满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.This is my uncle.(改为一般疑问句) ______ thi...


1.This is my uncle.(改为一般疑问句)

______ this________ uncle?

2.That is Emma’s aunt.(改为复数句)

_______ ______ Emma’s aunts.

3.They are __my parents___.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _______?

4.Is Liu Qiang your brother?(作否定回答)

______ , he ______ .

5.These are my sisters.(改为单数句)

______ is my________.


1.Isyour 2.Thoseare 3.Who’rethey 4.Noisn’t 5.Thissister 【解析】 1.因为原句的动词是be动词,变成一般疑问句的时候,把be提到句首。把原句的my改为your。故答案为:(1). Is (2). your. 2.改为复数句子,应该把句子的主语及谓语动词都变成对应的复数形式。that复数those,is的复数是are。故答案为:(1). Those (2). are. 3.因为划线的是表示人的词,所以应该用疑问词who,原句中有are,疑问词后跟疑问句的结构,所以把are提到主语之前。故答案为:(1). Who’re (2). they . 4.因为原句是一般疑问句,句子中有be动词,对于一般疑问的句的否定回答应该用no,后用be的适当形式填空。故答案为:(1). No (2). isn’t. 5.把句子变成单数句,应该把句中的主语及表语都变成单数形式,These的单数是this,sisters的单数形式是sister,故答案为:(1). This (2). sister. 点睛:句子的单复数转换的规则是:对应句中的名词、代词、动词等,能变则变,不能变的,要么保留,要么去掉。要做到熟练掌握并运用这一规则,必须掌握名词的单复数的变化规则,代词对应的人称和单复数,动词的第三人称单数的变化规则等。在解题过程中,还必须具体情况具体对待。


1.______ is a girl and________ name is Li Fang. (she)

2.What’s_______ID card number? ( you )

3.Is______ English name Ted? (he)

4.My___________ brother is my uncle. ( father)

5.______ are my English books.(this)

6.His sister_______ nice. ( be)

7.______ this your cousin’s mother? (be)

8.______ is my grandmother. ( those)

9.She has many beautiful ________ .(picture)

10.__________answer is wrong.(Tom)




1.They are my________(哥哥).

2.His _______ (女儿) is at school now.

3.Look at this________ (照片)of my sister..

4.1 go to see my________ (祖父母) on Sundays (每周日).

5.Green is that boy’s________ (姓).

6.Have a good_______(—'天)!

7.This is a picture of a________ (女孩).

8.Kaixin is the name of my __(狗).

9.(这里)___________ is the girl’s notebook.

10.My ___________ (父母) are English teachers in Ningbo No. 1 Middle School.



Hi, I’m Mark. This is a photo of my family. These are my grandparents—Jim and Anna. They’re my dad’s parents. My dad is Leo White and my mom is Lily White. I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Sue, and my brother is Eric. _____They and my parents are in the photo. This is my uncle Jerry.(2)他是我爸爸的兄弟。 And Mary is his wife (妻子).That’s their dog Peter. Where (在哪里)am I in the photo? Ha! I’m not in the photo.


1.What’s the last name of Mark’s dad?


2.Who is Peter?


3.How many people(人)are there(有)in the photo?








Hi, I’m Mary Brown. I have three photos. Look at the first one. Two girls are in it. They are my good friends Linda and Jane.

Who are they in this photo? These are my aunt and uncle. My uncle is my father’s brother. The two children are their son Jack and their daughter Alice.

The last one is my family photo. This is my grand-mother. She’s 80. These are my parents. The boy is my brother Mike. Who’s the girl? Ha, it’s me. I’m three years old in the photo.

1.The first one is a photo of Mary’s _______.

A. parents    B. school

C. friends    D. family

2.Jack is Mary’s ________.

A. friend    B. cousin

C. brother    D. uncle

3.Mike’s last name is ________.

A. Brown    B. Black    C. Smith    D. Green

4.You can see ________ people in the last photo.

A. two    B. four    C. five    D. seven

5.Which of the following is TRUE(下面哪个是正确的)?

A. Mary has three cousins.

B. Alice is Mary’s friend.

C. Mary’s father has no brothers.

D. Jack and Mike are cousins.



My name’s Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda Brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncle’s daughter.

1.Mary’s brother is ____.

A. Susan  B. John C. Tony  D. Linda

2.Bill is John’s ______.

A. father B. brother  C. uncleD. son

3.Henry is Susan’s ____.

A.father  B. grandfather  C. uncle  D. grandmother

4.Grace is Susan’s________.

A.sister B. mother  C. auntD. grandmother

5.Tony and Mary are Susan’s_______.

A. brothers   B. sistersC. cousins  D. friends



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