满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.He ___________ up high when he heard ...



1.He ___________ up high when he heard the good news.

2.People always wear coats and scarves on __________ days.

3.I’d like to order a large bowl of beef noodles with _____________.

4.The supermarket is ___________ Main Street on the right.

5.I wanted to be a great ____________ when I was young.


1.jumped 2.snowy 3.potatoes 4.along 5.musician 【解析】 1.句意:当他听到好消息的时候,他高高地跳起来。这里是when引导的时间状语从句,注意时态保持一致,这里用一般过去时态,故填jumped。 2.句意:人们总是穿大衣和危机在下雪的日子。Snowy的意思是“下雪的”。根据句意,故填snowy。 3.句意:我愿意点一大碗带有西红柿的牛肉面。Potato的意思是“西红柿”这里用复数形式。根据题意, 故填potatoes。 4.句意:超市在沿着主街道的右边。Along表示沿着……。根据题意,故填along。 5.句意:当我年轻的时候,我想成为一个伟大的音乐家。Musician的意思是“音乐家”根据句意,故填musician。 点睛:1. 掌握词汇、语法、阅读等基础知识,并具有较强的语言综合运用能力。 2. 具备一定的词汇运用能力。 所以该题的干扰项往往会以同义词、近义词、反义词或形近异义词的形式出现。固定搭配以动词、形容词、副词、介词构成的居多,在选词填空中,主要以副词和介词为考点。这要求考生在平时的英语学习中,掌握主要的固定搭配和习惯用法,重视对结构和语法的掌握。 3. 具备语境逻辑判断能力。 选词填空的一个主要方面是考查学生对某一段落或者某几个句子之间的逻辑关系的判断和把握,尤其是对句与句之间的逻辑关系的理解。这要求考生熟记表示列举、原因、结果、让步、递进、转折、对照、补充、时间、目的、条件等不同逻辑关系的连接词。

I’m Victor. On my seventh birthday, my mom gave me a book about stars. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby.

I always went outside with my mom on clean nights and looked at the sky. In different seasons. we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly(明亮地)across the sky. How beautiful they were!

Studying the stars was great fun for me . When I learnt a little about them, Iwanted to find out more and more. Now it is my job. I host a TV show called The Sky at Night. I use what I know to tell people about the stars in a great way. I am happy because my TV show started over 50 years ago, now it’s still popular.

Now I am seventy-five years old. Actually, I think you can turn your hobby into your job too. Anybody can make their dreams come true. You just have to enjoy what you do!

1.The underlined word “shooting” means             .

A. 飞过    B. 闪耀    C. 眨眼    D. 唱歌

2.“Studying the stars was great fun for me.”tells us               .

A. Victor was interested in stars    B. Victor loved the book very much

C. Victor often saw different stars    D. Victor loved his TV show

3.The sky at Night is over             years old.

A. 7    B. 50    C. 65    D. 75

4.The writer wants to tell us that            .

A. hobbies are just jobs    B. TV show helps us a lot

C. we need to enjoy what we do    D. reading is important in our life



Seeing is believing(相信),but if our eyes don’t work, how can we see to believe?

Today more and more kids wear glasses before going to middle school. Because they spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games without a rest. But we must do something to protect(保护)our eyes because they are important for us to see the world.

Love your eyes. Every day , when we open our eyes, we can see the lovely friends and parents, beautiful flowers and green trees. Without them, there is only darkness. It is like a house without any light. How important our eyes are!

Remember to rest your eyes. When you use the computer for an hour or two, it is time to stop to have a 30-minute rest. At school, you need to do eye exercises. Closing your eyes for resting is helpful, as well as looking at green trees or grass. In these ways, your eyes will feel relaxed.

Have good habits. When writing homework and reading, it is important to keep a distance of 30 cm between your eyes and books. We should never rub(摩擦)our eyes with dirty fingers. Before and after swimming, use eye drops. Eat something healthy for eyes, such as carrots, fish and eggs.

1.We must protect our eyes because                .

A. seeing is believing    B. We have to wear glasses

C. eyes are important for us    D. we use them to watch TV

2.The writer tells us            ways to test our eyes.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

3.We can learn from the passage that            .

A. the world is dark if we don’t have eyes    B. many kids wear glasses before going to school

C. carrots, fish and meat are good for our eyes    D. rubbing our eyes is a good habit

4.The best title(题目)of the passage is            .

A. Seeing Is Believing    B. Resting Our Eyes    C. Having Good Habits    D. Protecting Our Eyes



What can music bring people? Band of Hope is a student band in the US. They play music for young children at a children’s hospital.

Students at Hopewell Junior High School started the band about six months ago. The band’s twenty-seven members meet once a week for a two-hour practice after school.

On May 6, they played their sixth concert(音乐会)for 20 children at the hospital. The band members also told jokes to them and brought small gifts to them.

Liam Watters, 13, plays the baritone(男中音)in the band . During one concert, he learned that one of the children like to listen to the singing, so he and some other band members went back to the child’s room and sang to him.

That was really cool,”Liam said. “They had big smiles on their faces.”

1.Band of Hope plays music for             .

A. tired kids    B. hungry kids    C. lucky kids    D. sick(生病的)kids

2.There are           members in Band of Hope.

A. 27    B. 13    C. 6    D. 20

3.What did the band do for the children on May 6?

a.They told jokes to them.      b.They read books for them.

c.They played music for them.  d.They brought gifts to them.

A. a,b,c    B. a,b,d    C. a,c,d    D. b,c,d

4.The underlined word “That” means “           ”.

A. Doing something for the kids    B. Playing the baritone

C. Going to the hospital    D. Staying with other band members




For sale

Three-bedroom house

It’s near No.1 High school.

There is a park, a library and a supermarket near here. Right price!

Call Joe at 8682-5044.

Time: 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.

City English Center

Good Engish teachers give classes from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on weekends.

Classes are 50 yuan an hour.

Please call Lisa at 5354-5156 from Monday to Friday.

Time:10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

For Rent

One hundred bikes

All bikes are new and colorful.

It’s near the Center Hospital.

Ten yuan a day.

Call Mr.Li at 3384-3535 every day.



1.You can             by calling 8682-5044.

A. buy a house    B. read in the library

C. shop in the supermarket    D. take a walk in a park

2.You can learn English at           on Saturday.

A. 7:00 a.m.    B. 3:00 p.m.    C. 9:00 a.m.    D. 8:00 p.m.

3.We may get the information(信息)from a               .

A. textbook    B. newspaper    C. dictionary    D. storybook



It was a good day yesterday. The weather was fine, _______ Mary and her mother went to buy something. The things in Huaxing Supermarket were on sale. And there were lots of different _______ of things in the supermarket.

Mary saw a nice cake with a flower ______ it , but it too small. She’d like a big one .Then she saw a hamburger with beef in it. It was big ,so she ______asked her mother to buy it for her .when she saw some ______,she asked her mother to buy some for her, too. At last, her mother bought a ______ hamburger ,some orange juice and green tea for her. After that, her mother ______ to buy something for her pet , Jenny. Jenny is a cute dog. She ______ playing with balls, so her mother bought her a ball.

______ were the things? Only 50 yuan. And Mary was ______ . She got a gift from the supermarket for free. It was a red hat. Mary liked it very much.

1.A. but    B. so    C. because    D. then

2.A. kinds    B. sizes    C. colors    D. names

3.A. with    B. in    C. on    D. under

4.A. only    B. really    C. luckily    D. quickly

5.A. drinks    B. vegetables    C. fruits    D. books

6.A. nice    B. small    C. large    D. cute

7.A. forgot    B. wanted    C. taught    D. stopped

8.A. remembers    B. stops    C. keeps    D. enjoys

9.A. What kind    B. What size    C. How much    D. How many

10.A. popular    B. lucky    C. funny    D. kind



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