满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

第二节 完成句子 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词) 1....

第二节 完成句子



The meeting was very important. It                    three days.

2.多么好的消息啊!Lucy 取得了在英国学习的机会。

                      news! Lucy got a chance to study in England.


I wonder                                       home last night.

4.为了提高口语,他们用 Twitter 与美国朋友聊天。

They useTwitterto chat with American friends                                                  improve their spoken English.

5.世界卫生组织(WHO)是在 1948 年成立的。

World Health Organization                                    in 1948.


You will get fatter         you            more exercise.


It’s so polite                                                   your seat to the old.


1.lasted for 2.What good / wonderful / great 3.when you arrived / got / reached 4.so that they can 5.was set up 6.unless, do / take 7.of you to offer 【解析】试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 考点:完成句子




1.I feel a little hot. Would you m          opening the window?

2.Keep quiet please. Don’t make any n          in the library.

3.Can you give me a hand, please? The bookshelf is too h          for me to move by myself.

4.This kind of flower is very common in our city, and we can see it e          .

5.When a          comes, the leaves turn yellow and soon fall.

6.There’s a m          over there. Let’s go and buy some fruit and meat.




March 20th is World Water Day every year. According to a report from the United Nations, more than half of the world's major rivers have serious water loss and are polluted.

The Yellow River, the world's fifth longest river, watered some of the oldest farms  on earth.

1.Its source(源头)on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is drying up. In most of the past 35 years, it didn't reach the sea.

The Nile in Egypt, running 6, 650 km, is the longest river in the world.2.Now it is down to 2 billion m³ or so. Australia's Murray River reaches the sea only every other year. One fifth of America's Rio Grande has no water, either.


Mostly it’s damming(筑坝)and global warming that make rivers dry.4.Now about 45, 000 of them lie across the world’s rivers. They hold back around 15% of the world's fresh water from running to the sea.

5.Warmer weather takes water away. The glacier(冰川)are becoming smaller. The source of the Yellow River is drying up because of it. Global warming has had certain effects on water sources. Droughts (干旱) happening around the world make people pay more attention to this fact.

A. Dams provide fields with water and make power.

B. How does it happen?

C. It used to carry 32 billion m³ of water a year.

D. But now it has a serious problem.

E. Global warming is making things worse.




Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone’s eyes are different. So in the future you won’t have to remember  the number of your credit card when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You’ll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.

The eye-recognition(眼睛识别)program has already been tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon this technology will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.

Eye-recognition is a course of recognizing iris(虹膜), which includes the following steps. First, a kind of machine needs to collect different examples of one’s iris from his eyes and store them. Second, when this person goes to the bank to take out money, this machine will have iris feature extraction(采集). Then, this machine will compare the examples kept in it with iris feature extraction. Once the examples and the feature extraction are the same, this person will be identified, and he will take out the money from the bank successfully.

However, scientists are also working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.

Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don’t change as you get older, and don’t get dirty like hands or fingers, and even twins have different eyes. So the eye-recognition program can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. However, some other programs may only be 51% correct now. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of


In the future your computer will be looking you in the eye. So smile!

1.The program has been tested in shops and banks in        .

A. America and China    B. Spain and Japan

C. Britain and Turkey    D. Italy and German

2.According to the steps in Paragraph 3, which picture shows how the eye recognition happens?

3.According to Paragraph 4, for now, machines can identify people by     .

A. fingers and smell    B. face and voice

C. voice and finger    D. hand and face

4.What does Paragraph 4 also talk about?

A. Other kinds of systems to identify people.

B. Some special things of other programmes.

C. The places where other programmes are tested.

D. Some old machines used to identify people.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the eye-recognition programs can be up to 94% correct.

B. In Britain, 91% of people said that they liked the idea of eye recognition.

C. Everyone’s eyes are different, even twins have different eyes.

D. Some other programs used to be 51% correct.



The following are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg. They are based on his experience of building a company from the ground  up, leading New York City as mayor(市长), and so on.

Take Risks

Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure.

In 1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, most people advised me not to do it. But one person said, “If you can imagine yourself giving a concession(败选)speech, then why not go for it?” That was the best advice I received, and I followed it.

In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail— and you must have the  courage to go for it anyway.

Make your own luck

Luck plays a part in success. The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Whatever you choose to do, even if it’s not the job of your dreams, always work hard at it. Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.

Never stop learning

The most powerful word in English language is “why”. There is nothing so powerful

as an open, inquiring mind(探究精神). Whatever field you choose for starting a business — be a lifelong student.

Give back

You are responsible for your success and failure, but you only succeed if you share the reward with others.

My first donation was a $ 5 check to my alma mater (母校) . And while the checks(支票)may be bigger today, they come with the same spirit.

You don’t have to be wealthy to give back. You can give back by giving your time  and talents.

1.In this passage, Michael Bloomberg is the name of a        .

A. newspaper    B. place    C. company    D. person

2.What did the writer do at the age of 59?

A. Lost his job.    B. Ran for mayor.

C. Built a company.    D. Became a teacher.

3.From the passage, we can infer that the writer          .

A. is a young mayor    B. seldom cares about others

C. is lucky all the time    D. is a hard-working man

4.Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the tips?

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. It’s never too old to learn.

C. Money is everything.

D. Luck comes from hard work.

5.In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article?

A. Family Life    B. Interesting Stories

C. Experience Sharing    D. Adventures





POSB(Post Office Saving Banks )PAssion Run for Kids 2016

Who are the kinds we're helping?

The PAssion Kids Fund aims to support the children in the community through different programmes.We are happy to partner People's Association this year to organize PAssion Run for Kids 2016to support the children in the community so that can have a happier childhood and a brighter future.

What can I do for the kinds?

You can make a difference in the lives of the children simple by running to support this cause!

You can also make a donation (捐款)to the POSB Passion Kids Fund


From 1 March to 30 April in 2016

1 June to 31 July 2016

Early Bird

POSB Credit card holders PAssion Card member



10km Men's open




10km Women's open

            Family Walk﹣Non Competitive

Children (below 13yrs old )




Adult (13 yrs and above )





1 Participants (参与者)below 18 must get the permission of parents or guardianship.

2 All the running items will be held at weekends.

3 Volunteers (aged above 18)will be welcomed.

4 All the items will be cancelled in case of heavy rain.

5 For more information on POSB PAssion Run for Kids 2016,please contact us at 90108116(Mon﹣Fri,10am to 5pm )or email us at enquiries@runforkids.com.sg…



1.The purpose of the event is to    

A. encourage a healthy lifestyle

B. help children in the community

C. make a difference in our lives

D. introduce the products of Sketcher

2.Tom's father is a PAassion Card member.He signed up for the 10km race in June.How much should he pay?    

A. 25.

B. 40.

C. 45.

D. 50.

3.From the poster,we can know something about the event EXCEPT    

A. the place

B. the time

C. the cost

D. the sponsor

4.From the Notes,we can know that    

A. we can get further information by making a call

B. we can take part in the items in June every day

C. everybody can work as a volunteer in the event

D. the items will be held under any kind of weather

5.Which of the following about the activity is TRUE?    

A. Participants must have a PAssion card or POSB credit card.

B. Women and children can only take part in the Family Walk.

C. People's Association is one of the organizers of the event.

D. Children are not allowed to take part in the events.



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