满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What power does music have? Band of Hope...

What power does music have? Band of Hope, a student band in the US, once again brought joy with their music to young patients at a local children's      _____.

The children really get a lot from ___with other children in the community, said Ashley Boguszewski, a specialist at Pediatric Specialty Care (a nursing specialty organization for children) .

Seventh and eighth graders at Hopewell Junior High School formed the band   _____. On May 27, they were already playing their sixth concert, performing to 20 children at the hospital. The band members    ______hosted a story time for the patients and brought small    _______for them to play.

The band's 27 members meet once a week for a  _____practice after school.  Each month, the band heads to Pediatric Specialty Care to perform a mini ___. They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and The Little Mermaid.

Eighth-grader Liam Watters, 13, plays the baritone (男中音) in the band. During one

concert, he     ______that one of the patients      ______to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band members went back to the patient's room and      ______to him.

“That was really_________. ” Liam said. “They had big smiles    ______their faces.”

“We're hoping that it's something that grows and becomes an even ___part of our cultures here,” said Kerry Wilson, director of the band, “it really     ________a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship__________.”

1.A. hospital    B. school    C. community    D. charity

2.A. dealing    B. communicating    C. comparing    D. connecting

3.A. mainly    B. suddenly    C. recently    D. closely

4.A. still    B. also    C. only    D. just

5.A. candies    B. cards    C. flowers    D. instruments

6.A. two-minute    B. two-hour    C. two-day    D. two-week

7.A. concert    B. class    C. operation    D. play

8.A. thought    B. expected    C. wondered    D. learned

9.A. like    B. hate    C. hates    D. likes

10.A. said    B. listened    C. sang    D. explained

11.A. amazing    B. boring    C. lasting    D. interesting

12.A. at    B. in    C. on    D. with

13.A. bigger    B. biggest    C. big    D. more big

14.A. rises    B. sees    C. loses    D. creates

15.A. as if    B. as well    C. as long as    D. as so


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 【解析】这篇短文讲述的是美国的一个学生乐队,他们是由七年级和八年级的学生组成的,他们举行了几场演唱会,还给当地儿童医院的病人带去了快乐。 1.句意:希望乐队,是美国的一个学生乐队,又一次用他们的音乐给当地儿童医院的小病人们带来了快乐。hospital 医院; school 学校; community 社区; charity慈善机构。根据句中的once again brought joy with their music to young patients可知,这里说到了小病人,所以应该是去儿童医院。下文中也提到了20 children at the hospital,故选A。 2.句意:从与社区里的其他孩子们交流中,这些孩子们真的学到了很多。dealing 处理,对待; communicating 交流;comparing 对比,比较;connecting连接。根据句中with other children in the community可知,这个乐队的学生们去给社区的其他孩子表演,不是和他们相处,也是对比和连接,应该是和他们交流,故应选B。 3.句意:最近Hopewell中学里7年级和8年级的学生们组成了这个乐队。mainly 主要地;suddenly 突然;recently 最近;closely紧密地。根据文意可知,这句话说的乐队的组建情况,应填的是一个时间状语,故应选C,其他副词不符合句意。 4.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行讲故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。still 仍然;also 也;only 仅仅;just仅仅。上面提到了they were already playing their sixth concert,乐队成员开演唱会,这里又补充说还讲故事,故应选B。 5.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行讲故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。candies 糖果;cards 卡片;flowers 花;instruments乐器。根据句中for them to play可知,这四个名词中只有instruments是可以玩的,故应选D。 6.句意:这个乐队的27名成员放学后一周见一次面进行两个小时的练习。two- minute 两分钟的;two-hour 两小时的;two-day 两天的;two-week两周的。根据句意可知,乐队成员每周集合一次,进行练习,A选项时间太短,C和D不符合句意。故选B。 7.句意:每个月,这个乐队都去Pediatric Specialty Care表演一场迷你的音乐会。concert 音乐会,演唱会;class 班级;operation 手术;play玩。根据下句话They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and The Little Mermaid可知,他们是去开演唱会,故应选A。 8.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。thought 认为,思考;expected 期望,盼望;wondered 想知道;learned学习,学会,了解。根据文意可知,乐队成员和这个病人是不认识的,所以他是间接的了解到了这个情况,故应选D。 9.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。like 喜欢;hate 讨厌,恨;hates 是第三人称单数形式;likes是第三人称单数形式。根据so he and a few other band members went back to the patient's room and ___10___ to him可知,那个病人喜欢听歌,这里说的是一个客观事实,应用一般现在时态,主语one of the patients是单数形式,故应选D。 10.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。said 说,是say的过去式;listened 听;sang 唱歌,是sing的过去式;explained解释。根据上句话he ___8___ that one of the patients ___9___ to listen to the singing,可知,这个病人喜欢听歌,所以这个乐队的成员去他的病房为他唱歌,故应选C。 11.句意:Liam说:那真的是太令人惊讶了。amazing 令人惊讶的;boring 无聊的,令人厌烦的;lasting 持久的;interesting有趣的。根据文意可知,Liam觉得这个学生乐队可以给孩子们带来快乐,这是很令人吃惊的。故应选A。 12.句意:在他们的脸上有大大的微笑。at 在具体时刻或地点;in 在…里面;on 在…上面;with和…一起。根据句意可知,微笑是挂在脸上的,故应选C。 13.句意:我们希望它是一个正在生长的乐队,变成这里我们文化里更大的一部分。bigger 更大的,是big的比较级;biggest 最大的,是最高级;big 大的;more big形式错误。这个空的前面有副词even,它应修饰形容词的比较级形式,故应选A。 14.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个社会,也是好的公民。rises 上升;sees 看见;loses 失去,迷失;creates创造。根据句意可知,这种感觉是这个乐队给人们带来的,创造出来的,故应选D。 15.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个团体,也是好的公民。as if 好像;as well 也,位于句末;as long as 只要;as so形式错误。根据句意可知,我们都是一个团体,也是好公民,故选B。 点睛:这篇短文介绍了美国的一个学生乐队,他们去当地的医院给孩子们演出,给孩子们带来快乐。这篇短文篇幅较长,但中心突出,学生们比较容易能掌握文章的大意。但完形填空是综合性比较强的题目,需要学生具备较强的阅读理解能力和逻辑判断能力,因此对于学生来说,这是一个比较难拿分的题目。完形填空以考查实词的用法为主,如名词、动词、形容词和副词。做题时,应先通读全文,了解文章的大意和作者的写作意图。然后逐一做题,注意上下文的逻辑关系和空前后的搭配。最后再读短文,验证答案。例如第1小题,因为句中有young patients,小病人,所以应该是去儿童医院;再例如第10小题,根据句中listen to the singing可知,这个病人喜欢听歌,所以他们去病房给他唱歌。

—Do you know    ?

—I am not sure.

A. whom does the computer belong to    B. when the first watch is made

C. which is the way to the nearest hospital    D. how can we finish the work in just an hour



Simon, I hear that Daniel got full marks in the English speaking and listening test.

Exactly.    . He practises hardest in our class.

A. No pain, no gain    B. A miss is as good as a mile

C. Many hands make light work    D. Actions speak louder than words



The number of the students in our school    very large and there    a number of teachers.

A. is, are    B. are, is    C. is, is    D. are, are



    is it from the park to the supermarket?

It is about fifteen    walk.

A. How long, minutes    B. How far, minutes

C. How long, minutes’    D. How far, minutes’



—What’s your plan for the coming summer holiday?


—I’ll devote as much time as I can some voluntary work.

A. to do    B. to doing    C. do    D. doing



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