满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Today is Nick's birthday. Every year on ...

Today is Nick's birthday. Every year on his birthday, Nick goes to the zoo with his uncle."Where do we start(开始)this year?"Nick asks his uncle in the zoo."Let's get two ice--creams first ,"his uncle says.

"What animals do you want to see?"Nick's uncle asks him."Let's look at the monkeys,"Nick says.

Nick goes to a monkey cage(笼子). He gives his ice--cream to the monkey."Want some ?"Nick asks." Don't play with animals, "his uncle says. But Nick does not listen to him.

The monkey comes to Nick. Suddenly, it grabs(抓住)Nick's clothes! Nick is very afraid.His uncle comes to help him quickly. He gives his ice--cream to the monkey. Then the monkey lets Nick go.

1.Nick and his uncle go to the ____ on his birthday.

A. school    B. store    C. zoo    D. library

2.Nick ____ first in the zoo.

A. sees the monkeys    B. has breakfast

C. sees the pandas    D. buys two ice-creams

3.The underlined word "him" refer to(指的是)____.

A. Nick    B. Nick's uncle    C. the monkey    D. Nick's friend

4.The underlined word "Suddenly"means"____" in Chinese.

A. 突然地    B. 简单地    C. 幸运地    D. 高兴地

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The monkey is a bad animal.

B. We should go out with our uncles.

C. Don't play with animals in the zoo.

D. The monkey likes Nick very much.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】每年过生日时,杰克都要与叔叔一起去动物园玩,。在动物园里,尼克的叔叔曾经劝告尼克不要与动物一起玩,尼克没有听取他叔叔的劝告,结果遇到了危险,一只猴子抓住了尼克的衣服,幸亏叔叔及时帮助。 1.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Nick goes to the zoo with his uncle.”可知,尼克和他的叔叔一起去了动物园,故答案选C。 2.细节推理题。根据短文中的句子"Let's get two ice--creams first ,"his uncle says.可推断,尼克在动物园里首先买了两个冰激凌,故答案选D。 3.细节理解题。根据文中句子" Don't play with animals, "his uncle says. But Nick does not listen to him.可知,尼克没有听取他叔叔的劝告,故答案选B。 4.词义猜测题。结合语境可知,尼克没有听取他叔叔的劝告,想与猴子一起玩,一只猴子走向尼克,突然抓住了尼克的衣服,故答案选A。 5.主旨大意题。在动物园里,尼克的叔叔曾经劝告尼克不要与动物一起玩,尼克没有听取他叔叔的劝告,结果遇到了危险,故答案选C。 点睛:阅读理解中考查的题型主要有细节理解题 、主旨大意题、推理判断题(普通推断、推断文章出处)、词义猜测题等题型。在解答词义猜测题时,由于短文中出现了部分生词,在不允许查字典的情况下,只能运用“猜测词义法”来猜测单词的意思。猜词的技巧有多种,可以通过因果关系,对比关系猜词;也可以通过同义词,反义词或构词法猜词,以及上下文的句意去判断,如第4小题,可以通过上下文语境,运用逻辑推理能力,准确猜出词义,

Do you know pigeons(鸽子) ? They are a_____bird .They are_____and gray. Some people say they are not _____ , but they are cute and _____. Many people keep them as pets. _____do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can _____letters from _____place to another. And they know the _____home.We often _____ the pictures of pigeons with olive branches(橄榄枝) in _____mouths. We give the name---peace(和平) pigeons to them.They are the symbol of peace.

1.A. kind of    B. kinds    C. kind    D. kinds of

2.A. green    B. red    C. white    D. yellow

3.A. ugly    B. beautiful    C. lazy    D. interested

4.A. small    B. fun    C. smart    D. big

5.A. Why    B. What    C. Where    D. When

6.A. give    B. have    C. look    D. take

7.A. some    B. two    C. one    D. no

8.A. road    B. way    C. street    D. bridge

9.A. look    B. read    C. watch    D. see

10.A. their    B. them    C. they    D. theirs



Good afternoon , boys and girls. Welcome to our Circus(马戏团).Today I'm very happy to _____you that our circus has new members._____ are they? The first one is Toby , a monkey form Thailand. Toby is very_____.He can ride a bike. Look!____he ride well ? The____is a dancing group. The dancers are four elephants. They are from_____too. They can walk _____only two legs and dance to music. Oh, I shouldn't____ to tell you their names. They are Jim, Lucy, Mary and Tony . Now it's their____ time. Have fun in our circus. Please_____our rule---no photos, OK ? Thanks.

1.A. meet    B. help    C. ask    D. tell

2.A. Where    B. Who    C. When    D. How

3.A. lazy    B. shy    C. smart    D. dirty

4.A. Does    B. Do    C. Is    D. Are

5.A. best    B. first    C. next    D. only

6.A. Africa    B. China    C. Australia    D. Thailand

7.A. on    B. in    C. to    D. at

8.A. work    B. forget    C. learn    D. listen

9.A. talk    B. exercise    C. sleep    D. show

10.A. keep    B. follow    C. read    D. speak



--Why do you want to see the lions?

--Because they're _____ cute.

A. not    B. no    C. little    D. kind of



We must be friendly _____ the old.

A. to    B. for    C. over    D. about



--Aren't these cards beautiful?

--______ .I love them.

A. Yes, they are    B. No, they aren’t.

C. Yes, they aren't    D. No, they are



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