满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

south discuss recent tour be late for 1...



south     discuss      recent     tour     be late for


1.After a long _______, we decided to make a new plan.

2.Lots of _______travel to New York every year.

3.All these fresh fruits come from _______China.

4.If you _______class again, Miss Yang will be angry.

5.Have you seen Tom and Jenny _______?


1.discussion 2.tourists 3.southern 4.are late for 5.recently 【解析】 1.discussion 句意:讨论了很长时间后,我们决定制定一个新计划。有不定冠词a修饰,故用单数名词,故为discussion。 2.tourists 句意:每年很多游客去纽约旅行。根travel to New York可知此处表示游客去旅行,有lots of修饰,故用复数名词,故为tourists。 3.southern 句意:所有这些新鲜的水果来自中国南方。come from表示来自,后面表示地点,修饰名词China故用形容词,故为southern。 4.are late for 句意:如果你上课又迟到了,王小姐将会生气的。根据Miss Yang will be angry.可知老师会生气的,因此表示你上课迟到了。If引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,故此处为are late for。 5.recently 句意:你最近见过汤姆和珍妮吗?此处作状语修饰整个句子,故用副词,故为recently。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选出适当的单词,用其正确形式填空。例如小题2,句意:每年很多游客去纽约旅行。根travel to New York可知此处表示游客去旅行,有lots of修饰,故用复数名词,故为tourists。


1.I’m good at _______(地理). What about you, Jenny?

2.Would you like to come to our party _______(今晚)?

3.Jane will come back in a _______(一刻钟). Please wait a moment.

4.When the child saw his mother, he_______() to her quickly.

5.Danny, you shouldn’t _______() loudly in the library.



Hello! I’m Peter. My favourite subject at school is maths. It is very interesting and I always get good marks in the exams. For me, numbers and figures (图形) are so easy. I am lucky to have a clear-thinking brain.

The wonderful thing about maths is that there is nothing else to remember besides some formulae (公式). Other subjects like history and geography need a lot of memory work. For me, they are much harder. Maths is simple to me, but some of my friends hate it. They get stuck with (……困住) simple problems and often give up. So I help them out when I can. My friends also help me with my history and geography.

Now, I come to realize that people are different in their abilities (能力). Some of us are lucky to be good at some things. Others may do well in other ones.


1.Peter loves maths because        .

A. he thinks it’s interesting

B. his friends always help him

C. he counts very quickly

D. his mother teaches him maths

2.Which subject needs much memory work according to Peter?

A. Maths.    B. Art

C. Geography.    D. Physics.

3.The underlined phrase (划线短语) means “       ” in Chinese.

A. 解答    B. 放弃

C. 比较    D. 坚持

4.What can we know about Peter?

A. Peter is lucky to have a good teacher.

B. Peter reads maths books every day.

C. Peter thinks numbers and figures are simple.

D. Peter helps friends with their physics.

5.What does Peter mean by the last paragraph (段落)?

A. Not everyone loves maths.

B. People who don’t like maths may be good at reading.

C. All his classmates are not lucky except him.

D. People have their own special abilities.



Once a king asked a poor man Harold, “Why don’t you work to make money?” Harold answered, “No one gives me a job. My enemies have told everyone that I never finish any work on time (准时).”

The kind said, “Today you can go to my treasury (金银财宝库) and get as much treasure as you can, till sunset (日落).”

Harold ran home to tell his wife about it. She said, “Go and get the gold coins and diamonds now.”

“I cannot go now. I’m hungry. Cook lunch for me first.”

After lunch, Harold took a rest for an hour. Then he took a bag and left home. On the way, Harold felt hot, so he sat under a tree to rest. Two hours later, it became cool. Harold got ready to go, but he saw a man showing some magic tricks (魔术). Harold stopped to watch him for an hour.

When Harold reached the palace, it was already time for sunset. The palace gates had been closed. Harold lost a big chance because he didn’t realize the importance of time.


1.Harold couldn’t finish work on time.

2.Harold could get the treasure from the treasury at any time.

3.Harold had a rest under a tree for an hour.

4.Harold didn’t get any gold coins at last.

5.Harold didn’t realize the importance of time.



完形填空 (每空1分,共10分)

As an NBA star, Dwight Howard is busy. But he still____time to help others.

____July, 2009, Howard went to South Africa with some other players for a special trip. Howard and the other NBA____were very busy. But when they were____, they went to meet some poor children there and stayed with them the whole____They taught children how to play basketball in the morning____played with them in the afternoon.

On the fourth day of the____, the players visited a small place near the city of Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡). The children were____when they saw the famous players. The players____the children about their basketball experiences. Howard also____the children to be good players.

The children in Africa liked Howard a lot and thought he was a real superman (超人).

1.A. sees    B. looks    C. finds    D. watches

2.A. On    B. In    C. At    D. Of

3.A. teachers    B. players    C. students    D. balls

4.A. tired    B. fine    C. interested    D. free

5.A. day    B. night    C. evening    D. morning

6.A. but    B. or    C. and    D. when

7.A. study    B. place    C. trip    D. city

8.A. tall    B. bored    C. sad    D. happy

9.A. spoke    B. told    C. talked    D. said

10.A. encouraged    B. believed    C. communicated    D. realized



—______?  — It’s 8:00 now. Time for class.

A. When do you go to school    B. What day is it today

C. What time is it    D. Is it time for class



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