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The American government carry out(实施) ne...

The American government carry out(实施) new rules to limit(限制) junk food and sweet drinks in schools. The rules stop advertisements(广告) for  _____ foods on school grounds during the school day.

Big companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are saying “yes” to the new _____ . Many have already started to advertise their healthier foods. For schools, they will ______ junk food advertisements like a Coca-Cola scoreboard(记分板). Schools need to get a(n) ______ scoreboard with a healthier message.

“The new rule makes sure that schools should be a safe place where kids can ______ and where students can eat healthy food and keep a healthy  _____ habit.” Tom, a government officer, said in a meeting.

The new rules also plan to help _____ kids. They will make the schools serve breakfast and lunch to all _____ for free. The government says that will help feed about millions of kids in 22,000 schools. The rules will help keep   _____ on ways to build standards(标准) for foods.

“ Obesity rates(肥胖) among children in the US have dropped greatly over the last 10 years. This means that at least for kids, we can do something helpful to _____ them from becoming too far. That’s why we come up with the rule,” Tom said.

1.A. expensive    B. unhealthy    C. cheap

2.A. books    B. foods    C. rules

3.A. take away    B. eat up    C. run out

4.A. big    B. small    C. new

5.A. learn    B. work    C. play

6.A. eating    B. singing    C. working

7.A. clever    B. poor    C. young

8.A. teachers    B. students    C. workers

9.A. companies    B. families    C. schools

10.A. learn    B. stop    C. leave


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B 【解析】美国政府实施了新的规定,来限制学校里的垃圾食品,规则禁止在上学日的时候在学校里为垃圾食品做广告。这样做的目的是让学生养成一个良好的饮食习惯。 1.句意:这个规定禁止在上学日的时候在学校操场为不健康的食物做广告。expensive 昂贵的;unhealthy不健康的;cheap便宜的。根据上句话new rules to limit(限制) junk food and sweet drinks in schools可知,这些新的规定是限制垃圾食品和含糖较多的饮料的,这些都是不健康的食物,故应选B。 2.句意:像可口可乐和百事可乐这样的大公司都支持这些规定。books 书;foods 食物;rules规则。根据上文The rules stop advertisements...可知,这里一直在说的是这些新的规则,故应选C。 3.句意:对于学校来说,他们会没收垃圾食品的广告。take away带走,没收; eat up吃光; run out用完。根据文意可知,这些新的规定是禁止在学校为垃圾食品做广告,因此对于这些垃圾食品的广告,学校会没收。故应选A。 4.句意:学校需要一个记有更健康的信息的新的记分板。big 大的; small 小的;new新的。根据是上文可知,像可口可乐这样的垃圾食品的记分板会被没收,所以需要新的记分板。故应选C。 5.句意:这个新的规定保证学校是一个安全的地方,学生们可以在那里学习、可以吃健康的食物以及养成一个健康的饮食习惯。learn学习,学会;work 工作;play玩。根据常识可知,学校是学生们学习的地方,故应选A。 6.句意:这个新的规定保证学校是一个安全的地方,学生们可以在那里学习、可以吃健康的食物以及养成一个健康的饮食习惯。eating 饮食;singing 唱歌;working工作。根据文意可知,这些新的规定限制垃圾食品在学校里的宣传,目的就是使学生养成一个好的饮食习惯。故应选A。 7.句意:这些新的规定也计划去帮助贫穷的孩子。clever 聪明的;poor 穷的; young年轻的。根据下文They will make the schools serve breakfast and lunch to all ___8___ for free. The government says that will help feed about millions of kids in 22,000 schools可知,规定要求学校提供免费的早餐和午餐,是想要帮助贫穷的孩子,故应选B。 8.句意:他们会让学校给所有的孩子提供免费的早餐和午餐。teachers 老师们;students学生们;workers工人们。根据下句话The government says that will help feed about millions of kids in 22,000 schools可知,这样做可以帮助养活大约几百万个孩子,所以学校是给学生提供免费的早餐和午餐。故应选B。 9.句意:这些规定将会使学校保持新的食物标准。companies公司;families 家庭;schools学校。根据文意可知,这些新的规定都是针对学校里垃圾食品的情况来说的,故应选C。 10.句意:我们可以做一些有用的事情阻止孩子们变得更胖。learn 学习;stop 停止,阻止;leave离开。根据文意可知,这些新的规定有助于防止孩子们变胖。故应选B。 点睛:完形填空是考查学生综合运用语言的能力的一个题型,通常难度比较大,学生们普遍对这一题型感到困难,不知道如何去做。首先学生应有一个较好的阅读理解的能力,同时应注意积累固定短语、句型和词汇的用法。做题时,应先通读全文,了解文章大意;然后逐空做题,注意空前后的固定搭配和上下文的逻辑关系;最后再读一遍短文,检查答案。完形填空这一题型有个特点,就是在上下文会有呼应的关系,会出现单词或短语的复现,这对于我们做题来说是很有用的。再就是要注意上下文的逻辑关系,理清文章的结构和脉络。这篇短文中出现了很多呼应的关系,如第1小题,unhealthy food跟前文的junk food意思是相同的;再例如第8小题和第9小题,全文告诉我们这些新的规定是针对学校的。

— The light in his room is still on. Do you know      ?

— Maybe at midnight again.

A. if he is busy studying    B. when he will stop working

C. why he stays up so late



If you want to know more information about the coming party, please      the website: Http:// www. happy-weekends. com.

A. set up    B. pick out    C. look through



The old toy car remind me      my childhood and my grandma.

A. on    B. of    C. with



—Will Tina go to the Bird’s Nest with Tom?

—If you don’t,      .

A. neither will she    B. so will she    C. neither do she



—When did you become a volunteer?

— I      in this group since 2008.

A. took part    B. have joined    C. have been



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