满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last weekend our science teacher, Mr. Re...

Last weekend our science teacher, Mr. Read, took us to Greentown on a school trip. We had a terrible trip.

  66  Mr. Read drove the school bus. The journey took many hours. Some of us were asleep on the way because we got up very early in the morning. We arrived in Greentown at about 11:30 p.m. Then it started to rain heavily.   67  We could see the river. The water was very high.

Then at lunch time, one of the boys fell into the river. Luckily, Mr. Read was very good at swimming.   68   .

The Sunday afternoon was terrible, too. Two girls didn’t tell Mr. Read and went to the center of the town. They got lost.   69  Mr. Read was very angry.

We came back to our city on Sunday evening. We were cold and tired. Never again!





5.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. A weekend    B. Our science teacher    C. A terrible trip    D. Greentown


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了Mr. Read是作者的科学老师带他们去旅行的故事,在旅行中出现一些事故。 1.根据下文Mr. Read drove the school bus. The journey took many hours.可知上文是在周六上午我们在上午7点离家。故选B。 2.根据下文We could see the river. The water was very high.可知上文是我们在周日上午早早醒来,向外看。故选D。 3.根据上文Luckily, Mr. Read was very good at swimming.可知下文是他听到了喊声,跑出去救他。故选A。 4.根据上文Two girls didn’t tell Mr. Read and went to the center of the town. They got lost.可知下文是一个警察把他们带回我们的旅馆。故选C。 5.通读整篇短文可知,这篇短文主要讲述了一个糟糕的旅行。故选C。

Jenny Lee is my aunt. She 1. (live) in Canada now. She is a doctor of children in a big hospital. She likes kids very much. She often tells 2. (story) to them. But she is always very busy. She doesn’t have much time 3. (play) with her children. But last Sunday she didn’t need to work. 4. she took her children to the zoo. There were many kinds of animals in the zoo. Pandas are 5. (they) favorite. They stayed 6. for two hours. After lunch, they went 7. (shop) for clothes. But the clothes were not cheap. They didn’t buy 8. at last. Later they went to a big restaurant 9. to their house for dinner. Then they walked back home. It was quite a 10. (relax) day.



What do you usually do on the weekend? Different people have different 1.(想法). Some people like to stay at home, others love outdoor activities like going 2.(滑冰), playing soccer and so on. But my friend Peter always does the same thing, washing his car. It’s so 3.(无趣的).So last Saturday he drove to his uncle’s farm in the 4.(乡村) with his farmily.

The farm is not very big , but there’s always so 5.(许多)to do on the farm. 6.(在……之后) meeting their uncle and aunt, they started to help them with the farming. Peter helped in the fields(田地).The children helped to 7.(摘)the apples. Peter’s wife was 8.(感兴趣的)in feeding the pigs and cows.

In the 9.(结尾), they were very tired but happy. They said they really 10.(享受)the trip.





1.He ___________ up high when he heard the good news.

2.People always wear coats and scarves on __________ days.

3.I’d like to order a large bowl of beef noodles with _____________.

4.The supermarket is ___________ Main Street on the right.

5.I wanted to be a great ____________ when I was young.



I’m Victor. On my seventh birthday, my mom gave me a book about stars. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby.

I always went outside with my mom on clean nights and looked at the sky. In different seasons. we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly(明亮地)across the sky. How beautiful they were!

Studying the stars was great fun for me . When I learnt a little about them, Iwanted to find out more and more. Now it is my job. I host a TV show called The Sky at Night. I use what I know to tell people about the stars in a great way. I am happy because my TV show started over 50 years ago, now it’s still popular.

Now I am seventy-five years old. Actually, I think you can turn your hobby into your job too. Anybody can make their dreams come true. You just have to enjoy what you do!

1.The underlined word “shooting” means             .

A. 飞过    B. 闪耀    C. 眨眼    D. 唱歌

2.“Studying the stars was great fun for me.”tells us               .

A. Victor was interested in stars    B. Victor loved the book very much

C. Victor often saw different stars    D. Victor loved his TV show

3.The sky at Night is over             years old.

A. 7    B. 50    C. 65    D. 75

4.The writer wants to tell us that            .

A. hobbies are just jobs    B. TV show helps us a lot

C. we need to enjoy what we do    D. reading is important in our life



Seeing is believing(相信),but if our eyes don’t work, how can we see to believe?

Today more and more kids wear glasses before going to middle school. Because they spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games without a rest. But we must do something to protect(保护)our eyes because they are important for us to see the world.

Love your eyes. Every day , when we open our eyes, we can see the lovely friends and parents, beautiful flowers and green trees. Without them, there is only darkness. It is like a house without any light. How important our eyes are!

Remember to rest your eyes. When you use the computer for an hour or two, it is time to stop to have a 30-minute rest. At school, you need to do eye exercises. Closing your eyes for resting is helpful, as well as looking at green trees or grass. In these ways, your eyes will feel relaxed.

Have good habits. When writing homework and reading, it is important to keep a distance of 30 cm between your eyes and books. We should never rub(摩擦)our eyes with dirty fingers. Before and after swimming, use eye drops. Eat something healthy for eyes, such as carrots, fish and eggs.

1.We must protect our eyes because                .

A. seeing is believing    B. We have to wear glasses

C. eyes are important for us    D. we use them to watch TV

2.The writer tells us            ways to test our eyes.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

3.We can learn from the passage that            .

A. the world is dark if we don’t have eyes    B. many kids wear glasses before going to school

C. carrots, fish and meat are good for our eyes    D. rubbing our eyes is a good habit

4.The best title(题目)of the passage is            .

A. Seeing Is Believing    B. Resting Our Eyes    C. Having Good Habits    D. Protecting Our Eyes



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