满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Nick is my good friend.                                             



Nick is my good friend. He is m English hoy. He is ten years old. He has a big family. These are his grandparents. His father is Paul. His mother is Jenny. Mike Smith is his uncle. Susan is his aunt. His uncle and his aunt are English teachers. Nick loves his family. 【解析】本文是介绍好朋友Nick家的情况,所以句子是主语用第三人称,句子的时态用一般现在时。要注意主谓一致,为了上下文的衔接可以使用一些连词。不要漏掉图片上的信息,注意代词的用法。 点睛:1.审题:仔细阅读所给的内容提示(包括文字和图表等),理解要表达的主要内容,确定文章的体裁,考虑应用的人称和时态。 2.找重点,写片段:根据提示,找出需要写的重点内容,考虑使用正确是句式结构,写出应用的动词词组及重要的单词及词组,为第二步骤的句子写作做好准备。 3.确定句型:选用自己熟悉的句型,使用有把握的词汇,用正确的句式结构写出提示内容要求的句子。  

girl, she, he, who, and, here, cousin, too, next, one

Hi, I’m Jack Smith. Jack is my1.name,2.Smith is my last name.3.are two photos. In the first photo, you can see two4. The girl in a red jacket is my sister,

5.name is Jane. The girl in a yellow jacket is my6..She’s my aunt’s daughter. In the 7.photo are a girl and a boy. The girl is my cousin,8..She is in a blue jacket.9.is the boy? He is my good friend.10. name is Mike. The color of his jacket is black.





______ a good_______!


These are her________ _______ .


______ __________your daughter?


Chen Lin?s uncles________ _______ in Beijing.


What’s in________ _______ picture?




1.This is my uncle.(改为一般疑问句)

______ this________ uncle?

2.That is Emma’s aunt.(改为复数句)

_______ ______ Emma’s aunts.

3.They are __my parents___.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _______?

4.Is Liu Qiang your brother?(作否定回答)

______ , he ______ .

5.These are my sisters.(改为单数句)

______ is my________.




1.______ is a girl and________ name is Li Fang. (she)

2.What’s_______ID card number? ( you )

3.Is______ English name Ted? (he)

4.My___________ brother is my uncle. ( father)

5.______ are my English books.(this)

6.His sister_______ nice. ( be)

7.______ this your cousin’s mother? (be)

8.______ is my grandmother. ( those)

9.She has many beautiful ________ .(picture)

10.__________answer is wrong.(Tom)




1.They are my________(哥哥).

2.His _______ (女儿) is at school now.

3.Look at this________ (照片)of my sister..

4.1 go to see my________ (祖父母) on Sundays (每周日).

5.Green is that boy’s________ (姓).

6.Have a good_______(—'天)!

7.This is a picture of a________ (女孩).

8.Kaixin is the name of my __(狗).

9.(这里)___________ is the girl’s notebook.

10.My ___________ (父母) are English teachers in Ningbo No. 1 Middle School.



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