满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When you think of a classroom, such w1. ...

When you think of a classroom, such w1. as “quiet or clean” may come to your mind. But a modern British high school is n2. and untidy. Most students don’t wear uniforms and teachers often wear jeans and T-shirts.

Rules in a British classroom are s3. to those in Chinese schools. The students mustn’t talk, eat or drink. You can’t leave your seat u4. you are asked to. Raise your h5.when you want to ask a question.

Some British teenagers go to private schools. Discipline(纪律) is b6. there, as class sizes are smaller and students usually get more attention. But most teenagers go to p7. schools, where they don’t have to pay any money.

However, for many teachers, m8.pupils obey the rules is hard. The students have different abilities and hobbies. Some may not speak English as their first l9..

Can British bring good m10.back to the classroom? It just might be possible, with the help of a little Harry Potter magic.


1.words 2.noisy 3.similar 4.until/unless 5.hand 6.better 7.public 8.making 9.language 10.manners 【解析】本文叙述了现代的英国教室里非常的脏乱,所以一些英国的十几岁的青少年愿意去私立学校,因为那里的纪律比较好,并且班级容量也小,学生能够得到关注。有些十几岁的青少年愿意去公办学校,因为那里学生的费用低,但是对于老师来说,绝大多数老师认为让学生遵守纪律,是非常难的。 1.句意:当你想起教室的时候,像这样的单词“安静和干净”,马上出现在你的头脑当中。这里是表示举例,用such as,根据“quiet or clean”可知,这是对单词进行举例。故填:words. 2.句意:但是现代的英国的高中是非常乱的和不整齐的。根据and用的是形容词,所以空格这儿也应该用形容词,根据untidy可知,前后都是描写脏乱差的词。故填:noisy. 3.句意:英国教室的一些规章制度和中国学校是类似的。短语be similar to与……相似。故填:similar. 4.句意:不要求离开,我们是不能离开座位的。根据句意可知故填:until/unless. 5.句意:当你想要问问题的时候,请举手。根据常识知道举手,应该只举一只手,所以这儿应该有名词的单数,故填:hand. 6.句意:那里的纪律是比较好的。根据Some British teenagers go to private schools.可知,一些十几岁的英国人愿意去私立学校,所以那里的纪律应该是好的。故填:better. 7.句意:但是绝大多数七十几岁的青少年都去公办学校。根据where they don’t have to pay any money. 根据常识,知道公办学校费用比较低,故填:public. 8.句意:可是对于绝大多数,对许多老师来说,使学生听他们的话是很难的。这里缺少句子的主语,所以应该有动名词的形式,故填:making. 9.句意:一些人可能不把英语当成他们的第一语言。根据English可知,这里指英语这种语言。故填:language. 10.句意:英国人能把礼貌带回到教室吗?根据It just might be possible, with the help of a little Harry Potter magic.可知,这里指的是礼貌。manner当礼貌讲时经常用复数形式,故填:manners. 点睛:给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。


1.Developing Xiongan New Area (雄安新区) in Hebei province is a great ________ (decide) by Chinese government.

2.A new program, Readers, is a _____(week) talk show produced and hosted by Dong Qing, invites people to read aloud poems and books they like or wrote.

3.— Who _____________ (cook) supper in the kitchen at present?

— My father is.

4.There are many books for you _________ (choose) from.

5.Look! The young guide is collecting all the _______ (visit) ID cards to buy them high-speed rail tickets.




1.China sent its first cargo(货运)_________(宇宙飞船)Tianzhou-1 into space successfully in April, 2017.

2.As students, we shouldn’t do anything _________ (反对) the laws or rules.

3.We shouldn’t take off the thick warm coats in early spring although the ___________ (温度) is higher than that in winter.

4.People can see lots of __________(信息) on the notice board at the community centre.

5.Peter does well at school and is always polite to others. His parents feel _____ (自豪) of him.



Writing a thank-you letter can be a great way to express thanks to others. Consider these following steps when writing your letter, they will help make your thank-you letter more meaningful and sincere(真诚的).

Before you start, buy some special stationery, such as nice paper or cards. And you must decide whether you prefer to type your letter or write it on your own. Handwriting has a more personal feeling, while a printed thank-you letter looks more professional (专业的).

Now, you can start writing. You should express your purpose from the beginning. Start your letter by thanking the person for the gift or service he or she provided. Then you should explain how you plan to use the gift or service, or explain how the gift or service has already been used. What’s more, you can also express your feelings by saying that “It was a wonderful birthday present…”. It also helps to mention a personal feeling such as “I was just so happy with the party.” In the end, you should mention that you want to see or talk to the person again soon. For close relatives and friends, you can also tell them how much you miss them and express regret that their visit was short.

Sign your thank-you letter with a heart. Try “Love”, “Yours truly”, or “Take care” instead of “Sincerely” because it is more for business.

In this way, you will always remain a pleasant relationship with your friends and relatives.

Title: How to Write a 1. Letter


To write a 2.and sincere letter to show your thanks.



Before 3.

Buy some stationery that is nice and 4..

Decide whether to type the letter or to write it by 5..

The text

of the letter

At the 6. of the letter, express your purpose to the person.

7.how the gift or service is useful for you.

Express your personal feelings about it if needed.

Mention that you are looking 8. to their next visit.


“Sincerely” is not proper because it is usually used in

9. letters.


Your relationship with others will stay 10. .





Blood donation, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to help social work. It helps those people in need of blood.

You are able to give or donate blood every three or four months. Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind.

Before donating blood, you should have a healthy diet. Do not go for it on an empty stomach. After having a balanced diet, you will feel strong and comfortable to donate blood. Then you will not feel sick or weak.

For a good blood flow in your body, you’d better drink at least 6 glasses of water every day. Completely avoid taking alcohol (酒) and smoking a day before and after giving blood.

When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed. During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don’t join in some other activities.

After donating blood, the following tips can help you. Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed. Eat something and drink juice before leaving the blood donation centre.

Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing to save other’s life.


1.How often can you donate blood?                   ______________________________

2.What should you have before donating blood?         ______________________________

3.How much water do you need to drink every day?      ______________________________

4.What should you avoid before and after the donation?   ______________________________

5.How long should you take a rest after the donation?    ______________________________



In Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called “satellites kids”, who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.

Asians are immigrating (移居) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the west. In Asia, especially in China, Japan and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. Students must first pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result. Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.

The problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West. So these children become “satellite kids”, and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kids”.

Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kids” problem. Because these children do not speak English and because their parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a “satellite kids” means to grow up in such a country, you know you are different and you can’t make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means to grow up lonely, because your parents are not here.

1.According to the passage, parents in _______ don’t send their kids abroad.

A. China    B. Japan    C. Korea    D. America

2.“Satellite kids” refer to the Asian kids ______.

A. without parents    B. living abroad alone

C. with university education    D. not speaking English

3.Some Asian immigrant children become “satellite kids” because their parents______.

A. want to leave their own country    B. want them to go to university

C. return to their countries to work    D. want them to be depend on themselves

4.The following problems of “satellites kids” are right except ___  ___.

A. They grow up lonely.    B. The don’t often go to school.

C. They can make friends easily.    D. Their parents can not look after them.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Parents feel lonely abroad.

B. Parents want a better education for their kids.

C. Canadians and Americans’ kids can’t find jobs easily.

D. Kids in foreign counties alone are very in need of care from families.



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