满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The store has the________ service in our...

The store has the________ service in our city,so we don’t like it at all.

A. good    B. bad    C. best    D. worst


D 【解析】句意:这家商店在我们城市里服务最差,所以我们都不喜欢它。good好的;bad差的;best最好的;worst最差的。根据句意和句中的in our city可知,这里应使用最高级形式,再根据so we don’t like it at all可知,服务最差,故选D。  

The shoes are a little small for me. I feel__________ when I wear them.

A. comfortable    B. uncomfortable

C. relaxed    D. interested



The customers are pleased with the_______ of the restaurant.

A. balance        B. experience

C. surface       D. service



This temple is one of _______ buildings in the town. We must take action to protect it.

A. old    B. older    C. oldest    D. the oldest



Dear Mary,

Please take these things to Alice: her CD player and CD case,schoolbag,sunglasses(太阳镜),baseball cap, keys and alarm clock. Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in the bedroom. She needs them for tomorrow(明天).Her schoolbag is under her bed. The sunglasses are on Mom’s desk in the living room. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(厨房).The alarm clock is on the table in her room.




1.Where’s Alice’s schoolbag?


2.Are Alice s keys on the table in her bedroom?


3.Where is the alarm clock?


4.Is Alice’s CD player on the table in her bedroom?


5.Where are Alice’s sunglasses?




tidy, bed, know, under, on

My name is Helen. Anna is my sister. Look! This is our room. It’s very1.. You can see two 2. in the room. The red bed is Anna’s. The blue bed is mine. 3. my bed, you can see a box. My old books are in it. A desk is between(……之间)the two beds. 4.the desk you can see a telephone, a clock,a radio and two cups. The radio is black. I found a photo in the school library. Do you5. whose(谁的)it is? Please call me at 366-5899.



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