满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— is a meal in that restaurant? —About 2...

            is a meal in that restaurant?

—About 200 yuan.

A. How long    B. How much

C. How many    D. How often


B 【解析】句意:-那个餐馆里一顿饭多少钱?-大约200元。How long 多长时间,对一段时间提问;How much多少,提问数量,修饰不可数名词;多少钱,提问价格;How many多少,提问数量,修饰可数名词;How often多久一次,提问频率。根据句意和下面的回答可知,这里问的是一顿饭的价格,故选B。  


1.All the movie theaters are____________ (friend).

2.I think our English teacher is_____________ (good) of all.

3.Tom tells me Teen World has_____________ (bad) service in our town.

4.Beijing is one of the_______________(big) cities in the world.

5.All the young people think the Screen City is very_____________ (comfort).




1.—What do you think of Funky Fashions?

—I think it’s the w____________. It has really bad service.

2.—Who a________ the best in the movie?


3.We have three m____________a day.

4.Please open the m___________and find the Internet service.

5.Look at the quietest performer. He danced p____________ bad.





_________ ________young people _________ places in town?


We__________ __________ __________ ___________ readers.


It________ ___________ __________ _____________ music.


How much is_________ ___________?



__________ ______________is it from school?

—10 ___________ __________bus.




1.the worst clothes store ____________________________

2.pretty bad  _____________________________________

3.最差的服务 ____________________________________

4.多远 __________________________________________

5.在你家附近 ____________________________________



enough, theater, part, cheap, close, together, far, comfortable, walk, screen

Steve, Dennis, Sam and Dave live in the same building. Today they want to see a movie1.. Where are they going? They have different ideas. Steve thinks People’s Movie City has the biggest2.. So he says, “It must show the pictures clearly 3. .” But Dennis wants to go to Xinhua Movie Palace. “Xinhua Movie Palace has the most4.seats,” he says, “And it’s the 5. to home.” Sam says, “I think Guo Tai Movie is the best. It’s in a fun 6.of town. Many people see movies in the7. . I think it should have the friendliest service, “But it’s the 8.from our houses,” Dave says. “I think Town Theater is nearer than Guo Tai Movie. We can 9. there. And the most important thing is that it has the 10.tickets,” Where should they go? They can't still decide yet.



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