满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Gina is my mother. I am Mary’s father. G...

Gina is my mother. I am Mary’s father. Gina is Mary’s_______ .

A. cousin    B. mother    C. grandmother


C 【解析】句意:Gina是我的妈妈,我是马丽的父亲,Gina是玛丽的祖母。A. cousin堂兄弟,表兄弟,表姐妹;B. mother妈妈;C. grandmother祖母。根据常识可知选C。  

-This is Jim.                 .

A. Nice to meet you.                  B. Fine, thank you .

C. How are you ?                      D. Good morning.



Tom is my uncle’s son. So I am his_______.

A. brother    B. sister    C. cousin    D. grandfather



_________ is he?

—He is Andy’s father.

A. How    B. Where    C. Who    D. What



Li Na is both my classmate and my good friend. She is not only lovely but also 11.She takes an active part in all kinds of after-school activities. She is brave enough to make a s2.in front of many people. She always keeps everything in o3.She is an excellent student. She is never a4.from school. She is very careful and seldom makes mistakes because of c5. . She is interested in n6. computer games nor mobile phones. She spends most of her free time reading books. She always studies to high s 7. . She often says, "Life is like a r8. . If you don't work hard, you will f9.behind others." She pays a10. to every detail(细节) while studying. That's why she is a top student in our class. I should learn from her.



--The book about animal signs says people born in the Year of the Tiger is always brave.

--          Just read it for fun.

A. Yes, that's right.    B. I can't agree more.

C. What a great idea!    D. That's not always the case.



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