满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— The light in his room is still on. Do ...

— The light in his room is still on. Do you know      ?

— Maybe at midnight again.

A. if he is busy studying    B. when he will stop working

C. why he stays up so late


B 【解析】句意:-他房间里的灯还亮着,你知道他什么时候停止工作吗?-或许又是半夜吧。if he is busy studying他是否忙着学习;when he will stop working他什么时候停止工作;why he stays up so late他为什么熬夜到这么晚。根据下面的回答at midnight可知,这里问的事情是跟时间有关,故应选B。  

If you want to know more information about the coming party, please      the website: Http:// www. happy-weekends. com.

A. set up    B. pick out    C. look through



The old toy car remind me      my childhood and my grandma.

A. on    B. of    C. with



—Will Tina go to the Bird’s Nest with Tom?

—If you don’t,      .

A. neither will she    B. so will she    C. neither do she



—When did you become a volunteer?

— I      in this group since 2008.

A. took part    B. have joined    C. have been



     in the city?

— About 1,000,000.

A. How many populations are there    B. What’s the population    C. How much population are there



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