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Jacob Newland kept his eyes forward as t...

Jacob Newland kept his eyes forward as the water over his bright yellow surfboard. The 14-year-old got up on his knees to ride the ________.

Jacob and about 25 other kids with disabilities learned to surf(冲浪) at a camp in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The yearly surf camp has been held for nine years. Each kid got a 30-minute lesson with the help of a swim coach and a few ________.

Being in the water wasn’t ________ to Jack Wenrich, He had been through swim lessons. It was his fourth time at the camp. His mom, Jennifer, said he has no fear. “Once he knew how to swim, he________ jumped right into the deep end,” she said. 

Jack has autism(自闭症). But surfing gives him a sense of freedom Jennifer said. “it’s something they can do, something they can be________,”she said. Not everyone wanted to try surfing. Some just like being in the water and ________ on the board.

Karen Morgan-Hill, an organizer helped the surfers. All the students who went out on a board came back with smiles. Morgan-Hill said the water makes people open up more and builds trust.

1.A. storm    B. waves    C. wind    D. clouds

2.A. volunteers    B. organizers    C. students    D. swimmers

3.A. familiar    B. practical    C. helpful    D. new

4.A. ever    B. also    C. just    D. generally

5.A. full of    B. afraid of    C. thankful to    D. proud of

6.A. crossing    B. lying    C. surfing    D. jumping


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 【解析】本文介绍了Jacob和其他25个残疾的孩子来维吉尼亚滩的营地学习冲浪。组织者Karen Morgan-Hill帮助冲浪者。她说水能使人们更加开放,建立信任。 1.B 考查名词及语境的理解。A. storm 暴风雪; B. waves 波浪; C. wind 风; D. clouds云。句意:14岁的他跪起来,骑上波浪。根据前文的Jacob Newland kept his eyes forward as the water over his bright yellow surfboard.可知此处指的是在冲浪板上,在水上,因此要骑上波浪,故选B。 2.A 考查名词及语境的理解。A. volunteers 志愿者; B. organizers 组织者; C. students 学生;D. swimmers游泳者。句意:每一个孩子在有游泳教练和一些志愿者的帮助下有30分钟的课。此处帮助孩子冲浪的,除了教练,应是志愿者,故选A。 3.D 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. familiar 熟悉的; B. practical 实用的; C. helpful 有帮助的; D. new新的。句意:待在水里对于9岁的Jack Wenrich来说并不是新鲜的。根据后文的He had been through swim lessons. It was his fourth time at the camp.可知他上过游泳课,这是第四次来这个营地,故对他来说,在水里不是新鲜事。故选D。 4.C 考查副词及语境的理解。A. ever 曾经; B. also 也; C. just 仅仅,只是; D. generally一般地;句意:一旦他知道如何游泳,他只是直接跳到深处就行。故选C。 5.D 考查形容词短语及语境的理解。A. full of充满; B. afraid of 害怕; C. thankful to 感谢; D. proud of以……为骄傲;句意:这是他们能做的事,他们会感到骄傲的。根据it’s something they can do,可知他们会做某事,他们会为此而感到骄傲。故选D。 6.B 考查动词及语境的理解。A. crossing穿过; B. lying 躺; C. surfing 冲浪; D. jumping跳;句意:有些人只是喜欢待在水里,躺在冲浪板上。根据前文的Not everyone wanted to try surfing.可知他们不喜欢冲浪,因此他们只是待在水里,躺在冲浪板上。故选B。 点睛:根据前后文的语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如小题3,句意:待在水里对于9岁的Jack Wenrich来说并不是新鲜的。根据后文的He had been through swim lessons. It was his fourth time at the camp.可知他上过游泳课,这是第四次来这个营地,故对他来说,在水里不是新鲜事。故选D。

Karen lived with her parents in the Karoo Basin of South Africa. The Karoo was famous for plant and animal fossils(化石). Karen’s father was a paleontologist(古生物学家), and Karen enjoyed looking at the dinosaur bones in his office. She hoped to discover her own dinosaur someday.

Every summer, Karen’s father invited paleontologists from around the world to the Karoo. As they hiked through the dry land, he would show them fossil samples(样本) within the layers of sedimentary rock(沉积岩) and ash.

This summer, Karen asked her father if she could go along on the hike. He agreed, but he asked her to stay close by. As they drove to the trail(小径) , Karen’s heart beat quickly with excitement. There were so many places to visit.

The hike was interesting, but Karen was too curious to stay on the trail. Without asking, she ran down into a nearby ravine(峡谷) and looked among the rocks. Then, she heard her father’s voice calling to her. She ran up the side of ravine. Suddenly, she spotted something white and shiny.“Dad!”she shouted excitedly.

Karen’s father stood at the top of the ravine with the other people. They looked worried until Karen pointed to the shiny object. All the paleontologists examined it. They nodded to each other in surprise. It was the skull(骨头) of a dinosaur nobody knew about! The paleontologists took pictures and shook Karen’s hands. Her father smiled, “Karen,” he said. “You are now the youngest paleontologist in the Karoo!”

1.Paleontologists around the world like to visit the Karoo because______.

A. Karoo is famous for its wild life

B. Karoo is rich in plant and animal fossils

C. Paleontologists like the beautiful scenes here

D. Paleontologists need a quiet place to do research

2.What does Karen’s hobby?______.

A. Observing the dinosaur bones    B. Going hiking on the mountain trails

C. Collecting shiny objects    D. Making discoveries in the dry land

3.The underlined word “spotted”in the fourth paragraph means______.

A. threw    B. picked up    C. noticed    D. covered

4.Which adj. can’t be used to describe the paleontologists’ feelings after they examined the shiny object ?______.

A. Worried    B. Happy    C. Excited    D. Surprised

5.Where was the skull of a dinosaur nobody knew about?______.

A. At the top of the ravine.

B. Inside the layers of sedimentary rock.

C. By the side of the ravine

D. In the dry land of the desert.

6.The best title for the passage is_______.

A. The Discovery of New Dinosaur

B. A Girl of the Karoo Basin

C. An Exciting Mountain Trip

D. A Young “Paleontologist”




1.John visited his uncle in the countryside last Saturday.(改为否定句)

John__________ __________ his uncle in the countryside last Saturday..

2.Mike can do nothing to improve the situation.(改为反意疑问句)

Mike can do nothing to improve the situation, __________ __________?

3.The research team first developed the idea of the Internet in the 1960s.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________the research team first develop the idea of the Internet?

4.The man was so fat that he couldn’t walk on his own.(改为简单句)

The man was __________ __________ to walk on his own.

5.John had almost no chance to show his talent in the game. (保持句意基本不变)

John had __________ __________chance to show his talent in the game.

6.Kate set up a charity organization to help the people in need last year.(改为被动语态)

A charity organization__________ __________up by Kate to help the people in need last year.

7.my breath, it, for me, for three minutes, is impossible, to hold (连词成句)





1.John is good at painting. His dream is to become an__________.(art)

2.Don’t forget to hang out the clothes on a __________day.(sun)

3.It is very important to keep the balance of__________.(natural)

4.It was so__________of you to pay such high educational expenses.(fool)

5.You can try using the linking method to improve your __________.(memorize)

6.Without being taken good care of, the wound went from bad to__________. (bad)

7.Jenny has a good sense of direction. She rarely gets__________in unfamiliar places.(lose)

8.Tom has made a tour around China and visited many cities, __________Shanghai.(include)



A.move        B.history        C.national         D.records         E.dances

However, his small size at that time made many schools refuse to accept him into their school basketball teams. They didn’t believe in his abilities or skills. Stephen didn’t become a 1.star until he entered Davidson College. After three years at Davidson, he joined Golden State Warriors. During his career (职业生涯) so far, he has broken many NBA2.and made a name for himself.

Stephen Curry never gives up when facing questions from outside. With hard work, he is not only one of the best players in the NBA, but also one of the best in the3.of basketball.

“He is something special. It’s like he is a greater actor on a Broadway stage,” said coach Steve Kerr. “He sings his best notes, 4.his best steps and recites his most beautiful lines at the perfect time.”

He is 1.91m, still baby-faced and still young enough. From too small to too good, Stephen Curry is always getting better. He’s not the next generation, he’s NOW.



A.young       B.performance      C.famous     D.interested         E.practice

Stephen Curry is a great basketball player in the NBA. He made more than 400 three-point shots (投篮)in the last season. And he has struck a perfect balance between athletic (运动的) skill and athletic1..

Stephen Curry is2.especially for his three-point shots. In 2015, he won the

NBA Most Valuable Player Award and led Golden State Warriors to their first championship

(冠军称号) since 1975.

Stephen was born in Ohio in 1988, and he is the son of former NBS player Dell Curry. Dell often took Stephen and his younger brother to watch his games and 3.basketball with him after competitions. Because of his father’s influence(影响),Stephen showed talent in playing basketball when he was4..



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