满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Who is singing in the next room? Is it ...

—Who is singing in the next room?    Is it Amy?

—No, it    be her. She has gone to Yunnan on holiday.

A. can’t    B. mustn’t    C. may not    D. needn’t


A 【解析】本题考查情态动词表推测的用法。根据句意“-谁在隔壁房间唱歌?是艾米吗?-不,一定不是她。他去云南度假还没回来”。A.不可能;B.禁止;C.可能不;D.不需要。故选A。 【点睛】情态动词表推测的词有:must(一定)具有100%的可能性;may(可能),具有20%—80%的可能性;might(可能),may的过去式,可能性比may小;may not(可能不);can't(一定不),具有0%的可能性。  

It’s very nice    you    my parents your best wishes.

A. of; sending    B. for; sending    C. for; to send    D. of; to send



The Belt and Road(B&R 一带一路) will be a    to help the countries to develop, so more and more countries want to catch it.

A. change    B. chance    C. charm    D. charge



— Jim, your books are everywhere in your room.


— Sorry, Mum. I’ll

at once.

A. put them up    B. put them on    C. put them away    D. put them down



My father speaks    English    French. Instead, he speaks Japanese.

A. neither; nor    B. both; and    C. either; or    D. not only; but also



__-do you clean your school reading room, Jack?


— Twice a day.

A. How much    B. How long    C. How often    D. How many



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