满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You can see __ C , __A and __ N in the w...

You can see __ C , __A and __ N in the word “can” .

A. a, an ,a    B. an, a ,an    C. an, an, a    D. a, an, an


D 【解析】句意:你能看见一个C,一个A和一个N在单词can里面。根据题意可知这里表示泛指,C辅音因素,这里用不定冠词a;字母A和N是以元音音素开头的,这里用不定冠词an。根据题意,故选D。 点睛:a用在首字母以辅音音素开头,例如:a man一个男人 a university一所大学;an用在首字母以元音音素开头,或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前面:例如:an apple一个苹果 an island一个岛。  

A:Are these your friends in the photo, Jenny?

B:Yeah, that’s right. They’re twins, Sally and Amy.

A:They look the s1. .

B:Yeah, but there are some differences between them. Amy’s a

l2.  taller. She's the one on the left.

A:W3.  are they like?

B:Well, Amy is a bit quieter than Sally.

A:And Sally?

B:Sally is more o4.  than her sister.She's really funny.

A:Do they have d5.  interests?

B:Yes. Amy likes singing, but Sally likes dancing.



Though my friend Ruth and I have some differences, I don’t _________ about them.

A. like    B. care    C. believe    D. know



My friend likes to do ________ thing _________ me.

A. same; as    B. the same; to

C. the same; as    D. same; to



Ye Shiwen is talented __________ swimming.

A. at    B. on

C. with    D. in



Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?

    Yes. I'm ______ at drawing than her.

A. better      B. good            C. well           D. best



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