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A.move B.history C.national D.records E....

A.move        B.history        C.national         D.records         E.dances

However, his small size at that time made many schools refuse to accept him into their school basketball teams. They didn’t believe in his abilities or skills. Stephen didn’t become a 1.star until he entered Davidson College. After three years at Davidson, he joined Golden State Warriors. During his career (职业生涯) so far, he has broken many NBA2.and made a name for himself.

Stephen Curry never gives up when facing questions from outside. With hard work, he is not only one of the best players in the NBA, but also one of the best in the3.of basketball.

“He is something special. It’s like he is a greater actor on a Broadway stage,” said coach Steve Kerr. “He sings his best notes, 4.his best steps and recites his most beautiful lines at the perfect time.”

He is 1.91m, still baby-faced and still young enough. From too small to too good, Stephen Curry is always getting better. He’s not the next generation, he’s NOW.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.E 【解析】本文介绍了NBA篮球运动员斯蒂芬·库里,通过自己的努力使自己成名。他不仅是NBA最优秀球员之一,而且是篮球史上最优秀的球员之一。 1.C 句意:斯蒂芬直到进入戴维森学院才能成为一名全国明星。修饰名词star,故用形容词national,故选C。 2.D 句意:迄今为止,在他的职业生涯中,他打破了许多NBA的记录,使自己扬名。break the records打破纪录,故选D。 3.B 句意:因为他的努力,他不仅是NBA最优秀球员之一,而且是篮球史上最优秀的球员之一。in the history of在……的历史上。故选B。 4.E 句意:他唱出最美的曲调,跳出最好的舞步,在完美的时刻背诵最优美的诗句。根据前后并列的动宾短语sings his best notes和recites his most beautiful lines,故此处用动词dances,故选E。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选出适当的单词填入。例如小题2,句意:迄今为止,在他的职业生涯中,他打破了许多NBA的记录,使自己扬名。break the records打破纪录,故选D。

A.young       B.performance      C.famous     D.interested         E.practice

Stephen Curry is a great basketball player in the NBA. He made more than 400 three-point shots (投篮)in the last season. And he has struck a perfect balance between athletic (运动的) skill and athletic1..

Stephen Curry is2.especially for his three-point shots. In 2015, he won the

NBA Most Valuable Player Award and led Golden State Warriors to their first championship

(冠军称号) since 1975.

Stephen was born in Ohio in 1988, and he is the son of former NBS player Dell Curry. Dell often took Stephen and his younger brother to watch his games and 3.basketball with him after competitions. Because of his father’s influence(影响),Stephen showed talent in playing basketball when he was4..



-Mum, can I keep a pet dog?

-_______. Our flat is too small.

A. Why not?    B. No, thanks.

C. I’m afraid not.    D. Anything else?



-Do you mind if I speak a bit softer? I have a sore throat.


A. Not at all!    B. That’s kind of you!    C. Yes, you do.    D. No, you can’t.



Marry dislikes_______handing in her homework.

A. delay    B. delaying    C. delayed    D. delays



“Remember _______the books in time, or you will be fined,” he reminded me.

A. return    B. returning    C. returned    D. to return



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