满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

with change year tradition holiday find...



with   change   year    tradition   holiday   find

give   month    celebrate   for   turkey   luck

How much do you know about Thanksgiving Day, boys and girls? Thanksgiving Day is a national 1. of the United States and it is closely connected 2. the early history of the country. Americans 3. it on the fourth Thursday of November.

The pattern (形式) of the Thanksgiving celebration has never 4. through the years. People plan the big family dinner a few 5. ahead. On the dinner table, people will6. apples, oranges, grapes and walnuts (胡桃). There will also be pudding (布丁), pie and other food. But the best among them are 7. and pumpkin pie. They have been the most 8. food on Thanksgiving Day through the years.

Thanksgiving today is a national holiday in America. All the Americans 9. their thanks for the year’s harvest and ask for blessings (祝福) and good 10.


1.holiday 2.with 3.celebrate 4.changed 5.months 6.find 7.turkey 8.traditional 9.give 10.luck 【解析】本文介绍了美国人过感恩节的活动以及它的意义。 1.holiday 句意:感恩节是美国的一个全国假日。结合句意,感恩节应是一个假日,有不定冠词a修饰,故用单数名词,故为holiday。 2.with 句意:它和这个国家的早期历史紧密相连。be connected with与……相连,故此处为with。 3.celebrate 句意:美国人在11月的第四个星期四庆祝它。此处表示庆祝感恩节,主语Americans是复数,故谓语用复数形式,故为celebrate。 4.changed 句意:感恩节的形式经过很多年从没有改变。根据后文的They have been the most ___8___ food on Thanksgiving Day through the years.可知感恩节的形式没有改变,根据助动词have可知此处用过去分词,故为changed。 5.months 句意:人们在几个月前就计划一个盛大的家庭晚餐。此处表示几个月前,有a few修饰,故用复数名词,故为months。 6.find 句意:在晚餐的餐桌上,人们将会发现苹果,句子,葡萄和胡桃。此处缺少动词作为谓语,结合句意表示发现,位于助动词will后,故用动词原形,故为find。 7.turkey 句意:但是他们最好的是火鸡和南瓜派。此处与pumpkin pie并列的,应是食物,故为turkey。 8.traditional 句意:这些年来他们一直是感恩节最传统的食物。修饰名词food,故用形容词,故为traditional。 9.give 句意: 所有的美国人感恩一年的丰收,要求祝福和好运。give thanks for表达感恩,主语All the Americans是复数,故谓语用复数形式,故为give。 10.luck 句意: 所有的美国人感恩一年的丰收,要求祝福和好运。和blessing相并列的,应是好运,有形容词good修饰,故用名词luck。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选出适当的单词,用其正确的形式填空。例如小题3,句意:美国人在11月的第四个星期四庆祝它。此处表示庆祝感恩节,主语Americans是复数,故谓语用复数形式,故为celebrate。

On Thanksgiving Day, my friend Jenny invited Jack and I to her house for the traditional festival.

Jenny was gullible (易上当的), so Jack and I decided to play an interesting joke. We said we needed some fruit, so Jenny went shopping.

After Jenny left, I took the turkey out of the oven. I took away the stuffing (填料) and Jack put a partridge (山鹑) in it. Then we put the turkey carefully in the oven.

When Jenny came back, she took the bird out of the oven and started to cut it. You couldn’t imagine how surprised Jenny was! She found the partridge. At that moment, Jack spoke loudly, “Jenny, you’ve cooked a pregnant (怀孕的) bird!” Hearing it, Jenny started to cry.

Later, Jack and I told Jenny that turkeys laid eggs (下蛋) and they didn’t give birth to young turkeys. But it took us the whole day to make Jenny believe that.

1.When did the story happen?

It happened on______.

2.What did Jack and the writer decide to do that day?

They decided to ______ on Jenny that day.

3.What did Jack put in the turkey?

He put ______ in the turkey.

4.How did Jenny feel when she found the partridge?

She was very______.

5.What can we learn about Jenny?

Jenny is______.




1.think, past, did, of, Mark, his


2.pictures, she, taking, enjoys


3.for, did, what, buy, her, present, you


4.any, touch, hot, more, don’t, pan, the


5.can, arrives, when, you, home, she, go






celebrate  choose  live  conversation  turn off


1.There are so many T-shirts. I don’t know which one to _______.

2.Mr. Lin has a special way to make his class _______ and interesting.

3.What about _______ your birthday in a new way?

4.Sally _______ the lights, closed the door and left.

5.My son had some problems, so we had a long _______.




1.Lisa moved to a new city. Do you know her new a_______?

2.The strong wind b_______ out all the candles.

3.This blue dress f_______ me well. I’ll take it.

4.Wang Hong was ill, so she didn’t a_______the meeting yesterday.

5.Look at the moon! It is big and r_______ tonight.



As the new term begins, our shop has many kinds of school things on sale. Here are just some of them.

School things





A pen


9 yuan for two pens

A pencil


3 yuan for two pencils

A ruler


4 yuan for two rulers

An eraser


3 yuan for two erasers

A notebook



7 yuan for two notebooks


Our shop also has a lot of useful books on sale. You can come and buy what you need. Our shop is on the second floor of Shopping Centre. The shop is open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm every day.


1.What’s the price of a pen?

A. 4.5 yuan.    B. 5 yuan.

C. 7 yuan.    D. 9 yuan.

2.       and        have the same price.

A. Pencils; rulers

B. Rulers; erasers

C. Erasers; notebooks

D. Pencils; erasers

3.If Lucy wants to buy two pencils and one notebook, she should pay        yuan.

A. five    B. six

C. seven    D. eight

4.You can save        yuan if you buy two rulers at a time.

A. one    B. two

C. five    D. four

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Four kinds of school things are on sale in the shop.

B. The shop also sells lots of books.

C. The shop is in the Shopping Centre.

D. The shop opens for ten hours a day.



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