满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Our country is becoming and . A. strong;...

Our country is becoming            and            .

A. strong; strong    B. stronger; stronger

C. strong; stronger    D. stronger;strongest


B 【解析】句意:我们的国家变得越来越强大。这里表示越来越……,应该用比较级+and+比较级,故选B。  

Internet plays                 important role in our life.

A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /



There are________ sports in the world, such as ball games, swimming and running.

A. kind of    B. all kind of

C. a kind of    D. all kinds of



My friend Tina is good             singing and dancing.

A. for    B. with    C. at    D. to




1.I think his sister sang the most______________(beautiful) yesterday.

2.Who is the___________ (win), Tina or Tom?

3.Lang Lang was the most______________ (talent) person.

4.Most people enjoy __________________ (listen) to the music.

5.All__________________ (kind) of pictures were on show this morning.

6.Nothing is a waste if you have a _____________(create) mind.




1.His sister likes singing and dancing. She is truly t____________.

2.My parents have nothing in c_______________with each other.

3.He was invited to play a r______________ in this TV play.

4.There will be a prize for the w______________.

5.Bobby is going over his homework very s_____________tonight.



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