满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Though my friend Ruth and I have some di...

Though my friend Ruth and I have some differences, I don’t _________ about them.

A. like    B. care    C. believe    D. know


B 【解析】句意:虽然我和我的朋友露丝有一些不同,但我并不在乎。A. like喜欢;B. care 关心;C. believe 相信;D. know知道。care about关心,在乎。结合句意可知,答案为B。  

My friend likes to do ________ thing _________ me.

A. same; as    B. the same; to

C. the same; as    D. same; to



Ye Shiwen is talented __________ swimming.

A. at    B. on

C. with    D. in



Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?

    Yes. I'm ______ at drawing than her.

A. better      B. good            C. well           D. best




1.I think it’s important ______ you to have a good friend.

2.My best friend Li Lan is good ______ sports.

3.Sally is similar ______ Mary. They’re both quiet.

4.She is quite different ______ her mother.

5.My best friend always cares _______ me.




1.I don’t c______ that my friend has the same clothes as me.

2.He likes telling jokes. He always makes us l________.

3.The girl is t_______. She can learn everything easily.

4.This is a t_______ beautiful picture.

5.Miss Zhang is going to America for an i_______ meeting next month.



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