满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In our town, there is a famous street an...

In our town, there is a famous street and its name is Fashion Street. How does it get such a_____? If you go along the street, you will_____the answer. There are lots of clothing stores on ____sides of the street. You can also watch a fashion show on the street. The owners(所有者) of the clothing stores get together and ____a fashion show every week. They usually hold a fashion show on weekends. When you go to the fashion show, you can find some beautiful_____. You can also_____some beautiful models(模特儿). Many teenagers choose to go to Fashion Street because they think it is an interesting_____ .

I like some of the clothing stores. But my favorite isTWEEN HOUSE. It is a small store,_____it has the best clothes. The clothes in TWEEN HOUSE are_____and many teenagers can afford them. TWEEN HOUSE has the______service. The owner is a young lady and she is very friendly to every customer.

1.A. name    B. address    C. way    D. number

2.A. look out    B. find out    C. put out    D. take out

3.A. either    B. neither    C. both    D. all

4.A. give    B. hold    C. send    D. receive

5.A. food    B. drinks    C. clothes    D. songs

6.A. look    B. look at    C. see    D. read

7.A. room    B. place    C. house    D. garden

8.A. and    B. but    C. so    D. or

9.A. expensive    B. cheap    C. high    D. low

10.A. most    B. least    C. worse    D. best


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.D 【解析】这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了一条很有趣的街道,叫时尚街,因为在这条街道的两边有很多的衣服店,他们每周还举行时装表演。文章中作者还介绍了他最喜欢的一个服装店。 1.句意:它怎样有了这样一个名字?name 名字;address 地址;way 方式,方法;number数字。根据文意There are lots of clothing stores on ___3___sides of the street. You can also watch a fashion show on the street.可知,下文告诉了我们这条街为什么有这样的一个名字,故应选A。 2.句意:如果你沿着这条街走一走,你就能找到答案。look out 小心,向外看;find out 找到,发现;put out 扑灭;take out拿出。根据上文How does it get such a___1___?可知,作者先提出了一个问题,这里是找到这个问题的答案,故应选B。 3.句意:在街道的两边有很多服装店。either 或者,两者中任何一个;neither 两者都不;both 两者都;all三者或以上都。根据句意可知,街道的两边有很多服装店,空后sides是复数,故应选C。 4.句意:服装店的老板们每周聚在一起,举行一个时装秀。give 给;hold 举行,举起;send 寄,派送;receive收到。hold a fashion show是举行一个时装秀,根据句意可知选B。 5.句意:当你去时装秀的时候,你能发现一些漂亮的衣服。food 食物;drinks 饮料;clothes 衣服;songs歌曲。根据文意The owners(所有者) of the clothing stores get together and ___4___a fashion show every week.可知,这是服装店举行的服装秀,那么可看到的是漂亮的衣服,故应选C。 6.句意:你也能看到一些漂亮的模特儿。look 看;look at 看…;see 看见;read读,阅读。根据文意When you go to the fashion show, you can find some beautiful___5___. You can also___6___some beautiful models可知,这里说的是在服装店上看到的东西,故应选C。 7.句意:很多青少年选择去时尚街,因为他们认为那里是一个有趣的地方。room 房间;place地方;house 房子;garden花园。根据文意可知,短文中作者介绍的是一条街道,在这条街道上有很多服装店,他们每周还举行一个服装秀,所以这里是一个有趣的地方,故应选B。 8.句意:这是一个很小的商店,但是它的衣服是最好的。and和,而且;but 但是,表示转折;so 因此,所以;or或者,否则。根据句意可知,这两句话之间是转折的关系,故应选B。 9.句意:TWEEN HOUSE服装店里的衣服是很便宜的,很多青少年都能买得起。expensive 贵的;cheap便宜的;high高的;low低的。根据下句话many teenagers can afford them可知,很多青少年都能买得起,说明衣服很便宜,故选B。high和low应修饰价格price。 10.句意:TWEEN HOUSE的服务是最好的。most 最多;least 最少;worse 更糟糕;best最好。根据文意But my favorite is TWEEN HOUSE可知,TWEEN HOUSE是作者最喜欢的服装店,那么它那里的服务应该是最好的,故应选D。 点睛:这篇短文中作者介绍了他生活的小镇上的服装店。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在具体情境中运用语言的能力,学生们既需要有好的阅读理解的能力,也应对词汇、短语和句型的用法比较熟练。做题时,应先通读全文,掌握大意;然后逐一做题,注意空前后的固定搭配和上下文的线索提示;最后再读短文,检查答案。例如第5小题,文章介绍的一些服装店,那么在时装秀上看到的肯定应该是衣服。再例如第9小题,下句话是对我们做题的一个提示,很多青少年都买得起,说明衣服是便宜的,故选B。

Come here at Christmas! You can buy___________ clothes in a year.

A. the cheapest    B. cheaper

C. the worst    D. worse



We don’t want to speak badly or  ______ in front of the class.

A. clearly    B. carefully       C.carelessly    D. properly



—Your English is very good.Who taught you?

—________.I learned it all by myself.

A.Somebody                B.Everybody

C.Nobody                  D.Anybody



Jackie Chan and Li Lianjie have much_________. And they often play similar roles in the movies.

A. in general    B. in style

C. in common    D. in shape



I have to study for the math test tomorrow because it_______40% of the final exam.

A. sets up    B. puts up

C. uses up    D. makes up



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