满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

classmate chance different make activit...



classmate   chance   different    make   activity

give   name    meeting   study   afraid


How many students are there in your class? What’s the 1. between studying in a small-sized class and a big-sized one?

Huang Yuting, 15, is from No. 43 Middle School. She said she still didn’t know all of her classmates’2.. “There are 80 classmates in our class. I don’t have the3. to talk to everyone,” Huang said. But a big class means more fun in group4.. She said, “When we travel, I can taste foods from different 5.. It’s much fun.”

Xie Liangcai, from No. 3 Middle School,6. in a class of 25 students. He said, “A small class7. me more chances to stand out. I used to be a shy boy and was

8. to speak loudly. But in this small-sized class, I always take part in the class 9. and speak out my ideas. This has 10. me more confident (有信心的) already!”


1.difference 2.names 3.chance 4.activities 5.classmates 6.studies 7.gives 8.afraid 9.meeting 10.made 【解析】本文分别有两个学生介绍在大班学习和在小班学习的差别。 1.difference 句意:在小班里学习和在大班里学习有什么不同?根据between studying in a small-sized class and a big-sized one可知此处表示两者之间的差别,故为difference。 2.names 句意:她说她仍然不知道所有同学的名字。有名词所有格classmates’修饰,故用名词,有all修饰,故用复数名词,故为names。 3.chance 句意:我没有机会和每个人交谈。have the chance to do sth有机会做某事,故此处为chance。 4.activities 句意:但是大班意味着在群体活动中更有趣。根据后文的She said, “When we travel, I can taste foods from different ____5____.可知此处的旅行,应指的是活动。故用复数名词activities。 5.classmates 句意:当我们旅行时,我能品尝到来了不同同学的食物。根据前文的But a big class means more fun in group____4____.可知在大班,同学多,因此可以品尝到不同同学的食物,故用classmates。 6.studies 句意:谢良才来自第三中学,在一个有25个学生的班里学习。因为from No. 3 Middle School,可知在学校,应是学习,主语Xie Liangcai,是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为studies。 7.gives 句意:他说:“一个小班给我更多的机会表现。”give sb sth某人某物,主语a small class是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为gives。 8.afraid 句意:我过去常常是一个害羞的男孩,不敢大声说话。be afraid to do sth不敢做某事,故此处为afraid。 9.meeting 句意:但是在这个小班里,我总是参加班会,说出我的想法。the class meeting班会,故为meeting。 10.made 句意:这已经使我更有信心!make sb+形容词“使某人……”,根据助动词has可知此处用过去分词,故为made。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选出适当的单词,用其正确形式填空。例如小题8,句意:我过去常常是一个害羞的男孩,不敢大声说话。be afraid to do sth不敢做某事,故此处为afraid。

任务型阅读 (10分)


My school has a big library. It has books on different subjects, newspapers and magazines. Every book has a number. We look for books by the number. Students can borrow books or study in the library. Students can’t keep a book for more than fourteen days.

In the library, there are long desks and benches (长凳). Students sit there and read books, newspapers or magazines. Nobody speaks loudly. It is very quiet.

The school librarians have much experience. They are ready to help students. We find them busy all the time. The librarians give advice to students on the choice of books. They also tell students not to write something on books or tear off (撕掉) the pages.

Reading books helps us gain (获得) more knowledge. Books are our best friends. We should read more books.

1.What are in the writer’s library?

There are        in the library.

2.How can students find the books they want?

They can look for books by        .

3.How long can a student keep a book?

A student can keep a book for       .

4.What do the librarians tell students not to do?

They tell students not to        .

5.What does the writer think of books?

Books are our friends and they help us       .





Li Hong, are you _______ _______English?


Be quick!You’ll be _______ _______work.


Can you _______ me_______ my Chinese?


This story _______him _______his grandmother.


_______ _______, please! The patient needs a good rest.





south     discuss      recent     tour     be late for


1.After a long _______, we decided to make a new plan.

2.Lots of _______travel to New York every year.

3.All these fresh fruits come from _______China.

4.If you _______class again, Miss Yang will be angry.

5.Have you seen Tom and Jenny _______?




1.I’m good at _______(地理). What about you, Jenny?

2.Would you like to come to our party _______(今晚)?

3.Jane will come back in a _______(一刻钟). Please wait a moment.

4.When the child saw his mother, he_______() to her quickly.

5.Danny, you shouldn’t _______() loudly in the library.



Hello! I’m Peter. My favourite subject at school is maths. It is very interesting and I always get good marks in the exams. For me, numbers and figures (图形) are so easy. I am lucky to have a clear-thinking brain.

The wonderful thing about maths is that there is nothing else to remember besides some formulae (公式). Other subjects like history and geography need a lot of memory work. For me, they are much harder. Maths is simple to me, but some of my friends hate it. They get stuck with (……困住) simple problems and often give up. So I help them out when I can. My friends also help me with my history and geography.

Now, I come to realize that people are different in their abilities (能力). Some of us are lucky to be good at some things. Others may do well in other ones.


1.Peter loves maths because        .

A. he thinks it’s interesting

B. his friends always help him

C. he counts very quickly

D. his mother teaches him maths

2.Which subject needs much memory work according to Peter?

A. Maths.    B. Art

C. Geography.    D. Physics.

3.The underlined phrase (划线短语) means “       ” in Chinese.

A. 解答    B. 放弃

C. 比较    D. 坚持

4.What can we know about Peter?

A. Peter is lucky to have a good teacher.

B. Peter reads maths books every day.

C. Peter thinks numbers and figures are simple.

D. Peter helps friends with their physics.

5.What does Peter mean by the last paragraph (段落)?

A. Not everyone loves maths.

B. People who don’t like maths may be good at reading.

C. All his classmates are not lucky except him.

D. People have their own special abilities.



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