满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

His mother kept telling him to mind his ...

His mother kept telling him to mind his manners at the party. So he became _______ _

A. impatient    B. improper    C. impractical    D. impolite


A 【解析】他的妹妹一直告诉他要注意在派对上的礼仪。所以他变得不耐烦了。A. impatient不耐烦的; B. improper不合适的;C. impractical 不现实的; D. impolite不礼貌的。根据上文妈妈一直告诉他要注意礼仪,可知他不耐烦了,故选A。 点睛:词义辨析题首先要完整的读题干,根据前后句之间的关系结合所给单词的词义选择合适的词。  

My little cousin is a(n) __________ boy and he always asks me all kinds of strange questions.

A. creative    B. curious    C. energetic    D. modest



In our school there are 1,580 students ___________

A. of all    B. after all    C. at all    D. in all



--The swimmer called Shen Duo won five Gold Medals in five days in the YOG in 2014.

--Yes, she got high _____________ from people in our city.

A. money    B. prizes    C. present    D. praise



—Which would you like, a cup of coffee or a bottle of orange, Jane?

—__________. I’d just like a cup of tea.

A. Either    B. Both

C. None    D. Neither



Tomorrow is Garfield's birthday. He first ________ in a comic strip on 19 June 1978.

A. achieved    B. appeared    C. afforded    D. accepted



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