满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读 (10分) 根据短文内容,完成后面各项任务。 My school h...

任务型阅读 (10分)


My school has a big library. It has books on different subjects, newspapers and magazines. Every book has a number. We look for books by the number. Students can borrow books or study in the library. Students can’t keep a book for more than fourteen days.

In the library, there are long desks and benches (长凳). Students sit there and read books, newspapers or magazines. Nobody speaks loudly. It is very quiet.

The school librarians have much experience. They are ready to help students. We find them busy all the time. The librarians give advice to students on the choice of books. They also tell students not to write something on books or tear off (撕掉) the pages.

Reading books helps us gain (获得) more knowledge. Books are our best friends. We should read more books.

1.What are in the writer’s library?

There are        in the library.

2.How can students find the books they want?

They can look for books by        .

3.How long can a student keep a book?

A student can keep a book for       .

4.What do the librarians tell students not to do?

They tell students not to        .

5.What does the writer think of books?

Books are our friends and they help us       .


1.books on different subjects, newspapers and magazines 2.the number 3.no more than fourteen days 4.write something on books or tear off the pages 5.gain more knowledge 【解析】试题分析:本文介绍了作者学校的图书馆。图书馆里有不同科目的书,报纸和杂志。学生可以根据书上的编号找想看的书。图书管理员帮助学生,建议学生选择什么样的书,并且告诉学生不要在书上写东西或撕掉书页。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:任务型阅读。



Li Hong, are you _______ _______English?


Be quick!You’ll be _______ _______work.


Can you _______ me_______ my Chinese?


This story _______him _______his grandmother.


_______ _______, please! The patient needs a good rest.





south     discuss      recent     tour     be late for


1.After a long _______, we decided to make a new plan.

2.Lots of _______travel to New York every year.

3.All these fresh fruits come from _______China.

4.If you _______class again, Miss Yang will be angry.

5.Have you seen Tom and Jenny _______?




1.I’m good at _______(地理). What about you, Jenny?

2.Would you like to come to our party _______(今晚)?

3.Jane will come back in a _______(一刻钟). Please wait a moment.

4.When the child saw his mother, he_______() to her quickly.

5.Danny, you shouldn’t _______() loudly in the library.



Hello! I’m Peter. My favourite subject at school is maths. It is very interesting and I always get good marks in the exams. For me, numbers and figures (图形) are so easy. I am lucky to have a clear-thinking brain.

The wonderful thing about maths is that there is nothing else to remember besides some formulae (公式). Other subjects like history and geography need a lot of memory work. For me, they are much harder. Maths is simple to me, but some of my friends hate it. They get stuck with (……困住) simple problems and often give up. So I help them out when I can. My friends also help me with my history and geography.

Now, I come to realize that people are different in their abilities (能力). Some of us are lucky to be good at some things. Others may do well in other ones.


1.Peter loves maths because        .

A. he thinks it’s interesting

B. his friends always help him

C. he counts very quickly

D. his mother teaches him maths

2.Which subject needs much memory work according to Peter?

A. Maths.    B. Art

C. Geography.    D. Physics.

3.The underlined phrase (划线短语) means “       ” in Chinese.

A. 解答    B. 放弃

C. 比较    D. 坚持

4.What can we know about Peter?

A. Peter is lucky to have a good teacher.

B. Peter reads maths books every day.

C. Peter thinks numbers and figures are simple.

D. Peter helps friends with their physics.

5.What does Peter mean by the last paragraph (段落)?

A. Not everyone loves maths.

B. People who don’t like maths may be good at reading.

C. All his classmates are not lucky except him.

D. People have their own special abilities.



Once a king asked a poor man Harold, “Why don’t you work to make money?” Harold answered, “No one gives me a job. My enemies have told everyone that I never finish any work on time (准时).”

The kind said, “Today you can go to my treasury (金银财宝库) and get as much treasure as you can, till sunset (日落).”

Harold ran home to tell his wife about it. She said, “Go and get the gold coins and diamonds now.”

“I cannot go now. I’m hungry. Cook lunch for me first.”

After lunch, Harold took a rest for an hour. Then he took a bag and left home. On the way, Harold felt hot, so he sat under a tree to rest. Two hours later, it became cool. Harold got ready to go, but he saw a man showing some magic tricks (魔术). Harold stopped to watch him for an hour.

When Harold reached the palace, it was already time for sunset. The palace gates had been closed. Harold lost a big chance because he didn’t realize the importance of time.


1.Harold couldn’t finish work on time.

2.Harold could get the treasure from the treasury at any time.

3.Harold had a rest under a tree for an hour.

4.Harold didn’t get any gold coins at last.

5.Harold didn’t realize the importance of time.



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