满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hi, I’m Mark. This is a photo of my fami...

Hi, I’m Mark. This is a photo of my family. These are my grandparents—Jim and Anna. They’re my dad’s parents. My dad is Leo White and my mom is Lily White. I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Sue, and my brother is Eric. _____They and my parents are in the photo. This is my uncle Jerry.(2)他是我爸爸的兄弟。 And Mary is his wife (妻子).That’s their dog Peter. Where (在哪里)am I in the photo? Ha! I’m not in the photo.


1.What’s the last name of Mark’s dad?


2.Who is Peter?


3.How many people(人)are there(有)in the photo?







1.White 2.It’s a dog 3.Eight. 4.他们和我父母都在照片里面。 5.He’s my father’s brother. 【解析】本文介绍了Mark一家的全家福。照片中有马克的祖父母,他的父母、马克的叔叔婶子及马克的哥哥、姐姐。 1.根据My dad is Leo White可知,英语名字最后的是姓。故答案为:White. 2.根据That’s their dog Peter可知,皮特是狗的名字。故答案为:It’s a dog. 3.根据短文的内容可知,照片上有马克的祖父母,他的父母、马克的叔叔婶子及马克的哥哥、姐姐。共8口人。故答案为:Eight. 4.my parents我的父母;in the photo在照片里。故答案为:他们和我父母都在照片里面。 5.根据他是句子的主语所以应该用主格he;he做主语谓语动词应该用单数形式,故用is;表示某人的应该用所有格的形式。故答案为:He’s my father’s brother. 点睛:不仅考查学生直接获取信息的能力,还可考查学生通过已知信息进行推理,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓义。因此,这就要求考生要具备通过已知信息进行判断推理能力和透过字面意思解读深层含义能力,这一类型题在阅读测试中属于难度较大的题目。在做这一类型的题目时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,捕捉文章中有关的信息,精读特定细节及周围的句子来帮助理解。 在答题时,总的原则就是:能简略回答,尽量简略回答。在回答问题时,应对照题目,根据需要对句子的人称、单复数、时态、语态、词性、主谓搭配等作出适当的调整。

Hi, I’m Mary Brown. I have three photos. Look at the first one. Two girls are in it. They are my good friends Linda and Jane.

Who are they in this photo? These are my aunt and uncle. My uncle is my father’s brother. The two children are their son Jack and their daughter Alice.

The last one is my family photo. This is my grand-mother. She’s 80. These are my parents. The boy is my brother Mike. Who’s the girl? Ha, it’s me. I’m three years old in the photo.

1.The first one is a photo of Mary’s _______.

A. parents    B. school

C. friends    D. family

2.Jack is Mary’s ________.

A. friend    B. cousin

C. brother    D. uncle

3.Mike’s last name is ________.

A. Brown    B. Black    C. Smith    D. Green

4.You can see ________ people in the last photo.

A. two    B. four    C. five    D. seven

5.Which of the following is TRUE(下面哪个是正确的)?

A. Mary has three cousins.

B. Alice is Mary’s friend.

C. Mary’s father has no brothers.

D. Jack and Mike are cousins.



My name’s Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda Brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncle’s daughter.

1.Mary’s brother is ____.

A. Susan  B. John C. Tony  D. Linda

2.Bill is John’s ______.

A. father B. brother  C. uncleD. son

3.Henry is Susan’s ____.

A.father  B. grandfather  C. uncle  D. grandmother

4.Grace is Susan’s________.

A.sister B. mother  C. auntD. grandmother

5.Tony and Mary are Susan’s_______.

A. brothers   B. sistersC. cousins  D. friends



Hello, Tm Jack. This is_____family photo. These_____my grandparents. They are 80. Their hair ( ) is ___. This is my father Steve and this is my mother Mayra. Look!___ is my mother’s jacket? It’s red. It’s ___.This is my aunt Anna. She is my father’s ____This is my___ Dan. He is Anna’s husband ( ).They have____children(孩子),Tom and Alice.____boy in blue is me. I’m in No. 6 Middle School. Alice____ in my school. She is in No. 9 Middle School.

1.A. his    B. her    C. your    D. my

2.A. am    B. is    C. are    D. be

3.A. white    B. OK    C. fine    D. last

4.A. What    B. How    C. What color    D. What number

5.A. middle    B. nice    C. first    D. next

6.A. daughter    B. sister    C. grandma    D. mother

7.A. uncle    B. brother    C. cousin    D. grandpa

8.A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

9.A. A    B. An    C. The    D. 不填

10.A. are    B. is    C. aren’t    D. isn’t



Is this a photo ____________ his family?

—Yes, he is          the family photo.

A. in; of    B. of; in    C. on; of



Are these Mary’s brothers?

—Yes,            .

A. he is    B. she is    C. they are    D. they aren’t



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