满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A:Hi, Tina. What are you going to do thi...

A:Hi, Tina. What are you going to do this weekend?

B:____  .

A:A concert? What kind of concert is it?

B:A piano concert. It is held for charity.


B:Yes, there are many famous musicians, such as Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist,  _____ ?

A;Certainly, I’d like to. Li Yundi is my favorite musician._____ ?

B:   120 yuan.

A:  Oh,it’s too dear. I can’t afford it.

B:  I don’t have so much money, either, I plan to sell newspapers to raise money.

A: _______. Can I join you?

B: No problem.







1.I’m going to a concert 2.Are there many famous musicians 3.Would you like to go with me 4.How much is the ticket 5.That’s a good idea/Good idea 【解析】 1.根据What are you going to do this weekend?可知,答语应该用将来时回答做什么。根据A concert?可知,应该回答将去看音乐会。故答案为:I’m going to a concert. 2.根据Yes, there are many famous musicians, such as Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist可知,上句应该是一般疑问句,问的是有许多音乐家吗?故答案为:Are there many famous musicians 3.根据Certainly, I’d like to. Li Yundi is my favorite musician.___4___ ?可知,上句问的是你愿意和我一起去吗?根据I’d like to可知,用would like来问。故答案为: Would you like to go with me 4.根据120 yuan.可知,上句问的是音乐会的票多少钱?故答案为:How much is the ticket 5.根据I don’t have so much money, either, I plan to sell newspapers to raise money.可知,因为自己没有钱,所以计划买报纸挣点钱,对方同意这个观点,应该用good idea。故答案为:That’s a good idea/Good idea 点睛:补全对话是考查交际会话能力的主要题型。它可考查课标和教材中出现的所有交际功能项目, 如打电话, 谈论天气, 度假, 看病, 购物等。强调了语境的作用,加大了对语言运用能力的检测力度。内容上更加接近学生日常生活,在一段对话中留出若干空白,要求学生补全后的对话完整、通顺、意义正确。根据上下文的逻辑关系,在整体把握对话的基础上,去分析、判断与综合,初步考查学生口语运用的能力。有利于考察学生理解和应用英语知识的能力。

We watched the girl _____________in the garden just now.

A. to play    B. plays    C. playing    D. played



Which city is_____ beautiful, Hangzhou, Beijing or Shanghai?

—Hangzhou, I think.

A. the most    B. the better    C. more



I don’t think_________ can pass the coming exam.

A. everybody    B. somebody

C. nobody    D. anybody



The teacher asked the students to          a story about a trip to the moon.

A. get up    B. turn up

C. clean up    D. make up



The more I get to know Nancy, the more I realize that we have a lot_________.

No wonder she is your best friend.

A. in style    B. in common    C. in need



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