满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Usually people with better education are...

Usually people with better education are able to get better jobs,In other words,they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don’t.It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs.But it isn’t true.

Some people may think that a person spends the best years of his life to get education only to make a living.This was probably one of reasons of education.In fact,if education is just a way of making a living,people don’t need to spend so much time in school. If people just want to make a living,they can get a short-time education.Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone.Even language and math need not be taught in detail(详细地),either.It is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.

Education is mainly for improving a man. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write,but also to develop his other abilities.It can make him a wise man and enjoy the achievements of humans.Education is to make a man lead to a better life.Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music,read good books,watch plays and,most of all,take an interest in the world.

I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education,but certainly not the most important one.

1.The writer thinks people with little education usually have more chances to get jobs.

2.People needn’t learn much in school if they only want to make a living from the passage.

3.It is expected that educated people will be able to have a better life in the world.

4.The most important reason for education is to make a good living.

5.The passage mainly tells us that people can get education in a short time.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 【解析】文章主要阐述了教育对人的影响。 1.句意:作者认为少接受教育的人通常有有更多的工作机会。与文章“Usually people with better education are able to get better jobs” 不相符,故错误。 2.句意:从这篇文章我们可知:如果人们只想要谋生的话,他们不需要去学校学习很多东西。与“if education is just a way of making a living, people don’t need to spend so much time in school.”相符,故正确。 3.句意:受教育的人有能力过一个更好的生活,与“Education is to make a man lead to a better life.” 相符,故正确。 4.句意:教育最重要的原因是为了好好谋生。与“I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education,but certainly not the most important one.”不相符,故错误。 5.句意:这篇文章主要告诉我们人们可以在短时间内获得教育。文章主要讲的是教育的作用。故错误。 点睛:判断正误题,要求我们既对题干理解透彻,也要对文章理解无误。首先看清题干,然后去文章中定位,注意大多时候会转换为同义表达,特别注意有没有无中生有,颠倒是非,遗漏要点。

“That man next door,”my father shouted angrily.“His_____got into my garden again last night. Clearly he doesn’t want to stop them,so I have to build a fence.Will you help me______it,Beth?”I’ve always liked helping him,but this fence idea didn’t sound good to me.

“Couldn’t we just talk to Mr.Wilkin about_____rabbits?”Ireplied.“It’s been one thing or another with that man since we moved here,and now it’s these rabbits.A fence is the best solution(解决办法).”Then he went out,but I didn’t follow him.Instead,I decided to talk with Mr.Wilkin first.Mr.Wilkin was_____outside with a white rabbit on his leg.

“Hello,I’m Beth,I live next door.”“Oh,yes.”Mr.Wilkin replied.“Come to meet my rabbit.Would you like to hold it?”Mr. Wilkin_______.“Sure,”I replied,I held it against my chest, feeling its heart beating next to mine.“It seems that your father is starting a new______”Mr.Wilkin said.“Yes,he’s building a fence to stop your rabbits getting into his garden.”“Oh,I’m______about that.”Mr.Wilkin apologized(道歉).“I try so hard to keep them in at night.But the rabbits_____to get out,I can’t run after them with my weak legs.”

“I don’t want my dad to build the fence,”I said.“Putting up a fence is like building a border(边界)to separate us from everybody.”

Then suddenly an idea hit me.We could build a rabbit cage between the yards.I said goodbye to Mr.Wilkin,thinking about how gueat it would be to have no borders separating us from our_____.I hope we would______have a border.

1.A. sons    B. daughters    C. rabbits    D. dogs

2.A. get    B. build    C. keep    D. control

3.A. he    B. him    C. his    D. himself

4.A. standing    B. sleeping    C. running    D. sitting

5.A. asked    B. answered    C. wondered    D. hoped

6.A. yard    B. garden    C. house    D. project

7.A. sad    B. sorry    C. worried    D. nervous

8.A. want    B. fail    C. manage    D. have

9.A. enemies    B. strangers    C. families    D. neighhours

10.A. never    B. ever    C. always    D. usually



Once upon a time,there was a king,Something was wrong with his eyes.He_________all the doctors in his country and tried every treatment they suggested,but his eyes continued to hurt,In desperation(走投无路),the king sent for________old wise man,who lived on top of the________mountain in the country.The wise man asked the king some questions and checked his eyes with a strange machine.

At last he smiled and said,“You’d better not see other colors_________green.You must only see green instead of any other color.I will come to see you again in a month to see______you are doing it.”The king immediately asked his men________all the boxes of green paint they could find.Then he directed them to paint green everything he could see.

When the wise man retumed a month later,the king’s man______and greeted him with boxes of green paint. They painted him from head to foot before he______to see the king.When the wise man leamed why he had been painted green,he laughed loudly and said:“If you had put on a pair of

_____With green lenses(镜片),you could save all the money that was used to paint everything green. ”

No one________paint all the world green,but you can see a green world by changing your glasses.The only way to change the world is to change your attitude(态度).By changing your attitude,you can change the world.

1.A. sees    B. will see    C. saw    D. has seen

2.A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /

3.A. higher    B. highest    C. heavier    D. heaviest

4.A. except    B. besides    C. with    D. through

5.A. why    B. what    C. where    D. how

6.A. buy    B. to buy    C. bought    D. buys

7.A. ended up    B. put up    C. took off    D. ran out

8.A. allowed    B. was allowed    C. allows    D. is allowed

9.A. sock    B. socks    C. glass    D. glasses

10.A. may    B. must    C. can    D. should





Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Guangzhou. It’s my great honor to introduce our Tianhe Culture Center, Huacheng Square.                                                            



Huacheng Square is really a good place to visit. I hope you can visit it one day.



第二节 完成句子



The meeting was very important. It                    three days.

2.多么好的消息啊!Lucy 取得了在英国学习的机会。

                      news! Lucy got a chance to study in England.


I wonder                                       home last night.

4.为了提高口语,他们用 Twitter 与美国朋友聊天。

They useTwitterto chat with American friends                                                  improve their spoken English.

5.世界卫生组织(WHO)是在 1948 年成立的。

World Health Organization                                    in 1948.


You will get fatter         you            more exercise.


It’s so polite                                                   your seat to the old.






1.I feel a little hot. Would you m          opening the window?

2.Keep quiet please. Don’t make any n          in the library.

3.Can you give me a hand, please? The bookshelf is too h          for me to move by myself.

4.This kind of flower is very common in our city, and we can see it e          .

5.When a          comes, the leaves turn yellow and soon fall.

6.There’s a m          over there. Let’s go and buy some fruit and meat.



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