满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If all of us pull together, there must b...

If all of us pull together, there must be something we can do _____.

A. improve the environment

B. to improve the environment

C. improving the environment

D. improved the environment


B 【解析】试题分析:句意:如果我们大家齐心协力,一定有我们可以做的改善环境的事。做一件事是为了达到做另一件事的目的,我们把表示目的的那个动词短语用成动词不定式形式,用带to的不定式作目的状语。我们做的目的是改善环境,用不定式作状语。故选B。 【考点定位】 考查非谓语动词。  

— Do you know when we        ?

  — I’m not sure. I will tell you about it when the time        .

A. leave, is fixed    B. will leave, is fixed

C. leave, will be fixed    D. will leave, will be fixed



—Who is your favorite singer, Mike?

—TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls.

A. proud of    B. popular with

C. strict with    D. worried about



Why didn’t Lucy go to your birthday party last night ? She said that she was busy preparing for the exams, but that was only a(n)   . I saw her going to a movie with her friend at that time.

A. matter    B. result    C. excuse    D. reason



Tom wants to study at ___________ university in Europe, but hasn’t decided which one to go to yet.

A. an    B. a    C. the    D. 不填



手机是现代人必备的通讯工具之一。它不仅可以用来打电话, 还可以用来做很多其他事情。例如: 听歌、玩游戏、上网聊天、发邮件、看电影等。它一般是用塑料(plastic)和金属(metal)制造的。

请根据以上提示写一篇短文, 介绍一下手机,开头已给出。词数80个左右。

Mobile phones are becoming more and more important in our life._________________________________







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