  Apple Computers Inc. in 1976. A year later, the Apple II was invented. This production was the world’s first mass-market personal computer.

The iMac

Under Jobs’ leadership Apple introduced the all-in-one iMac computer in 1998. The iMac became the first machine, which offered only a CD-ROM slot.

The iPad

By 2010, Steve Jobs was  confident the world was ready to have a tablet computer that would be great for watching movies and playing games. The touch-sensitive iPad is a great success.

      iPhone 4s

iPhone 4s came out on October 4, 2011, in America. It looks like iPhone 4.  It has a larger and wider screen and a slimmer yet wider case. It has a better camera and faster data transfer speeds.



1.When was the Apple II invented?

A. In 1976.    B. In 1977.    C. In 1998.    D. In 2010.

2.Which one was the oldest?

A. The Apple II.    B. The iMac.    C. The iPad.    D. The iPhone 4s.

3.From the passage, we can know that the iPad _______.

A. has a better camera    B. is the first personal computer

C. is great for watching movies    D. has a CD-ROM slot

4.If you want to take photos, _______ is your best choice.

A. the Apple II.    B. the iMac.    C. the iPhone 4.    D. the iPhone 4s.



Once, there was a poor old shoemaker called Mike. He had a shop next to a big restaurant. Every day at lunch time, Mike would come out and eat his bread with the nice smells coming from the restaurant.

One morning, the shoemaker was asked to go to the restaurant to pay a bill.

Not knowing what had happened, he went there and pointed out that he hadn’t bought a thing from them.

The manager said, “You’re enjoying our food, so you should pay for it.” And he went on explaining, “Every day, you come and sit outside our kitchen and smell our food while eating yours, and of course, you should pay us.”

The old man didn’t say anything but smiled. He put his hand into his pocket and made the coins inside let out loud sounds.

The manager asked him, “What does it mean?” Mike replied with a big smile on his face, “I’m paying for the smell of your food with the sound of my money.”

The manager went into his office without a word.

1.The shoemaker would eat his bread with the nice smells ______.

A. from the restaurant    B. from his shop

C. out of his home    D. out of his office

2.Finally, the shoemaker paid the manager with ______.

A. a few coins    B. the smell of the food

C. his smile    D. the sounds of coins

3.From the passage, we know the shoemaker was very ______.

A. happy    B. brave    C. clever    D. angry



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