满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Mary, Please take these things to A...

Dear Mary,

Please take these things to Alice: her CD player and CD case,schoolbag,sunglasses(太阳镜),baseball cap, keys and alarm clock. Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in the bedroom. She needs them for tomorrow(明天).Her schoolbag is under her bed. The sunglasses are on Mom’s desk in the living room. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(厨房).The alarm clock is on the table in her room.




1.Where’s Alice’s schoolbag?


2.Are Alice s keys on the table in her bedroom?


3.Where is the alarm clock?


4.Is Alice’s CD player on the table in her bedroom?


5.Where are Alice’s sunglasses?



1.Her schoolbag is under her bed. 2.No, they aren’t. 3.It's on the table in her room. 4.Yes,it is. 5.They are on Moms’ desk in the living room. 【解析】本文是一个写妈妈给玛丽的一个便条。主要内容是让玛丽把以下物品带给爱丽丝:她的CD播放机和CD盒,书包,太阳镜,棒球帽,钥匙和闹钟。并说明哪件东西所摆放的位置。 1.题意:爱丽丝的书包在哪里?考查细节理解题。根据第三行第三句Her schoolbag is under her bed.(她的书包在她的床下。)结合题意可知答案是Her schoolbag is under her bed. 2.题意:爱丽丝的钥匙在她卧室的桌子上吗?考查细节理解题。根据第四行的第三句Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(厨房).(她的钥匙在厨房的桌子上。)可知爱丽丝的钥匙不在她卧室的桌子上。故答案是No, they aren’t. 3.题意:闹钟在哪里?考查细节理解题。根据第五行第二句The alarm clock is on the table in her room.可知闹钟在她的房间的桌子上。故答案是It's on the table in her room. 4.题意:爱丽丝的CD播放器在她卧室的桌子上吗?考查细节理解题。根据第二行第二句Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in the bedroom.(她的CD唱机和她的CD盒在卧室的桌子上。)可知爱丽丝的CD播放器在她卧室的桌子上。故答案是Yes,it is. 5.题意:爱丽丝的太阳镜在哪里?考查细节理解题。根据第四行第四句The sunglasses are on Mom’s desk in the living room.(太阳镜在客厅的她妈妈的书桌上。)可知爱丽丝的太阳镜在客厅的她妈妈的书桌上。故答案是They are on Moms’ desk in the living room. 点睛:七年级的阅读理解题较容易。主要考查细节理解,词意猜测题,主旨理解和推理判断四种题型。首先,弄懂题意,然后带着问题去阅读,根据语境及题意做出正确的回答。1.细节理解题较简单,只要能正确理解题意,短文中能直接找出答案,这种题型比较常见,特别七年级是主要题型。本文五个题属于细节理解题。2.主旨理解题,主要考查学生整体理解能力。像本文最好的题目是什么,本文的主要内容等,都属于此题型。3.推理判断题。这需要学生根据文中的内容,判断下面的陈述哪个是正确的。4.词意猜测题。学生要根据句意及语境和选项,猜出此词意思。只要掌握方法,经过适当的训练,在做阅读理解题时你会考出高分的。

tidy, bed, know, under, on

My name is Helen. Anna is my sister. Look! This is our room. It’s very1.. You can see two 2. in the room. The red bed is Anna’s. The blue bed is mine. 3. my bed, you can see a box. My old books are in it. A desk is between(……之间)the two beds. 4.the desk you can see a telephone, a clock,a radio and two cups. The radio is black. I found a photo in the school library. Do you5. whose(谁的)it is? Please call me at 366-5899.



I am looking for my pen everywhere,_____________ I can’t find it.

A. but    B. and    C. too    D. for



Where is my___________? I want to write down the things.

A. radio    B. schoolbag    C. clock    D. notebook



He is____________ . He cleans(清扫)his room every morning.

A. dirty    B. tidy    C. nice    D. good



My grandmother is old. She______ asks me“Where are my glasses(眼镜)?

A. and    B. always    C. to    D. so



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