满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are ___months in a year and Decemb...

There are ___months in a year and December is the ______month of a year.

A. twelve,twelve

B. twelfth,twelfth

C. twelve,twelfth

D. twelfth,twelve


C 【解析】试题分析:基数词表示数字多少。序数词表示事物先后顺序的词。上文一年中有12个月。表示数字多少,应填twelve。下文12月是一年中的第12个月。表示顺序,应填twelfth,所以选C. 考点:考查基数词和序数词。  

---I have ever read the book Alice in Wonderland Ⅱ.

--- When      ?

---Two weeks ago.

A. did you read it    B. have you read it    C. do you read it    D. will you see it



     exciting boat race it was! Many people watch it.

A. What a    B. What an    C. How    D. How a



---I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies.

---_______.They often use them to play games.

A. I think so    B. I don’t agree

C. No problem    D. That’s a good idea



     of the students of our school      girls.

A. Two-third; are    B. Two-thirds; is    C. Two-thirds; are    D. Second-three; are



The      air in this area has a strange smell, but we      it.

A. polluted; used to    B. polluted; are used to    C. polluting;used to    D. polluting; used to



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