满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lily, please pass me that box of _______...

Lily, please pass me that box of _______. I will make a fire to cook meals.

A. wood    B. light    C. games    D. matches


D 【解析】试题分析:句意:莉莉,请递给我那盒火柴,我将要生火做肉吃。根据后句中的make a fire可知,说话者想要火柴。故选D。  

She was interested in sports,       volleyball.

A. specially    B. especially    C. particular    D. usually



The old man looks very unhappy, because he lives      , and he feels very      .

A. alone; alone    B. lonely; lonely    C. alone; lonely    D. lonely; alone



Autumn is the best season ______ Beijing.

A. at             B. in            C. on              D. near



Jane is      16-year-old high school student in       United States.

A. a; the    B. the; a    C. a; /    D. an; the



Traveling abroad is interesting. You can see different cultures and customs. But sometimes, knowing little about their customs may bring you 1.. For example, in South Korea, eating noodles loudly means it is delicious. But people in some Western countries think it is impolite. What are some other cultural dos and don’ts you should know when you 2. other countries?


UK  Stand in line. The British are known for waiting in line 3. they are waiting for the subway or in the supermarket.

Singapore  Stand on the 4. side when you take an escalator. The right side is for people who are in a hurry. This is different 5. what we do in China.

US  It is normal to tip (给小费) anyone with a service job, for example, waiters, taxi drivers and hotel doormen. Usually, a waiter is tipped 15—20 percent of the total bill.


UK  Making the V sign with your palm (手掌) facing you is rude. British people may be

6. with you.

Singapore  Never chew gums (嚼口香糖). It is not allowed in the country. Also, it is not OK to bring gums into Singapore. Don’t forget to 7.your gums at home before you go to Singapore.

US  Questions like “How old are you?” and “How much do 8. make?” may be OK between friends in China. But in the US, it is not polite to ask people such questions.



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