满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.There are many flowers in the g______...


1.There are many flowers in the g______________ in spring.

2.My parents w______________ me not to swim in the river alone. It’s too dangerous.

3.The famous short n______________ was written by Charles Dickens.

4.You’d better not to talk to s______________ at the railway station.

5.These bananas are about eight p______________.

6.Mr. Green often ______________ (惩罚) his children by not letting them play games.

7.Some Chinese teenagers are interested in having fun on ______________ (圣诞节), but they don’t know what the spirit of it is.

8.Can you feel the ______________ (温暖) of the sun?

9.Did you buy any p______________ for your mother on her birthday?

10.It’s possible for people to live to be more than one ______________ (100 years).


1.garden 2.warn 3.novel 4.strangers 5.pounds 6.punishes 7.Christmas 8.warmth 9.presents 10.century 【解析】 1.句意:春天花园里有许多花。结合句意和首字母提示可知填garden. 2.句意:我的父母警告我不要独自一人到河里游泳。太危险了。Warn sb. to do sth.:警告某人做某事;结合句意和语境及首字母提示可知填warn。 3.句意:这部著名的短篇小说是由查尔斯·狄更斯写的。复数可代表一类事物,结合句意和语境及首字母提示可知填novel。 4.句意:你最好不要在火车站和陌生人说话。结合句意和语境及首字母提示可知填strangers。 5.句意:这些香蕉大约八磅。根据数词eight可知后面的名词用复数形式;结合句意和语境及首字母提示可知填pounds。 6.句意:格林先生经常不让他们玩游戏的方式来惩罚他的孩子。根据频度副词often可知用一般现在时,主语Mr. Green是第三人称单数,谓语也应用单数形式,结合句意和汉语提示可知填punishes。 7.句意:一些中国青少年对开心地过圣诞节感兴趣,但他们不知道圣诞的精神是什么。结合句意和汉语提示可知填Christmas。 8.句意:你能感到太阳的温暖吗?冠词不能单独使用要和名词一块使用,of…的,其前面是名词,结合汉语提示及句意可知填warmth。 9.句意:在她的生日那天你买了什么礼物送给了你母亲?根据前面修饰词any(一些)可知用复数形式,结合句意和首字母提示及语境可知填presents。 10.句意:对于人们来说活过一个多世纪是不可能的。100 years就是“一世纪”,结合句意和语境可知填century。


Nick is my good friend.                                             




girl, she, he, who, and, here, cousin, too, next, one

Hi, I’m Jack Smith. Jack is my1.name,2.Smith is my last name.3.are two photos. In the first photo, you can see two4. The girl in a red jacket is my sister,

5.name is Jane. The girl in a yellow jacket is my6..She’s my aunt’s daughter. In the 7.photo are a girl and a boy. The girl is my cousin,8..She is in a blue jacket.9.is the boy? He is my good friend.10. name is Mike. The color of his jacket is black.





______ a good_______!


These are her________ _______ .


______ __________your daughter?


Chen Lin?s uncles________ _______ in Beijing.


What’s in________ _______ picture?




1.This is my uncle.(改为一般疑问句)

______ this________ uncle?

2.That is Emma’s aunt.(改为复数句)

_______ ______ Emma’s aunts.

3.They are __my parents___.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _______?

4.Is Liu Qiang your brother?(作否定回答)

______ , he ______ .

5.These are my sisters.(改为单数句)

______ is my________.




1.______ is a girl and________ name is Li Fang. (she)

2.What’s_______ID card number? ( you )

3.Is______ English name Ted? (he)

4.My___________ brother is my uncle. ( father)

5.______ are my English books.(this)

6.His sister_______ nice. ( be)

7.______ this your cousin’s mother? (be)

8.______ is my grandmother. ( those)

9.She has many beautiful ________ .(picture)

10.__________answer is wrong.(Tom)



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