满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Karen lived with her parents in the Karo...

Karen lived with her parents in the Karoo Basin of South Africa. The Karoo was famous for plant and animal fossils(化石). Karen’s father was a paleontologist(古生物学家), and Karen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur bones in his office. She hoped to discover her own dinosaur someday.

Every summer, Karen’s father invited paleontologists from around the world to the Karoo. As they hiked through the dry land, he would show them fossil samples(样本) within the layers of sedimentary rock(沉积岩) and ash.

This summer, Karen asked her father if she could go along on the hike. He agreed, but he asked her to stay close by. As they drove to the trail(小径) , Karen’s heart beat quickly with excitement. There were so many places to visit.

The hike was interesting, but Karen was too curious to stay on the trail. Without asking, she ran down into a nearby ravine(峡谷) and looked among the rocks. Then, she heard her father’s voice calling to her. She ran up the side of ravine. Suddenly, she spotted something white and shiny.“Dad!”she shouted excitedly.

Karen’s father stood at the top of the ravine with the other people. They looked worried until Karen pointed to the shiny object. All the paleontologists examined it. They nodded to each other in surprise. It was the skull(骨头) of a dinosaur nobody knew about! The paleontologists took pictures and shook Karen’s hands. Her father smiled, “Karen,” he said. “You are now the youngest paleontologist in the Karoo!”

1.Paleontologists around the world like to visit the Karoo because______.

A. Karoo is famous for its wild life

B. Karoo is rich in plant and animal fossils

C. Paleontologists like the beautiful scenes here

D. Paleontologists need a quiet place to do research

2.What does Karen’s hobby?______.

A. Observing the dinosaur bones    B. Going hiking on the mountain trails

C. Collecting shiny objects    D. Making discoveries in the dry land

3.The underlined word “spotted”in the fourth paragraph means______.

A. threw    B. picked up    C. noticed    D. covered

4.Which adj. can’t be used to describe the paleontologists’ feelings after they examined the shiny object ?______.

A. Worried    B. Happy    C. Excited    D. Surprised

5.Where was the skull of a dinosaur nobody knew about?______.

A. At the top of the ravine.

B. Inside the layers of sedimentary rock.

C. By the side of the ravine

D. In the dry land of the desert.

6.The best title for the passage is_______.

A. The Discovery of New Dinosaur

B. A Girl of the Karoo Basin

C. An Exciting Mountain Trip

D. A Young “Paleontologist”


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 【解析】本文介绍了凯伦和父亲以及其他古生物学家一起去卡鲁进行徒步旅行。凯伦在一个峡谷的边上发现了没有人认识的恐龙,其他古生物学家非常兴奋。他的父亲称他为卡鲁最年轻的古生物学家。 1.B 细节理解题。根据The Karoo was famous for plant and animal fossils(化石).可知古生物学家想要去the Karoo,是因为那里植物和动物化石非常丰富。故选B。 2.A 细节理解题。根据Karen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur bones in his office.可知凯伦喜欢观察恐龙化石。故选A。 3.C 词义猜测题。根据“Dad!”she shouted excitedly.和They looked worried until Karen pointed to the shiny object.可知凯伦没有捡起那个东西,只是偶然的情况下看到的,因此是注意到,故选C。 4.A 推理判断题。根据All the paleontologists examined it. They nodded to each other in surprise. It was the skull(骨头) of a dinosaur nobody knew about! The paleontologists took pictures and shook Karen’s hands.可知凯伦发现的是古生物学家没有见过的恐龙骨头,他们握着凯伦的手表示感谢,因此他们感到兴奋、惊讶和高兴。故选A。 5.C 细节理解题。根据She ran up the side of ravine. Suddenly, she spotted something white and shiny.可知凯伦在峡谷边上发现的这个没有人认识的恐龙骨头,故选C。 6.D 标题归纳题。根据Her father smiled, “Karen,” he said. “You are now the youngest paleontologist in the Karoo!”可知凯伦发现了别人没有见过的恐龙骨头,他父亲称他为卡鲁最年轻的古生物学家,故选D。 点睛:根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题2,细节理解题。根据Karen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur bones in his office.可知凯伦喜欢观察恐龙化石。故选A。


1.John visited his uncle in the countryside last Saturday.(改为否定句)

John__________ __________ his uncle in the countryside last Saturday..

2.Mike can do nothing to improve the situation.(改为反意疑问句)

Mike can do nothing to improve the situation, __________ __________?

3.The research team first developed the idea of the Internet in the 1960s.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________the research team first develop the idea of the Internet?

4.The man was so fat that he couldn’t walk on his own.(改为简单句)

The man was __________ __________ to walk on his own.

5.John had almost no chance to show his talent in the game. (保持句意基本不变)

John had __________ __________chance to show his talent in the game.

6.Kate set up a charity organization to help the people in need last year.(改为被动语态)

A charity organization__________ __________up by Kate to help the people in need last year.

7.my breath, it, for me, for three minutes, is impossible, to hold (连词成句)





1.John is good at painting. His dream is to become an__________.(art)

2.Don’t forget to hang out the clothes on a __________day.(sun)

3.It is very important to keep the balance of__________.(natural)

4.It was so__________of you to pay such high educational expenses.(fool)

5.You can try using the linking method to improve your __________.(memorize)

6.Without being taken good care of, the wound went from bad to__________. (bad)

7.Jenny has a good sense of direction. She rarely gets__________in unfamiliar places.(lose)

8.Tom has made a tour around China and visited many cities, __________Shanghai.(include)



A.move        B.history        C.national         D.records         E.dances

However, his small size at that time made many schools refuse to accept him into their school basketball teams. They didn’t believe in his abilities or skills. Stephen didn’t become a 1.star until he entered Davidson College. After three years at Davidson, he joined Golden State Warriors. During his career (职业生涯) so far, he has broken many NBA2.and made a name for himself.

Stephen Curry never gives up when facing questions from outside. With hard work, he is not only one of the best players in the NBA, but also one of the best in the3.of basketball.

“He is something special. It’s like he is a greater actor on a Broadway stage,” said coach Steve Kerr. “He sings his best notes, 4.his best steps and recites his most beautiful lines at the perfect time.”

He is 1.91m, still baby-faced and still young enough. From too small to too good, Stephen Curry is always getting better. He’s not the next generation, he’s NOW.



A.young       B.performance      C.famous     D.interested         E.practice

Stephen Curry is a great basketball player in the NBA. He made more than 400 three-point shots (投篮)in the last season. And he has struck a perfect balance between athletic (运动的) skill and athletic1..

Stephen Curry is2.especially for his three-point shots. In 2015, he won the

NBA Most Valuable Player Award and led Golden State Warriors to their first championship

(冠军称号) since 1975.

Stephen was born in Ohio in 1988, and he is the son of former NBS player Dell Curry. Dell often took Stephen and his younger brother to watch his games and 3.basketball with him after competitions. Because of his father’s influence(影响),Stephen showed talent in playing basketball when he was4..



-Mum, can I keep a pet dog?

-_______. Our flat is too small.

A. Why not?    B. No, thanks.

C. I’m afraid not.    D. Anything else?



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