满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--Little Jim looks a little worried. He ...

--Little Jim looks a little worried. He lost his new bike yesterday.

--What a pity! Let's _____________

A. clean him up    B. look him up    C. give him up    D. cheer him up


D 【解析】句意:——小吉姆看起来有点担心。他昨天丢了他的新自行车。——太可惜了!让我们让他高兴起来吧。clean up清理;look up抬头看;give up放弃;cheer up是高兴。根据Little Jim looks a little worried.可知小吉姆有点担心,因此要让他高兴起来,故选D。  

--With the red skirt __________ her, Lily looks prettier.

--Yes. I'm green _________ envy. I wish I were as pretty as her.

A. on; with    B. in; on    C. on; in    D. in; with





represent, prefer, remind, make, influence


1.It's believed that the sudden change of the weather ______________ people's health deeply.

2.--Thank you for _____________ me to take my bag.

--My pleasure.

3.The mother often makes delicious food _______________ her family eat well and keep fit.

4.It was late into the night so the boy _______ to stay at home and watch TV instead of going out.

5.It's known to all that the number of roses ____________ different meanings.




1.--Why does Tom choose to live in the countryside?

--Country life gives him _______________(安宁) and quiet.

2.It will _______________(要求) time and patience to read this book through.

3.Ding Junhui's success in his career brings the ________________() of snooker around China.

4.Edison was a great inventor and ______(创造) many new things for the whole world in his life.

5.I found it with little ______________(困难) because I had the route in the invitation letter.



每位同学都希望成为班级中受欢迎的人。请你根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Popular Student”的英语短文,谈谈你是如何做的。


积极参加各项活动, 注重细节, 工作高标准,……


尊重老师、与同学相处融洽, 为别人保守秘密, ……








Being a Popular Student

We all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers.___ ______________________

_________________________________________________________________  ______  



All in all, popularity among classmates and teachers comes to those who keep improving their

personal qualities.



When you think of a classroom, such w1. as “quiet or clean” may come to your mind. But a modern British high school is n2. and untidy. Most students don’t wear uniforms and teachers often wear jeans and T-shirts.

Rules in a British classroom are s3. to those in Chinese schools. The students mustn’t talk, eat or drink. You can’t leave your seat u4. you are asked to. Raise your h5.when you want to ask a question.

Some British teenagers go to private schools. Discipline(纪律) is b6. there, as class sizes are smaller and students usually get more attention. But most teenagers go to p7. schools, where they don’t have to pay any money.

However, for many teachers, m8.pupils obey the rules is hard. The students have different abilities and hobbies. Some may not speak English as their first l9..

Can British bring good m10.back to the classroom? It just might be possible, with the help of a little Harry Potter magic.



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